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Back In Bkk With A Big Bike...Now I Have 2Nd Degree Burns On My Ass


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So anyways after a long absence, I have made it back to BKK. I finally nabbed a Yamaha FZR400 (for those who have been on TV for a while, it is the bike my cousin bought that I have been trying to keep him away from it because I think he is dangerous with it). I was riding it home from my uncle (who was nice enough to have a new engine installed) and I hear a pop, and a hiss, and felt an extreme burning sensation on my posterior regions. I had just filled up on gasoline so I thought that the bike was on fire, and I drop it in the middle of the street in which I was riding (and cause a traffic jam too). When I examine it, it is not gasoline, but instead radiator cooling fluid (green stuff). The mechanic I took it to said that rats had chewed through the wiring or something, the fan switch wasn't working (or something), and the bike overheated (though I was watching the temp gauge). Anyways the coolant exploded from underneath the seat (stupid place to put cooling IMHO) and went up through the crack between the seat and the rear cowling and into...wel my crack. I have second degree burns on my ass. I cannot sit down. I cannot ride. This sucks. Thought I would share my misery with all on the board.

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Thanks for the words of concern Tony. I can find it funny now. However, at the time I thought the <deleted>' bike was on fire! And the funny thing is, here I am in BKK and I wanted to invite all of the folks on Thaivisa for a ride with dinner and drinks all on me. Too bad I can't ride. ;)

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Sorry to hear about your trouble, Manic....but this has *got* to qualify you for an honorable mention in the monkey butt awards :lol:

My sympathies to submaniac: hope it heals soon


:lol: remember this will help with the pain => :burp:

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Forget ur crack, hows ur gonads.....that was a real close call if you ask me.

I dont know what it is about rubber, but the other day I was messin around with my carby again and noticed a few of the tubes were starting to perish and they arnt all that old.

With stories like this, one should be checking his coolant hoses more regularly. I wonder how old they were. Glad u are okay......won't find me laughin (nice tony, nice) :lol: woops

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Thanks again for the kind words....and whatever Tony's words could be classified as. ;) It could have been worst...yes neverdie, I am thankful the 'boys' are ok. They were inches from disaster. So all of you CHECK YOUR <deleted>' HOSES!!! :D Thai mechanics cannot be trusted. If they say it is OK, that really means "I haven't checked because your personal safety is a non-issue for me".

So how many points away am I from this monkey butt award thingy???

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Thanks again for the kind words....and whatever Tony's words could be classified as. ;) It could have been worst...yes neverdie, I am thankful the 'boys' are ok. They were inches from disaster. So all of you CHECK YOUR <deleted>' HOSES!!! :D Thai mechanics cannot be trusted. If they say it is OK, that really means "I haven't checked because your personal safety is a non-issue for me".

So how many points away am I from this monkey butt award thingy???

I wouldn't be going for any frequent traveller points if I were you, but I dare say you've already earned an honorary monkey butt award. Glad your boys escaped injury, that would have been serious pain :ph34r:

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Oh my - burns hurt like blazes. My father got his hand stuck cleaning my dirty BMW R 45 and the burn was terrible for weeks. Hope you get it treated properly. If the skin is still intact, I like Combudoron Gelee used by the Swiss Army, maker is www.weleda.co.uk (or .de or .ch) but it contains alcohol and if the skin is gone, don't even think about using it.

Get better quickly!


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If any of you were ever curious as to what my bum looks like...(warning graphic images!)

You have now been subscribed to various bondage and leather sites. You should be receiving a confirmation message shortly on your 'paddle your bottom' issues. :lol: :jap:

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Hi Sub, looks bad. Must be real uncomfortable when you back one out. Try rubbing some butter on it a couple of times a day.

I would lay off the butter too ikely to have infection.

Looks really bad and must hurt like hel_l. Hope it gets better soon.

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Hi Sub, looks bad. Must be real uncomfortable when you back one out. Try rubbing some butter on it a couple of times a day.

I would lay off the butter too ikely to have infection.

Looks really bad and must hurt like hel_l. Hope it gets better soon.

All jokes aside, keep the burn wound dry as much as possible. If you have to use soap, use a medilca type like Dettol soap, anything with an anitseptic property and pat the area dry. There is also an antiseptic powder called Banocin powder. I have been using Banocin in a puffer bottle over the years in Thailand for drying out small cuts and burns etc. Since your wound is already peeling, the powder will help keep the wound dry and help the healing process.


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