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My Experience/Trip For Non O In Kl This Week.

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Now I know some of you will immediately say "nothing new", but this is a report on my trip for the benefit of those that maybe looking for something less than a few months or years old and are considering doing the same trip in the near future. I took a return flight from BKK to KL with Malaysia Airlines (6150 baht). The flight is a little over two hours. When you arrive at KL Airprot there is a Taxi Office near the main exit if you need a cab to take you into the city. You pay the office NOT the driver. I chose to have the Hotel I booked to collect me having never been before. Tip: It takes around 45 mins - 1 hour to get into the city from the Airport so make sure you allow for this. The flight timings were as such that I had to fly to KL the evening before to be at the Thai Embassy for when they open at 09.30- 11.30 for applications. I went about 9.00am and there were around 20 people already waiting and by the time they opebed the gate there were atleast 100 people waiting. This may have been partly due to the 2 day closure for holidays on Mon & Tues. If you dont already have the application form filled out they will give you another as you "sign in" at the entrance. You then go forward to a relatively small office and are given a number to wait your turn. There were 4 windows so things moved along quite quickly. I was in and out in around 40 minutes. I submitted: My passport Marriage Certificate copy Bank book copy (100k +) Wifes Tabien Baan copy Wife's ID copy 2 photos. 1 was given back to me. 550 RM payment. All the copies of my wifes information were signed by her. The collection of the Visa is the following day after 2.30pm upto 4.30, i arrived again slightly earlier at 2.00pm and once again a large queue was waiting, presumable all those who submitted the day before. Collection and out was around 30 minutes.I then took a taxi directly to the Airport for my return to Thailand having obtained the 1 yr O visa (based on marriage).Again make sure you allow the 1 hour for return taxi trip to the Airport. I am sure there are other ways to do it, and of course cheaper options along the way but this was how I chose to do it and hope it helps anyone considering doing the same for the first time in the near future. All in all quite painless and straight forward for the Visa. Kuala Lupur is another story, if you thought Thai taxi drivers in BKK were bad then you enter another world when you go to KL and you will love and appreciate the Thai taxi drivers when you get back. If you want to know more aboyt KL itself and my experience please IM me.

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The only thing I would add is that the New International Airport is a long way from KL itself. However there is an Airport train direct from the Airport to KL Central which takes about 30 minutes and cost only 35 RM. Then grab a taxi to your Hotel.

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Excellent info and good detail. However, the comment about taxi driver implies poor service of some form. I have been to KL at least four times in the past year and have found the taxi drivers informed, courteous and no hassle at all. And all the ones I met spoke english quite well. Taxi fares are prepaid at the airport or by the meter otherwise, and never a hassle (unlike BKK all too often).

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Excellent info and good detail. However, the comment about taxi driver implies poor service of some form. I have been to KL at least four times in the past year and have found the taxi drivers informed, courteous and no hassle at all. And all the ones I met spoke english quite well. Taxi fares are prepaid at the airport or by the meter otherwise, and never a hassle (unlike BKK all too often).

Well the post is based on "my experience" and I found them to be rude aggressive and clearly trying to rip you off for as much as they can. On one occasion I had to go through 7 taxis before I found one that would use the meter which turned out to be less than 20 % of what the previous 6 wanted me to pay. This happened on no fewer than 4 occasions during my stay. At one point it was looking doubtful that I would even get a cab from the city back to the Hotel because of this. Ok, you had a different experience and have a different opinion which is fair enough but that wasnt "my" experience.

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