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A Caution On Shipping Fedex From Chiang Mai


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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

We've had a long and happy relationship with the folks at FedEx Chiang Mai, even though we had not shipped anything with them for over three years until July of this year (main office now on the first ring road, or superhighway, on the other side from Carrefour); always had great service from them with a smile :)

Last month, a local Thai dealer called us to accept an offer made in January this year, when a friend from the US was here, on a quite beautifully cast and unusually detailed large bronze Lord Ganesha (the Hindu elephant God, son of Lord Siva, whose divine-head was cut-off by His Celestial Father under circumstances for which there are myriad mythical-hagiographic variant explanations) that he had "fallen in love with" on his visit with us.

< edit : that was Lord Ganesha's human-type Divine Head that was cut off, and then lost, which is why He now has an elephant's head: evidently an elephant's head was handy at the time >

The said dealer,perhaps sensing my friend's enthusiasm for the piece ... estimated as older than fifty years, but certainly under one hundred years old ... asked an outrageous price (from our point of view).

We counselled our friend not to "rent" at that price, and, using utmost diplomacy and bargaining skills, mentioned, in passing, on the way out, that: if the price were to come down to about 40% of the asking price, we might be interested, while of course profusely apologizing in Thai if the offer was ("kar toon" : i.e., would be insultingly low; literally in Thai "loss of investment," or less than what the seller had paid, or as we might say in American slang, "lowball").

Sure enough, got a call early late May saying that things were tough, and the Lord Ganesh was now available for rent if the 40% offer was still available.

Our friend, back in the U.S. said 'yes,' sent some $. Had already measured the piece, and knew it could fit in a FedEx 25kg. box, with ample room for the type of packing we knew was required for this particular piece.

So, our US friend says ship to him, and bill shipping to his company account in the U.S. No problem.

We check on the FedEx Thai website, and simulate a 25kg. FedEx box Chiang Mai to California, contents about 20 kg. Price about 5200 baht (US $ 165) and that inclusive of aviation fuel surcharge.

So, we ship. Our friend receives, and the shipping bill is US $360 (and that does not include US $22 later charged by US Customs on the usual vague grounds) !

We visit FedEx Chiang Mai to ask what happened: evidently: they now charge based on the country of the payer for the shipment, not on the country of origin of the shipment !

This form of "reverse price-kiting" was not in effect three years or more ago, we are pretty sure.

So, be warned, be informed.

We don't blame the FedEx Chiang Mai folks in any way; it was our responsibility to do due diligence before shipment. Fortunately our friend in the US was not put off by the extra shipping charge.

Of course we are sending a letter "raising hel_l" about this pricing mis-match to FedEx international to which we expect a response of ... zilch.

best, ~o:37;

p.s. while one of the most interesting "spiritual aspects" of Lord Ganesha in India is that "He is not only the remover of obstacles that block your 'path,' but also the bestower of obstacles that you really need," we do not, in this case, feel the "bestowed obstacle" has redeemed us in any way ... yet.

Edited by orang37
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You were articulate in the details but failed to use your common sense.

If you had paid shipping in thailand , the rates would have applied, but you opted to charge the US account.

The account works this way, you register with the Courier company and then you are giving a number and then anyone can just put your name and the ref number on a box from anywhere, and it gets to you, and you clear your bills periodically.

Then the price you quoted for 20kgs is dead wrong, paying for 20 kgs is far more expensive than paying for the 25kgs promotional pack. If you insisted on paying for 20kgs, then that bill is accurate both here and in the US.

For a 10kg promotional pack, its B4200 including taxes and insurance. That is the reason people use a 10kg pack to send something that weighs just 5 kgs, its cheaper.

Fedex did not cheat you or your friend. They would not understand your argument, thinking that you should know.

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Khun Lumumba,

Your comments are ridiculous. Perhaps if you read the message again, you will understand it, although we doubt it.

There is a flat fee for shipping a standard 25kg. FedEx. box which is independent of the weight of what is in the box: as long as it's under 25kg. The 10kg. and 25kg. maximum custom-made FedEx boxes are highly discounted compared to using your own packaging and paying by the kilo for what's in your own packaging !

As we clearly said in the message: over three years ago when we used FedEx a lot, the price for a 25kg. box was the same whether paid in advance by the person here in Chiang Mai, or billed to the shipper in the country of destination. In fact one person we shipped to in Europe got a billing charge that was surprisingly low because it was shipped billed to the account of someone working for the EU, and they received, we guess, an institutional discount.

We did not imply the good people in Chiang Mai "cheated' us at all. We do think this reverse double-pricing practice is very bad business on the part of FedEx Interenational, and we are complaining about that.

best, ~o:37;

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We don't blame the FedEx Chiang Mai folks in any way; it was our responsibility to do due diligence before shipment

So why are you posting all your tedious waffle? As has already been said, use some common sense and do your research about shipping charges before you complain.

Edited by Contractor
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Why is he renting it :blink: would it not make more sense to actually buy it ? maybe Fedex will give you a return shipping deal when he returns the rental

How long is he renting the elephant for ?? and wont it be quarantined in US customs :)

Edited by FarangCravings
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Thais say rent instead of buy or sell when they are talking about holy objects. It is just a more polite way or speaking about a holy image, whether a buddha image, amulet or whatever.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Jacksode,

Thanks for clarifying that; we are so used to using the Thai word "chao" in the context of "sacred images," that we forgot, for a moment, that one of us (the human) was made in America, and that others reading the message (whether one-somes, two-somes, or multi-somes) may also not be familiar with that usage carried over into English ... in this case by "unconscious" habit.

best, ~o:37;

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