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Tiger Cub Found Hidden Among Toys In Suvarnabhumi Airport Luggage


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"How many animals died today just to supply you with food?"

Since you asked, you must be interested. No offense intended.

So far today,

6 prawns

3 chickens according to you, 1 was living, 2 unfertilized eggs.

a pig

a cow

not sure what will die for dinner, maybe a duck, I love bet dang..

Also many plants died as well, I presume plants have feelings to and you talk to them as well .......

For the record, I appose eating pet puppies.

EDIT: 6 prawns under digestion.:rolleyes:

I presume this lady is a maul, this really is not much of a deterant.

Beware of those boneless chickens. They have been making people sick in the US. The suspected number of boneless chickens is about 300 million. Not to worry though. They are not being wasted. They are being used to make ice cream. OC :D

Interesting how they breed boneless chickens

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four years in prison OR a 40,000-baht (1,280-dollar) fine. Something ridiculously stupid with the Thai fine rates.

The cub would have died in the -40C in the cargo hold, if not of asphyxiation. She deserve the 4 years IMO.

No, she should also be put in a suitcase and shipped off to Iran under the same conditions she was sending the cub......

She might get 'stoned' and I mean stoned for all the wrong reasons

Why not a  mirror punishment, if the ethical moralist can show off that they are the better fungi brainers.

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possibly going as payment for the drugs coming this way.

Or to be used by a druglord as an accessory.  These people have some very screwed up heads. I think if they squeeze this stupid woman hard enough, she is going to cough up a drug supply network from Iran.

Of course one of the worst part in her crime is that she dared to travel to Iran instead of donating the tiger cub to Siegfried and Roy.

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four years in prison OR a 40,000-baht (1,280-dollar) fine. Something ridiculously stupid with the Thai fine rates.

The cub would have died in the -40C in the cargo hold, if not of asphyxiation. She deserve the 4 years IMO.

I agree. The fine is a joke.

The fine just goes to show how seriously Thailand takes the endangered species trade.... not very serious!

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You fail to grasp the relevance of endangered species. Do you want to live in a world where all the mega-fauna have been wiped out? Where our children can never again marvel at some of the most outstanding creations of nature, can never wake up in the mornings knowing that the natural ecosystem is thriving, and with that the support it offers them as humans is also thriving? You who value animals and nature as less than humans, repeatedly fail to see our place in the scheme of nature. We overcome it at our peril.

Morons, those of you with such wrong view. I should feel sorry for you, but really... In opposing nature, you oppose the support it affords us as humans. That makes you less compassionate towards humans. And in denying other species space on this planet, you diminish it for all of us.

Vast majority of people have never seen any of these species in natural habitat and never will. Your 'children' are not going to venture into the jungle to see them either. Don't kid your self. If you want to see any of these animals, you go to the zoo. Same for your kids.

Animals ARE less then humans. Our place in nature is to be at the very top doing things as we like, precisely because we are at the top. If something backfires on us, we can reintroduce these species into wildlife, but I hardly see a huge benefit for having wild tigers - save for your romanticised appeal of your children seeing wild animals in the wild.

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funny that there's no picture or name of the woman in the article :whistling:

She's identified as Mrs Piywan Palasan, a native of Udon Thani.

A slightly different transliteration from ABC news:

The woman, identified as Piyawan Palasarn, 31,


and the tiger cub she stuffed into a suitcase:


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... Actually from a scientist standpoint, more important than humans. ...

What kind of "science" is that?

Species survival scientists..the human not that important in the bigger picture of things. They will be killed off by their own actions and the focus in on what other species will survive on an earth without humans..

You got to get away from your Christian Science Monitor mag and into relal science magazines. Remember, nature always bats last...


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How many animals died today just to supply you with food?

Well I doubt any of them were on the endangered species list.

Yes, but it is actually not the woman fault that the tiger is on such a list.

What makes the life of the unborn chicken i had for breakfast less worthy than that of a tiger who wouldn't think twice to have another animal from the endangered species list for his own breakfast? nor would a tiger think twice about if any cruelty is involved when he hunts down his food.

As the natural habitat of the tiger is mostly destroyed by humans, we humans would put him lifelong in a jail anyway.

..of course it's the fault of the woman..she and her ancestors have hunted it to near extinction..or do you think she is trying to save the species by taking it to the Middle East..we're all indirectly responsible are we not?

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four years in prison OR a 40,000-baht (1,280-dollar) fine. Something ridiculously stupid with the Thai fine rates.

The cub would have died in the -40C in the cargo hold, if not of asphyxiation. She deserve the 4 years IMO.

I don't think temperature in cargo hold gets to -40C.

I worked for a cargo airline, but what do I know against so much TV knowledge :o

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four years in prison OR a 40,000-baht (1,280-dollar) fine. Something ridiculously stupid with the Thai fine rates.

The cub would have died in the -40C in the cargo hold, if not of asphyxiation. She deserve the 4 years IMO.

Or adjust the exchange rates to the dollar so that 40,000 represents the "value" of 4 years prison.

How many animals died today just to supply you with food?

I suspect the 40000 fine is a typo error.

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four years in prison OR a 40,000-baht (1,280-dollar) fine. Something ridiculously stupid with the Thai fine rates.

Agree - when the idiot Brit tried to open the door of the aircraft on his way to Bangkok 2 years back he was overpowered and arrested on arrival. He was fined 2,000 Baht and returned to GB. And he was a baggage handler at Heathrow ! Go figure the Thai system.

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four years in prison OR a 40,000-baht (1,280-dollar) fine. Something ridiculously stupid with the Thai fine rates.

The cub would have died in the -40C in the cargo hold, if not of asphyxiation. She deserve the 4 years IMO.

To be accurate it said OR both didn't it? Both would be more approriate IMO but unfortunately the dealer or middleman gets off with it and goes to hire another desparate person to try again.

I am pretty sure that plane holds are pressurised and heated otherwise liquids in baggage would either freeze or explode on long flights. But that's not the point of course becsause it could have died of shock, medication or whatever and by being taken from the wild is another nail in the coffin of a species struggling to survive.

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... Actually from a scientist standpoint, more important than humans. ...  

What kind of "science" is that?

Species survival scientists..the human not that important in the bigger picture of things. They will be killed off by their own actions and the focus in on what other species will survive on an earth without humans..

You got to get away from your Christian Science Monitor mag and into relal science magazines. Remember, nature always bats last...


can you give me a name of these "relal science magazines"?

Species became extinct before mankind even evolved and similar will happen after "we" are gone. Species currently extinct without that we even take notice of them or gain knowledge that they existed.

and little tigers are cute.

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What a strange response! huh.gif Why is that a Farang attitude? huh.gif

Buddhists value the lives of animals. Most Thais are Buddhists? Therefore Thais value the lives of animals. Not just Farang. Have you seen 7 Years in Tibet? They were rescuing worms in that.....

Is that "7 Years in Tibet?" a Thai movie?  Or at least a buddhist movie?

Would the people in that movie made a difference between chicken, tiger cubs and worms?

I never reailised there were so many fuc*wits living here in Thailand til i read this thread...

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She was probably a mule. Will she sing or do the time?

The others involved will try it again.

How many others have got through in the past?

Can't the Iranians be contacted?

It would have been interesting if they removed the cub and let the woman proceed and have the Iranians follow her and apprehend the buyers or the mule on the other side.

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