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Vegetarian Food On Asok Road


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The best way to find out about veggie food stalls is to get out and about and look for yourself. :)

This type of reply with all due respect is why people like myself do not ask questions, did you ever hear that old saying, the only stupid question is the one not asked?

why would you be so callous and spend your time with answering a question with a non answer? come on, give people a break who ask questions, I would like to know the answer to this question and I am sure others would also, but was afraid or lazy to ask, I have been here 4 years and have walked around and not found the answer, do you have an answer? or are you against people who ask questions? I just don't get an answer like this and have to comment to protect those that use this to ask questions and to those that read and respond with the sole desire to learn and help others that might not know. Blessings to us all. I am sorry if this offends you but please consider others feelings. What do you think this site is about? I have put out a few questions and have gotten beaten with abusive responsive from some people and on the other hand have received kind and gentle caring responses as well and I need this site to be a safe place for people who can use direction here in LOS and who are willing to give back the info they have learned here. Enough said from me and I hope not to get splattered by the splatterers ha ha if that is a word. Take your best shot the silent majority will laugh, the grumps will attack.

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Thanks. I know about the Happy Cow website, but it doesn't list anything in the immediate area. Often, however, the smaller, more local-oriented food stalls won't be included in any internet listings, and I thought someone might know of a place like that and thus save me the trouble of walking around and looking for them myself.

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