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Free Electricity


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I do not know what all the argument is about , you have the perfect electric generator beneath the hood(Bonnet) of your automobile , it is called an altenator , connect a power inverter to the battery and PRESTO , you have electricicy free for small usage , hair drier/coffee maker etc . hook up a bank of them to a large fan on a pole and there you go , more alternators , more free electicity . Years ago we used a Triumph m/cycle altenator because it does not need voltage input before it will produce current , dispensed with the battery , used them at cottages for 12 volt lighting .

Edited by dumball
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Nothing can output more energy than it takes to run it. This is a law of physics. When I say 'law' I don't mean something that has been decided upon. I mean something that has been proven to be the case.

Energy transfers cannot result in the miraculous creation of free energy.

If it were possible, the entire accumulated human knowledge about the universe would be wrong.

Which it isn't.


If you are saying that it requires more energy to produce the output energy you are wrong on that. That may be the case for some types of energy production but certainly not all.

The idea is to use a little bit of energy to creat A LOT more energy. Not use a higher amount to yield a less amount, to do so would be crazy.

No, not exactly more energy, maybe under experimental conditions it's possible for an energy transfer to be equal ie. the amount produced equals the amount output, but usually, there is some loss in the equation. It's usually lost in the form of heat, or a vapour of some kind.

I agree that the idea is to use a little energy to create a lot more, it's a very nice idea.

To say that it's crazy to use more energy to produce a lesser amount is possibly quite correct, it is, however, what happens in electricity generation. As I currently understand it, we're confined by the laws of physics in this regard.

To call something 'energy generation' is, in my opinion, not really the right term, what we do is convert existing or potential energy into a form we want to use, we can not create energy.

That's what happens in every energy transformation process. Right from water wheels up to nuclear power stations, there's an expenditure of energy, it's transforming either kinetic, potential energy or the energy contained within the substance which undergoes a chemical reaction (usually to generate heat) which is then converted into electricity. There's always a loss, never a gain. Every time a wheel turns in order to produce electricity, it uses energy to turn, there's friction etc. etc. you can't create a net gain of energy. There's always a waste product.

The total amount of energy will always remain the same, but the usable amount (the electricity) will normally be slightly less. We can be more efficient and try to use the heat generated by these processes instead of allowing it to radiate into the atmosphere, but some will always be wasted. Whatever machine you use to generate electricity, it will always get hot doing so.

This link helps to explain the theories and laws of physics much better than I can. If you have something that dis-proves, amongst other things, the second law of thermodynamics then I would be very interested to read it.

I'm always keen to learn, and ready to be wrong.


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Actually biffer, if you subscribe to the inflationary universe theory http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr162/lect/cosmology/inflation.html (a variation on the big-bang theory) then energy and mass are continually being created at the universal origin.

It's just not been proven, much less demonstrated.

EDIT Still waiting for someone to make this Thailand related or I'll have to move it to the pub, cheers for the smile Neverdie :)

it is Thailand related! besides free electricity the magnets produce free Chang :ph34r:

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ps. its quite telling that the debunking site states clearly that they didn't try and build one. SO how exactly do they KNOW it doesn't work..... :whistling:

Come on guys...physics break here.

I mean, you all blast the poor Thais and the Thai education system for not teaching people how to think, but some of you can't seem to grasp the meaning of the first law of thermodynamics. There is no need to try and build one. A simple analysis of Maxwell's equations will tell you this can't possibly work.

If you guys want to believe 2+2 = 5 be my guest. Some of us actually paid attention in physics class though. You don't need to look at a website to know this is a scam. You only have to know how to add.

P.S. Crossy...I did tie this into Thailand. This very thread proves a Western education is not necessarily better than one acquired in Thailand.


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Actually biffer, if you subscribe to the inflationary universe theory http://csep10.phys.u.../inflation.html (a variation on the big-bang theory) then energy and mass are continually being created at the universal origin.

It's just not been proven, much less demonstrated.

EDIT Still waiting for someone to make this Thailand related or I'll have to move it to the pub, cheers for the smile Neverdie :)

it is Thailand related! besides free electricity the magnets produce free Chang :ph34r:

I think the Chang comes first and when enough is taken the result is free electricity ............hic:burp:

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After reading some of the answers here, I'm inclined to believe that the seller of the plans for this 'surplus electricity' creating machine has a fat bank account by now :)

Eagerly awaiting the first test reports from believers who bought the plans and built the machine :whistling:


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Ok, I'm not a physisist but there was a time when the best education money could buy told you that the world was flat. Paupers to Princes knew this to be fact! Then that day changed. Same with the Geocentric universe. People were killed for suggesting a heliocentric one.

My point:

Concensus and Fact don't always go hand in hand so my point about trying it is not as silly as you make out. I don't mind if I turn out to be wrong. I do mind that you think it's ok to say you are right without even proving it.

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One of the things that suprises me the most about Thailand is the complete lack of solar panels on roofs. With all the sun they get, you'd think many hotels would cotton on to the idea of deriving a substantial portion of their power requirements from solar energy.

Solar energy in that respect is in indeed a free power source and you can even buy portable devices to power your mobile phone.

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Yummmy yummy spam time. Is this forum moderated?

This is blatant spam, the OP has included her/his affiliate ID in the URL.

If this thread is to serve any interest edit the original post and remove the affiliate ID from the URL, this way the OP has no financial gain.

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This is blatant spam, the OP has included her/his affiliate ID in the URL.

If this thread is to serve any interest edit the original post and remove the affiliate ID from the URL, this way the OP has no financial gain.

Thanks for the heads up matt, I've removed the affiliate ID from the OP (I've left the URL).

In future if you see a suspect post please use the 'report' button, we can't be expected to follow every single link in every post (and this one wasn't blatant spam).

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If you are saying that it requires more energy to produce the output energy you are wrong on that. That may be the case for some types of energy production but certainly not all.

I know I shouldn't do this, but blatantly false statements like this just can not be allowed to go unchallenged.

What school did you go to? I think you should ask for a refund.

Listen carefully Dakhar, energy can never be created. Period. It can only be changed from one form to another, and every time you change it or concentrate it you necessarily lose some to entropy. This is true for ALL types of energy. Every last one of them. There are NO exceptions. (OK...quantum mechanics allows for some exceptions, but nothing that can be used to do useful work.)

If you think it is not the case, and you can prove it, you are a billionaire, guaranteed. So, since you believe you know more than thousands of the greatest physicists who have ever lived, please share with us this perpetual energy source you have found. There is no need for you to live in squalor ever again. You can buy the country of Thailand if what you say is true.

We are all ears.

GregB, I hear ya, I hear ya.

But would you agree that there are some ways of releasing vast amounts of stored energy from sources with the application of 'small' amounts of energy? ....... So Dakhar may be 'kindah' right in some respects?

I am thinking specifically of Nuclear Reaction; chuck some fast neutrons at a lump of Uranium 235 and the resultant energy release (from a relatively small mass) is huge.


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Ok, I'm not a physisist but there was a time when the best education money could buy told you that the world was flat. Paupers to Princes knew this to be fact! Then that day changed. Same with the Geocentric universe. People were killed for suggesting a heliocentric one.

My point:

Concensus and Fact don't always go hand in hand so my point about trying it is not as silly as you make out. I don't mind if I turn out to be wrong. I do mind that you think it's ok to say you are right without even proving it.

The below 2 quotes are from the website promoting this amazing device:

How Much Does it Cost?

The magniwork generator DIY guide is on sale today (check bottom of the page for price), and all the raw materials needed cost less than 100$.

A Regular USD$197 Price (Now On Discount!). Magniwork - Free Energy Generator *SALE PRICE* - USD$49.00

Loz, feel free to prove all of us 'debunkers' wrong by 'investing' in this amazing opportunity to save BIG dollars on electricity costs. It's only gong to cost you about USD$150.00 to potentially save a small fortune. :lol:

Please report back once you have built & are using this contraption.

One of the things that suprises me the most about Thailand is the complete lack of solar panels on roofs. With all the sun they get, you'd think many hotels would cotton on to the idea of deriving a substantial portion of their power requirements from solar energy.

Solar energy in that respect is in indeed a free power source and you can even buy portable devices to power your mobile phone.

I agree but not so much about Photo Voltaic panels.

Thailand is the perfect country in which to use solar hot water. Why foreigners insist upon throwing their money at Thailand's electricity monopoly, is beyond me.

Edited by elkangorito
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>>>>>>>>One of the things that suprises me the most about Thailand is the complete lack of solar panels on roofs. With all the sun they get, you'd think many hotels would cotton on to the idea of deriving a substantial portion of their power requirements from solar energy<<<<<<<<<<

>>>>>>Solar energy in that respect is in indeed a free power source and you can even buy portable devices to power your mobile phone<<

>>>> I agree but not so much about Photo Voltaic panels.<<<<<

Installed a solar heater panel 12 yrs ago and it works fine all year round, even during the cold season up here in the Far North.It does require a small circulation pump with timer.This pump runs automatically 12hrs a day and has a negligible power consumption.The insulated storage tank has a backup electrical heater built in.Once in awhile(approx every 4-5 years), the system needs to be cleaned inside out, depending on your water supply.I've forgotten how much I paid for the system, however it wasn't overly expensive.

Photovoltaic solar cells require a load of space to produce enough power to cover the electric consumption for a normal house and are still very expensive. However this will improve,once a 12VDC aircondition unit is available :D

Back to solar heaters.....There are companies in Thailand selling the equipment and setting it up, mostly in the bigger cities like Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Curiously enough, Thai people prefer cold water for washing or laundry....especially country side.Most water heaters are hooked up to the gas supply. I'm not sure whether hotels are using solar heaters to back up existing electrical ones, probably they do?

It's up to the government to inform peoples about alternative energy supplies and provide affordable access to those.

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One of the things that suprises me the most about Thailand is the complete lack of solar panels on roofs. With all the sun they get, you'd think many hotels would cotton on to the idea of deriving a substantial portion of their power requirements from solar energy.

Solar energy in that respect is in indeed a free power source and you can even buy portable devices to power your mobile phone.

I agree but not so much about Photo Voltaic panels.

Thailand is the perfect country in which to use solar hot water. Why foreigners insist upon throwing their money at Thailand's electricity monopoly, is beyond me.

Good point too. And they're not that expensive.

Some other good inventions that use solar power can be found @ Kyoto.com I must admit though that I was rather amused by #6 in the list of advantages if you bought one of these boxes. :lol:

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ALl due respect, I can find you sites on the web that will tell you the Haulocost was a scam and that man never landed on the moon. Its much easier to debunk a new concept than to accept that your reality has changed. You can google "cognitive dissonance" if you need validation of this observation.

Ps. The relevance to Thailand is that we are all affected by the price of oil here. So anything that we can do HERE to reduce our dependancy is good news!

I'm certain the Holocaust happened, but man never landed on the moon. If he did, why hasn't he been back?:whistling:

Because its extremely expensive to do it and the public aint interested.

You sound exactly like a friend of mine who said 'because there's fck all there!' :lol: Hey, not you is it Bob? :ph34r:

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