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Jwh 018


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I don't know if you guys are aware of it, but there is a synthethic cannabinoid known as JWH 018.

It is supposed to react with the cb1 and cb2 reactors, the same way as with THC in marijuana.

The stuff is supposed to be several times more potent than THC itself.

But it is legal in most countries as it doesn't contain THC itself; it is usually sprayed onto legal herbs such as damiana leaves and marshmallow leaves or smoked in the pure powder form itself.

What I wanted to know is if this substance is legal in Thailand. As of right now JWH 018 is banned only in a few states in America, S. Korea, Japan, Australia, and the U.K. (as with a few other countries that I haven't listed) and the legislations for the bans have been made only recently, in the last year or so. However, no matter how much I searched the Internet I couldn't find any literature, regarding Thailand and JWH 018. Nothing on google and wikipedia didn't mention anything about it being banned in Thailand.

Any ideas?

I wanted to order some online and the supplier insured me that it is legal in Thailand and referenced me to the website of the royal Thai embassy of Canada, and indeed the chemical (1-​pentyl-​1H-​indol-​3-​yl)-​1-​naphthalenyl-​methanone (which is the chemical structure of JWH-018) was not listed in any of the banned substances.

Is this the legal alternative to marijuana in Thailand?

Would I run into any problems with the authority if I were to get some mailed to me?

Does anybody know the legal status of JWH 018 in Thailand?

What do you guys know / think?

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Can not imagine that this will be legal in Thailand, even if not currently listed and you would be taking a huge risk ordering this stuff.

You really don't want to be the first to be prosecuted for this in Thailand given the most severe penalties involved.

If you do need this medically, (I am not even sure how this is used medically..) a prescription from a physician in your home country or other verifyable source would be needed; even then, it would be a huge risk..

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Could there be technicalities that would allow someone to order this in Thailand?

First of all, the main use for JWH 018 is as a bonzai plant fertilizer. (it just happens to react with the cb1 and cb2 receptors)

Also when it is sold, it is clearly marked that it is "Not for human consumption."

Under these grounds, could someone be able to order it for the purpose of fertilizing plants?

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Not sure if JWH is listed or not but you could ask at the Legal Affairs Division of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board in Bankok tel 22459087.

There are several Thai laws that deal with these kind of issues is namely the Thai Narcotics Act, the Commodities Control Act and the Psychotropic Substances Act. (http://en.oncb.go.th/file/information_narcotics.html)

Even if it is not listed it does not automatically mean that you can just import the stuff and most probably you would need a license of some sort that allows you to import chemicals.

You might get away with someone mailing you a small quantity but you really have to ask yourself would it be worth the potential aggravation.

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I heard that salvia divornum is completely legal in Thailand from this forum and people get it mailed from the U.K. all the time. Customs even checks it and just puts a duty tax on it.

To my understanding, salvia divornum is a hallucinogen, so wouldn't that classify salvia divornum as a psychotropic substance / narcotic?

After reading the link you provided meom, I'm guessing that since jwh 018 is a chemical it would be illegal to import it into Thailand without a license.

But if SWIM were to buy some of the legal herbal smokes, the ingredients would only contain dried herbs that are legal worldwide.

Albeit there MIGHT be some trace amounts of jwh 018 sprayed on the legal herbs: however weight wise it would be at a ratio of 1 gram of LEGAL herb to perhaps 3 mg of JWH 018.

Would someone really get arrested for having 1 gram of dried basil / green tea leaves on them?

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Chances of getting arrested are pretty slim but if you do get arrested you’ll be seen as an easy target to extort money from which is what I mean when talking about potential aggravation.

Btw marijuana is easily available in Thailand and chances of getting caught with a joint are slim as well although it does happen. Not so much because the police is after small time users but more because individuals see it as an easy way to extort money from the farang or somebody bears a grudge or want to score brownie points with the police and rats you out.

In the end it's up to you. If you think it's worth the risk then go ahead.

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The law here is quite transparent in stating that JWH-018 is not illegal, however in practice the law in Thailand is very opaque. If you were to be caught with a packet of JWH powder or suspicious looking herbs, you can be fairly certain the cops will not know what it is and you may find your self having to deal with the consequences either in the form of a payment, or incarceration for a period of time, or both. Is it worth the risk? If you really want to play with these chemicals, do so in a country where you are not taking such a high risk.

BTW, someone who is not me has had a fair amount of experience with this JWH stuff. It's definitely not for most people. If you have the powder, literally 3 to 4 milligrams of the stuff is enough for most people, and if you consume too much you will be engulfed in a state of anxiety, fear and paranoia like you've never experienced in your life. With those herbal blends the compound is not evenly distributed and you may suddenly find you've consumed way too much. It's scary stuff - be careful!

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Thank you for the response guys.

Clokwise, I know exactly what you mean regarding the law in Thailand. Even if something wasn't explicitly illegal in Thailand, the way the Thai authorities are, it can be very difficult as they seem to just make up their own rules and regulations. After all "This is Thailand."

BTW SWIM knows that JWH 018 can be very unpleasant past his threshold.

SWIM's friend who weighs around 35 pounds less than SWIM experimented the same dosage as SWIM, around 5-7 milligrams.

SWIM's friend started to have heart palpitations and felt extremely nauseous as if SWIM's friends' world was spinning.

SWIM's friend is a regular cannabis user and claims that it is the highest he's ever been albeit, it was his first time trying JWH 018.

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SWIM just got his order of spice today without any issues.

In fact there is a supplier in Thailand that imports a lot of this stuff and indeed has a website promoting these legal products. For now I'm guessing that there is no problem as far as obtaining these products.

Also SWIM had a phone conversation with the supplier and was told that JWH 018 is 100% legal in Thailand, and that there are many people that order into Thailand from their website.

Of course SWIM is not the authority on the law and YMMV.

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I am sure that there are many people in this world that use cannabis for medicinal purposes that have been backed up by doctors and clinical trials, however it is sad to see how some countries' laws have labeled a rather harmless plant as a hard drug. Everybody knows that the use of alcohol causes way more problems than cannabis. Alcohol users are known for their violence and their inability to make reasonable decisions if drank over their threshold.

The use of medicinal cannabis is often looked down upon and disputed but there are many proven and known benefits of it to treat glaucoma, to piqué an appetite in AIDS and chemotherapy patients, and for pain relief. (I'm sure there are other benefits that I can't think of off the top right now.)

Knowing that there is a legal alternative for these benefits is great news for people who are living in a country with strict drug laws. They can get relief without the harassment of the law (at least for now.)

To my knowledge even if medicinal marijuana is prescribed in their home country from a doctor, under no circumstances would they be able to legally obtain it here as it is a category V controlled substance.

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