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Anonimyty On Tv - Why?


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Why don't I have a stalker? I demand a stalker!

If one stalker stalks another stalker does the stalker doing the stalking stalk the stalker being stalked just as the stalker doing the stalking wants to do the stalking, or does the stalker doing the stalking stalk the stalker being stalked just as the stalker being stalked wants to be stalked?

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And please -- let's all remember that only a fool judges a fellow forum member by the number of his/her posts.

Yes -- now was that said by Disraeli or Winston Churchill?

Edited by jazzbo
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There is no question about that, jazzbo, but some of us just don't CARE what others think about us ... so then why the 7000+ ThaiVisa posts in a little over 2 years mostly about yourself and how many people you know if you don't care what anyone thinks about you? IanForbes.Blogspot.com would do just as well...

BTW http://ianforbes.blogspot.com/ On Blogger Since April 2006 Post = 0

I have no idea what you are talking about with that so called blogspot. Who ever it is it's not me. I have never had a "blog" at any time in my career as a writer. And, I've been writing for magazines since 1958. People DO know who I am so there's no reason to hide in the bushes. But, the name Ian Forbes is not uncommon. There is even another one in the small town where I live in on Vancouver Island. How many times I post on thaivisa is indicative of nothing other than I choose to take breaks in the middle of my time writing or painting.

I DO know that the name "ian" on the blog was written in low case, and I always use large case "Ian". Oddly enough, some "stalker" opened a ficticious pseudonym using the low case name of ian Forbes on thaivisa last January and started threatening other members with the intention of making everyone believe it was me. The moderators fell for it despite it not being my style of writing at all. And, I got a 2 week suspension for their mistake, and wtih no chance of clearing my name.

But, like I said, nothing really bothers me. I can come or go as I wish. I'll state my point and leave it up to others to prove me wrong. By stating who I am I"ve met dozens of people all over the world who I now call my friends. I've got invitations to go everywhere and that alone is worth the value of not hiding behind anonymity.

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There is no question about that, jazzbo, but some of us just don't CARE what others think about us ... so then why the 7000+ ThaiVisa posts in a little over 2 years mostly about yourself and how many people you know if you don't care what anyone thinks about you? IanForbes.Blogspot.com would do just as well...

BTW http://ianforbes.blogspot.com/ On Blogger Since April 2006 Post = 0

I have no idea what you are talking about with that so called blogspot. Who ever it is it's not me. I have never had a "blog" at any time in my career as a writer. And, I've been writing for magazines since 1958. People DO know who I am so there's no reason to hide in the bushes. But, the name Ian Forbes is not uncommon. There is even another one in the small town where I live in on Vancouver Island. How many times I post on thaivisa is indicative of nothing other than I choose to take breaks in the middle of my time writing or painting.

I DO know that the name "ian" on the blog was written in low case, and I always use large case "Ian". Oddly enough, some "stalker" opened a ficticious pseudonym using the low case name of ian Forbes on thaivisa last January and started threatening other members with the intention of making everyone believe it was me. The moderators fell for it despite it not being my style of writing at all. And, I got a 2 week suspension for their mistake, and wtih no chance of clearing my name.

But, like I said, nothing really bothers me. I can come or go as I wish. I'll state my point and leave it up to others to prove me wrong. By stating who I am I"ve met dozens of people all over the world who I now call my friends. I've got invitations to go everywhere and that alone is worth the value of not hiding behind anonymity.

This is great, Ian. Let me ask you a rhetorical question: Ever wondered if YOU are the reason for someone's anonymity? Your post above gives a lot of good reasons as to why YOU dont want to hide anything, but have you ever thought about the possibility that someone thinks YOU are the nut-case, thus the reason for hiding (and please keep in mind it was a rhetorical question)?
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]This is great, Ian. Let me ask you a rhetorical question: Ever wondered if YOU are the reason for someone's anonymity? Your post above gives a lot of good reasons as to why YOU dont want to hide anything, but have you ever thought about the possibility that someone thinks YOU are the nut-case, thus the reason for hiding (and please keep in mind it was a rhetorical question)?

That is a fair enough question. I'm quite sure that many people think I'm a nut-case. But, at least I'm not a threat and I never take nasty comments about anyone... even when people take "shots" at me. That is THEIR problem, not mine. I enjoy a debate and don't mind stating my point of view. Just because it differs from the norm is not something anyone should worry about. I never hurt anyone, unless I get physically attacked. After that there is no end to what I will do... and enjoy doing.The only people I hate with a passion are bullies. I also have a long memory and I'm quite willing to bide my time..

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Why don't I have a stalker? I demand a stalker!

If one stalker stalks another stalker does the stalker doing the stalking stalk the stalker being stalked just as the stalker doing the stalking wants to do the stalking, or does the stalker doing the stalking stalk the stalker being stalked just as the stalker being stalked wants to be stalked?

There is a thread on the Ladies' forum about stockings...

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The only people I hate with a passion are bullies. I also have a long memory and I'm quite willing to bide my time..

Same here, except I trust in Karma (tam dee dai dee tam shua dai shua and all that) it may take a little longer but it hasn't failed me yet.

BTW Thaddeus is my real name and I live in Wibble Mansions on the main road out of the town of Wibble.

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The only people I hate with a passion are bullies. I also have a long memory and I'm quite willing to bide my time..

Same here, except I trust in Karma (tam dee dai dee tam shua dai shua and all that) it may take a little longer but it hasn't failed me yet.

Well stated.

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And herein lies the definition of "creepy stalking".

Creepy Stalking is a village in Devon.

Do you think one of us should call them to let them know we have found their idiot.

I suspect that losing one will not make a dent.

Equally, Thailand's gain will barely scratch the surface.

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'Jazzbo' of course is not my real name but it was a nickname bestowed on me almost 40 years ago by a musician much better than I ever became ... I do use my real name on many other websites in the international community wherein if you do not disclose information such as your organization's name and website you will not even have a chance to be taken seriously ... and as a one-man-show amongst large organizations, corporations, and government agencies it is not easy even to even get that chance.

Except for providing specific information as to Visas, insurance, and other mission-critical data requested by other Members, on this Forum I have no expectation to be taken seriously... But if i truly did not care -- as opposed to being troubled by -- what others think, I would see no point in posting at all.

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Interesting read this AM over my glass of OJ.

Are we making any progress? 7 pages in and looks quite A1 typical TV thread normal. Of course "Normal" being subjective. Its down to a battle of about 4 or 5 regular multi thousand posters. It should fizzle quite soon as they will tire of themselves but they definitely padded their post numbers.

Next thread please...........

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Interesting read this AM over my glass of OJ.

Are we making any progress? 7 pages in and looks quite A1 typical TV thread normal. Of course "Normal" being subjective. Its down to a battle of about 4 or 5 regular multi thousand posters. It should fizzle quite soon as they will tire of themselves but they definitely padded their post numbers.

Next thread please...........

That reads like you are the OP. :D

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Interesting read this AM over my glass of OJ.

Are we making any progress? 7 pages in and looks quite A1 typical TV thread normal. Of course "Normal" being subjective. Its down to a battle of about 4 or 5 regular multi thousand posters. It should fizzle quite soon as they will tire of themselves but they definitely padded their post numbers.

Next thread please...........

If you find this interesting, I suggest that you buy a newspaper instead.

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I don't buy the " I'm afraid of TV members." I call BS.

I can't for one second think people keep their privacy because their scared of some criminally insane TV member.

They might talk you to death but physical harm? This place is akin to middle age men playing D&D.

I think many people have groomed an online persona that helps them escape whatever.

I mean really. Most everyone on here acts like a dick, but in the RW I never encounter people like that. Most folks in the RW are pretty cool and I bet that the biggest jerks on here are decent folk when you meet them.

I think that is the alure of anominity. You can be anyone you want to be.

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I don't buy the " I'm afraid of TV members." I call BS.

I can't for one second think people keep their privacy because their scared of some criminally insane TV member.

They might talk you to death but physical harm? This place is akin to middle age men playing D&D.

I think many people have groomed an online persona that helps them escape whatever.

I mean really. Most everyone on here acts like a dick, but in the RW I never encounter people like that. Most folks in the RW are pretty cool and I bet that the biggest jerks on here are decent folk when you meet them.

I think that is the alure of anominity. You can be anyone you want to be.

It is sad that so many of us want to be misogynist intolerant gits, isn't it?

One of the allures of anonymity is the opportunity for innovative experimental spelling, without anyone knowing...


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I know what intolerance is but am to lazy to look up the rest.

Not sure about experimental spelling. I probably just spelled it wrong.

I think the alternate online personas are cool. I think people are more truthful when they pretend to be somebody else.

I just don't believe anyone is really afraid though.

Most folks here can't open up a checking account without assistance. You think they could plot some type of wrong-doing without posting about it.

I can see that thread. " Does anyone in the Buriram area have experience killing a fellow TV member?"

It would probably run 7 pages.

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I know what intolerance is but am to lazy to look up the rest.

Not sure about experimental spelling. I probably just spelled it wrong.

I think the alternate online personas are cool. I think people are more truthful when they pretend to be somebody else.

I just don't believe anyone is really afraid though.

Most folks here can't open up a checking account without assistance. You think they could plot some type of wrong-doing without posting about it.

I can see that thread. " Does anyone in the Buriram area have experience killing a fellow TV member?"

It would probably run 7 pages.

I wish I had the imagination to have an alter ego. I struggle pretending to be me...

Most of the posters here are special ops commandos, posing as fat balding sexpats as part of their undercover work.

Perhaps Jing Thing could open up a poll

- I am a navy seal

- I am an SOE undercovers black ops specialist

- I am going commando


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I know what intolerance is but am to lazy to look up the rest.

Not sure about experimental spelling. I probably just spelled it wrong.

I think the alternate online personas are cool. I think people are more truthful when they pretend to be somebody else.

I just don't believe anyone is really afraid though.

Most folks here can't open up a checking account without assistance. You think they could plot some type of wrong-doing without posting about it.

I can see that thread. " Does anyone in the Buriram area have experience killing a fellow TV member?"

It would probably run 7 pages.

I wish I had the imagination to have an alter ego. I struggle pretending to be me...

Most of the posters here are special ops commandos, posing as fat balding sexpats as part of their undercover work.

Perhaps Jing Thing could open up a poll

- I am a navy seal

- I am an SOE undercovers black ops specialist

- I am going commando


Finally, after seven pages of conundrum here's straight forward post that makes perfect sense.

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I'm going commando But am afraid I just overshared.

I enjoy a good "I'm ex-SAS,SBS,CAG yarn." I'm surprised no one has admitted to being Ironman yet.

BTW: It was pure selfless service that in order to solidify my cover as a sexpat I had so much sex. I wrote it off as a business expense on my taxes.

Edited by mstribling
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I'm going commando But am afraid I just overshared.

I enjoy a good "I'm ex-SAS,SBS,CAG yarn." I'm surprised no one has admitted to being Ironman yet.


Classic literature from my youth...


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I know what intolerance is but am to lazy to look up the rest.

Not sure about experimental spelling. I probably just spelled it wrong.

I think the alternate online personas are cool. I think people are more truthful when they pretend to be somebody else.

I just don't believe anyone is really afraid though.

Most folks here can't open up a checking account without assistance. You think they could plot some type of wrong-doing without posting about it.

I can see that thread. " Does anyone in the Buriram area have experience killing a fellow TV member?"

It would probably run 7 pages.

I wish I had the imagination to have an alter ego. I struggle pretending to be me...

Most of the posters here are special ops commandos, posing as fat balding sexpats as part of their undercover work.

Perhaps Jing Thing could open up a poll

- I am a navy seal

- I am an SOE undercovers black ops specialist

- I am going commando


Here you remind me of "A Scanner Darkly".

Excellent ! (the book, not the movie)

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I know what intolerance is but am to lazy to look up the rest.

Not sure about experimental spelling. I probably just spelled it wrong.

I think the alternate online personas are cool. I think people are more truthful when they pretend to be somebody else.

I just don't believe anyone is really afraid though.

Most folks here can't open up a checking account without assistance. You think they could plot some type of wrong-doing without posting about it.

I can see that thread. " Does anyone in the Buriram area have experience killing a fellow TV member?"

It would probably run 7 pages.

I wish I had the imagination to have an alter ego. I struggle pretending to be me...

Most of the posters here are special ops commandos, posing as fat balding sexpats as part of their undercover work.

Perhaps Jing Thing could open up a poll

- I am a navy seal

- I am an SOE undercovers black ops specialist

- I am going commando


Here you remind me of "A Scanner Darkly".

Excellent ! (the book, not the movie)

Several of the pubs in KL sell Newcastle Brown in half-pint bottles...

Newquay steam brewery used to brew a brown ale as well, that caused no end of confusion...


and the bizarre thing is that Brown bottles are clear.

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