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Beyond The Tourist Visa

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just wondering what the other options are, besides a tourist visa, for staying on in thailand.

my situation is...

my investments cover my costs, so i dont have to work while im here.

and ive worn out my 'tourist visa' welcome so ill need another kind of visa.

any advice on the easiest/cheapest way to remain here would be much appreciated.


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<br />If you are over the age of 50 or have a Thai Wife you would have options.<br />Failing that you can learn Thai at a Thai language school and get Education Visas.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

thanks lite beer for getting back.

pass on point 1.

point 2 is a possibility.

point 3 sounds interesting - is it easy to arrange?

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Point 2.

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

Point 3.

Enrol in a Thai Language School. The fee is around 29,000 Baht a year and requires 4 hours of study a week.

They will sort you out a Visa. Have a look at one of the forum sponsors at the top of the page for more info.

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If married a multi entry non immigrant 'o' visa is available from KUALA LUMPER with 100,000 baht in bank account. You would have to do a border run every 90 days, but that visa would give you about 15 months in Thailand.

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If married a multi entry non immigrant 'o' visa is available from KUALA LUMPER with 100,000 baht in bank account. You would have to do a border run every 90 days, but that visa would give you about 15 months in Thailand.

thanks steve

i have a long term/trustworthy 'fiancee', so going the next step wouldnt be so hard.

bank deposits would be ok as well.

border runs every 3 months ... the price we pay,eh!?*

does the 15 mths include extensions ... how does it work?

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If married the best option is extension of stay for one year at a time from Immigration. No travel out of Thailand required but need 400k or 40k income.

The multi entry visa is valid for one year and each entry gets a 90 day stay so if a new entry the day before it expires almost 15 months using same visa. But you have to leave country every 90 days or less.

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If married the best option is extension of stay for one year at a time from Immigration. No travel out of Thailand required but need 400k or 40k income.

The multi entry visa is valid for one year and each entry gets a 90 day stay so if a new entry the day before it expires almost 15 months using same visa. But you have to leave country every 90 days or less.

thanks lopburi,

400k = about 13k us/aus, or 40k = 1.3k, right?

so how does one prove a regular income?

i can see the 400k in an account idea, but how do i show 40k / mth when its up to me how much i withdraw?

what i want do avoid is cutting down the rubber trees and rather, just tap them for rubber/cash and spend it here, if you know what i mean.

thanks again.

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