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Girlfriend Reports Falang To Immigration

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My friend has lived in Thailand (yes my friend, not me) for over 11 years. The first 5-6 years she had a work permit. She is currently working in a language school without a work permit. Things had been going well for her for the last few years. All hel_l has broken loose recently. She split with her Thai girlfriend of 7 years. Her GF has insisted she has 10 days to leave the country. If she doesn't she will return with the police and report her to Thai immigration for working illegally. I am fairly certain that the police can and will do very little. Not their jurisdiction, etc, etc... Now, immigration on the other hand. She is very concerned about that. I am curious if anyone knows how many girlfriends rat-out their bf/gf's. How many of these cases actually get investigated. Is this something that my friend should be concerned with if immigration is contacted or should she just not worry about it.

Any HELP is appreciated. What is not appreciated is any snarky comments about Thai girls and their morals, working illegally, or just rude comments.

Thanks in advance.

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My Thai wife did the same to me. Working trying to support her, she felt she was not getting enough and thru me out. Threatened to go to immigration and to my embassy (which could not care less) After a lot of thought I went to the police and filed a report, about her threats and throwing me out. She was called into the police station. I called her bluff, she did nothing. I do now have a work permit. If she does go to immigration she may have some problems. Remember we are all temporarily here in the eyes of Thais. They have to live here. If a Thai was put under pressure by the police they would not hesitate to rat on a foreigner.

Edited by Colabamumbai
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Going to the police may or may not produce a response depending on how busy or interested they are. On the other hand, if she goes to the Labour Department, the odds of an investigation increase dramatically.

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So you have a problem with someone who's aware of a crime being committed reporting it to the proper authorities?

And many ferengs wonder why they have such a bad reputation in Thailand!

Strange the girls don't think so... or perhaps thats just the wallet.

As for OPs post, just tell her to move away and not talk to her again, if the girl cant find her the police sure as hel_l won't bother.

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So you have a problem with someone who's aware of a crime being committed reporting it to the proper authorities?

And many ferengs wonder why they have such a bad reputation in Thailand!

Appreciate the non-snarky comments. Your help and advice are very nice. I l love it when people must tell others how great and wonderful they are at others expense. However; the person in question about reporting a crime did not seem to care about the crime for the last 6 years. Once again, looking for an answer about if immigration will investigate and how many ex-bf/gf's are reported for working illegally. And advice for what to do if/when immigration has been contacted. Thank you.

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So you have a problem with someone who's aware of a crime being committed reporting it to the proper authorities?

And many ferengs wonder why they have such a bad reputation in Thailand!

Appreciate the non-snarky comments. Your help and advice are very nice. I l love it when people must tell others how great and wonderful they are at others expense. However; the person in question about reporting a crime did not seem to care about the crime for the last 6 years. Once again, looking for an answer about if immigration will investigate and how many ex-bf/gf's are reported for working illegally. And advice for what to do if/when immigration has been contacted. Thank you.

If she makes a complaint to immigration they will investigate for sure, thats the way they work, . what they will then do will be another matter, depending on the circumstances. In my case they did nothing except sympathise with me and told me that my problems with ex gf were not there problems. I do know that in the case of many guys running there own bars they give warnings not to go behind the bar and/or handle cash or they are in trouble next time. I would think the police could be more of a problem and they also will respond to an easy crime case.

Its a difficult one to call........

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Your friend needs a visa and a work permit and needs them real quick !!! Living and working in Thailand for 6 years without the right docs will be not be viewed lightly by the immigration police...and that is where it will end up if a complaint is made...big chance your friend will be deported

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So you have a problem with someone who's aware of a crime being committed reporting it to the proper authorities?

And many ferengs wonder why they have such a bad reputation in Thailand!

Appreciate the non-snarky comments. Your help and advice are very nice. I l love it when people must tell others how great and wonderful they are at others expense. However; the person in question about reporting a crime did not seem to care about the crime for the last 6 years. Once again, looking for an answer about if immigration will investigate and how many ex-bf/gf's are reported for working illegally. And advice for what to do if/when immigration has been contacted. Thank you.

This is a non-snarky comment, but it will probably come across as snarky.

So your question is: What to do if/when immigration has been contacted?

A variety of choices:

1) Stop working

2) Get a work permit

3) Disappear and go somewhere else.

4) Wait to get chucked into immigration detention and get deported home.

Your friend is actually working illegally. Just because she hasn't been reported for 6 years doesn't change the fact.

I didn't think this was rocket science....

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So you have a problem with someone who's aware of a crime being committed reporting it to the proper authorities?

And many ferengs wonder why they have such a bad reputation in Thailand!

Appreciate the non-snarky comments. Your help and advice are very nice. I l love it when people must tell others how great and wonderful they are at others expense. However; the person in question about reporting a crime did not seem to care about the crime for the last 6 years. Once again, looking for an answer about if immigration will investigate and how many ex-bf/gf's are reported for working illegally. And advice for what to do if/when immigration has been contacted. Thank you.

G'day fella

Try and ignore the "dog" comments.

As stated by samran, she really has limited options.

She needs an income so she should try and get a

permit. Failing that, she may have to go home. Look

for a smiliar type job that she's in at the moment. To

continue working without a permit will have the

obvious ramifications if she's caught.

She doesn't want to be looking over her shoulder all of the

time or waiting for a knock on th door.

Hope things work out.



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Depending upon the nature of and where is the school, the local labor officials may already be quite aware of the schools employment practices and -- for whatever reason or reasons -- could basically not care less...

Edited by jazzbo
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One thing is for sure the longer you are doing something illegal the stronger the likelihood of it catching up with you.

It is time to set the books straight and that means getting a work permit or leaving the country and going somewhere else.

Heck even when you do everything by the book in Thailand you can still run into problems but when you start breaking the law then you are really leaving yourself in a vulnerable position.

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The only specific information the OP provided about the situation is that the non-Thai partner has already been working at the school for 6 or so years without a WP and without incident. While it is true that -- upon being alerted to the circumstances by the Thai partner -- the local labor office might immediately send over a posse to the school and arrest the OP's friend, it is also possible that the local labor office is well familiar that with this particular school that they have non-Thais without work permits and some quid pro quo is in place ... and there would be nothing unusual about the latter.

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So you have a problem with someone who's aware of a crime being committed reporting it to the proper authorities?

And many ferengs wonder why they have such a bad reputation in Thailand!

:ermm: glad I am not friends with you!

and before you report me, I have the right paperwork...

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just tell her to move away and not talk to her again, if the girl cant find her the police sure as hel_l won't bother.

Sounds about the best course of option.

Then once done she can start sending her poo through the post.

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Not quite sure what kind of non snarky help you want.Your friend is working here without a work permit and is breaking the law. Any input from posters here that in anyway condones what she is doing is merely aiding and abetting her law breaking.

If an alien was breaking the law in your home country what would be your attitude then?

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Depending upon the nature of and where is the school, the local labor officials may already be quite aware of the schools employment practices and -- for whatever reason or reasons -- could basically not care less...

Though sometimes, I am loathe to side with the poster known as "jazzbo" just as I am sure ‘they’ are not too thrilled to have me on their side of the proverbial fence (sometimes they, he she, it gives spot on advice); so in this instance I must wholeheartedly concur.

There are more schools which profess to teach engrish to thai people than you could shake a frickin' stick at. Last time I checked (which I do from time to time) those schools employ foreigners without a work permit or a proper visa as engrish teachers.

It is far more the norm, than the exception, to the rule (especially so, if they are already known to the thai police in that area). .. ...

If I were your 'friend', (which I am NOT), I would do two things; either CHANGE your mobile phone number, and/or MOVE to another apartment.

"Cut and Run" is the Engrish Idiom. ..

Edited by tod-daniels
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My USD 0.02 is to take steps to be as independent as you can while living here; abide by the rules; we ARE guests here and Thais have every right to stand up for themselves if they feel they are being taken advantage of. That being said, if you abide by the rules and are self-sustaining to a large degree, if a TGF tries to hamstring you somehow, you can just walk away unscathed and tell them to take a flying leap. I've done it several times and it gives me the sense that I have quite a bit of control over my own destiny and not beholden to someone else, be they a TGF, or anyone else. Funny thing is, the times I've done this, the (ex)TGF then tries even harder to keep me around; I think it's an ego/control thing with them, which turns me off even more and I end up cutting all ties with them.

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I cant believe we have gone this many posts and I am the first to point out... Lesbian teachers !!! Why didnt they have them in my school..

Other important details.. Do they need to wear uniforms ??

:lol: I thought the same thing but also thought I would be flamed if I said anything about it, political correctness and all that.

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