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Creditcard Replacement On Siam Comerical,Did I Get The Card,Only In The Bank Where I Open The Acount,Or In Any Other?

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currencly i don find my creditcard for my scib easy bank acount,somewhere put in my house,and not find at the moment!'

before i fly to thailand i must know,is it posible to renew a 2.kreditcard,on every siam comerical bank,or is this information true,that someone give me,that only the bank where i have open the acount,can give me a new creditcard?

thanks for information!

is the renewing free of charge or how must does it coasts?

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okay,thanks for information!

hope the can send back the card to another bank,but i think not...

is it on everys thai bank the same?

when is the emergicy number i have to call,when kredit card stolen during traveling?

It is probably the same with most Thai banks. I have personal experience only with Bangkok Bank and Siam Commercial, and both require any replacement cards to come from the branch that you opened it up at. Check on their website to find the emergency number.

Good luck.

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