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Take Charge Food


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I am in discussion with a company in the states for a product called "Take Charge Food" and Im trying to gauge if there is an interest here in Thailand. I have already placed an order for 200 units. Below is some information:

You can read more as well as pre-order here: http://wheyproteinth...product=1610568


TAKE CHARGE is not a synthetic supplement. It's not a supplement at all! It is a 100% NATURAL RAW SUPERFOOD that delivers all the benefits of a healthy breakfast & many supplement pills, PLUS MUCH MORE!

Why eat a nutritionally lacking breakfast and take a multitude of manufactured pills & supplements daily when you can TAKE CHARGE and enjoy all the same benefits from a NATURAL combination of raw, wholesome and delicious foods, in one simple, convenient serving?

With TAKE CHARGE, there's absolutely:

  • No need to stock multiple bottles of supplements
  • No need to prepare a complicated, time-consuming breakfast every morning
  • No need to keep track of various nutrition sources

TAKE CHARGE: It's Mother Nature's best foods delivered in perfect nutritional ratios.


TAKE CHARGE saves you time and money and delivers all the nutrition you require in a perfect combination of eight different berries, seeds and fruits. Its balanced ratio of ingredients give you so much more than just breakfast, all in one delicious, quarter-cup serving!

It's the most nutritionally dense food on the planet!

TAKE CHARGE is real food that gives you a complete range of nutrients in one economical serving. Within these super foods are every single required nutrient that has been reported to provide lasting energy, boost your immunity, increase antioxidant (cancer fighting) levels, protect your body from cardiovascular disease and harmful cholesterol levels, help your skin remain youthful & firm, enhance your digestive system, accentuate weight loss and promote & restore overall superior health for the entire body!

Simplify your life: TAKE CHARGE of your daily nutrition and FEEL the difference!

Let Me know what you think


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In defense of real food, thailand is still one of those places where you can buy fresh, nutritious fruit, vegetables, fish,nuts,and meat at any local market. It hasn't yet been modified out of existence, so why need supplements?

Unfortunately a lot of that food may well be full of toxic chemicals and pesticides.

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Whey protein can cause kidney disease if taken over many years. This product may be technically food, but it's not what most people think of as food. Most people would rather sit down to a proper healthy ,meal, not eat some dangerouse powder out of a bag. This product is ridiculous. It's just a way to sell a cheap product at a premium. Eat real food and don't bother with this rubbish.

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i am a sucker for health foods and supplements

however with the proper frame of mind i think it all becomes unnecessary

there is an eastern guru being tested in a western lab somewhere who apparently hasn't eaten for years


i do currently order maca and supplements from the states and consume local supplements as well

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  • 5 weeks later...

Whey protein can cause kidney disease if taken over many years.

Although this thread has nothing to do with whey protein, saying it causes kidney disease is a myth. See article below.


Ha this article is on one of your sites and only uses a bodybuilding magazine as a source.

Actually sir, excerpts from the article can be found on 100's of scholarly sources and was written by William F Martin of Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA.

so to say my site ONLY uses a body building magazine as its source is incorrect as you can see here http://scholar.google.co.th/scholar?q=Martin+WF,+et.+al.+Dietary+Protein+intake+and+Renal+Function.+Nutrition+%26+Metabolism+2:25+2005&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

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