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Countries Where You Can Live On Less Than $ 500 Per Month


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I hear Chad is nice this time of year; perhaps Somalia, I hear the beaches are lovely and its a good place for "adventure" tourism.

Good deals are said to be had in Kandahar as well.

Happy travels!!! :rolleyes:

Impossible to do. Must make fun of the poor people. Seems hard wired in some peoples psyches.

Can't have a conversation about white people living in Thailand on $500 per month.

I think all the mocking scares people away from posting about a lifestyle that is less acceptable than the one enjoyed by more affluent members of the Thai ex pat community.

The vegetables are free. Fruit comes from trees. Chickens roam around the yard. You have to buy sugar and salt and cooking oil.

Do you now the local ya dong maker? Getting drunk is not an expensive proposition in Thailand.

Women, up to you.

Everyone is afraid to speak because the well off TV posters will deride them.

I have a friend who was a drunk. Successful at one time he drank his fortune away. Drink also wrecked his health. Something happened to his head. Major stroke or something like that. He couldn't walk, talk or speak. The doctors kicked him out of the hospital because he had no money. He was a dead man. His wife took him home to the family farm on less than one rai of land. She nursed him back to health over two years. No money. No visa. No nothing. She taught him to walk again and speak again. He never had another drink. They live a happy life. They have next to nothing. He straightened out his visa problems. Could I live like he does? Probably not but I would not mock him. I admire his courage to come back from the brink of disaster and really admire his wife for sticking with him.

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Man I've known people who live on $500 a month in Australia let alone Thailand. Sure they were living in a share house but they still managed to eat out now and then, go to the movies and funnily enough there was always enough money for dope. Over here I know foreigners whose salary is 15,000 baht/month and so they have no choice but to live on that and they seem to live very interesting and full lives from what I see and hear. Contrary to what some may believe they don't stay in their houses all day because they're so weak from lack of food that they can't walk out the door. They're always out organizing free or cheap social events and workshops and they are full of life and inspiration. Then again I know another guy who earns $1000 US a week who always says that he finds it hard to live here because he doesn't earn enough money.

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I also live quite comfortably here in Pattaya for about 15000 a month and not because of needing to either, i don't pay rent as i bought a condo several years back, but i eat well, drink 3 large beers a night and run a small motorbike, what i don't do is drink in beer bars or eat at farang run restaurants very often, but every now and again i will have a blast somewhere but i find living here that i don't want to be doing that every night anyhow

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I think all the mocking scares people away from posting about a lifestyle that is less acceptable than the one enjoyed by more affluent members of the Thai ex pat community.

I agree Mark.

afarang (the definite board member not the indefinite article) posted way back in this topic about his life style on 20k a month and received a couple of digs for it.

Well I know this chap, have done for years and he has a very comfortable life. I actually live on slightly less as I have no kids to provide for, but I have to go to Makro once a month as I don't have a chest freezer and he never has much spare room in his.

I can only think of a couple of farangs in our area that spend much more than 25k per month (apart from the ones that are being bled dry)

And we all gather for regular drinkies and other social events, two pool nights a week, one snooker night for some, meet the baker night and of course weekend football, a few chaps regularly go fishing, some bike ride, a couple golf (but not in the rain)

We don't sit around by candle light, drinking home made hooch and darning socks. You don't need much to have a rich and happy life around here.... Ok it isn't for everyone, but one mans meat etc

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As I've said many times on thaivisa my only weakness is lovely women. My nice room in a Thai hotel costs me $150 per month. I eat on average under $5 a day. That adds up to $300 per month. I walk, hike in the hills, ride my motorbike, write, paint and go fishing. If I left out the women I could easily live on $500 a month. But, because I can afford them I don't mind helping out the pretty ladies. Maybe some day I'll need Viagra or my interest will subside and I can live like a hermit. Untill that happens I'll just carry on like I've been doing and keeping everyone happy.... including Mr Happy.

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Any foreigner living here on 15k fixed income, is by any standards poor and Thailand has more than enough poor people without them adding to the problem.

Perhaps the native english speakers working for that should form a union and demand a price increase so as not to be a problem. What do you think?

Also by talking to most thais 15,000 isnot poor. At local schools thai teachers on mass make less than 10,000 baht a month I quess you would call these teachers poverty stricken, Perhaps you will go to bat for them to get proper wages.

What I donot understand about your statement is how is being poor (in your eyes) make them a problem? When they go to eat they must pay. When they rent a room they must pay. When they go to the doctor they must pay. When they take a bus they must pay.

There is no socialist state here that foreigners are draining. I feel you just want cash cows to step off a plane and be abused. Sorry but that is the feeling I get after reading many of your posts.

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Any foreigner living here on 15k fixed income, is by any standards poor and Thailand has more than enough poor people without them adding to the problem.

Perhaps the native english speakers working for that should form a union and demand a price increase so as not to be a problem. What do you think?

Also by talking to most thais 15,000 isnot poor. At local schools thai teachers on mass make less than 10,000 baht a month I quess you would call these teachers poverty stricken, Perhaps you will go to bat for them to get proper wages.

What I donot understand about your statement is how is being poor (in your eyes) make them a problem? When they go to eat they must pay. When they rent a room they must pay. When they go to the doctor they must pay. When they take a bus they must pay.

There is no socialist state here that foreigners are draining. I feel you just want cash cows to step off a plane and be abused. Sorry but that is the feeling I get after reading many of your posts.

You quote logic, but the fat wallet farang who is probably being fleeced by his lady cannot see further than his nose. :)


Edited by tigerfish
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You quote logic, but the fat wallet farang who is probably being fleeced by his lady cannot see further than his nose. :)

Some are actively prevented from doing so.

In our small town there are around 25 expats living here permanently that regularly socialise. The English speakers tend to gather together as do the Scandis, there are more than a couple of crossovers, and we all know each other quite well.

There are about 20 or so that you never see, they are held captive in their ivory towers. The lady of the house has told them that the rest of us are either ex drug dealers, gangsters, serial rapists, or great train robbers (rather unfair, we only have one of those).... the real reason they are not allowed to talk to us is in case they find out that it doesn't cost 100k Baht a month to live here.

I feel really sorry for them.

Why is beer so expensive in Phuket?

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Last couple of posts are really good. Just shows for some a fat wallet does not buy happiness. How many rich guys top their selves every year worldwide. :)

Interesting that you bring suicide into the topic, but believe me transam regardless of your circumstances that is not the way out.

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Any foreigner living here on 15k fixed income, is by any standards poor and Thailand has more than enough poor people without them adding to the problem.

Perhaps the native english speakers working for that should form a union and demand a price increase so as not to be a problem. What do you think?

Also by talking to most thais 15,000 isnot poor. At local schools thai teachers on mass make less than 10,000 baht a month I quess you would call these teachers poverty stricken, Perhaps you will go to bat for them to get proper wages.

What I donot understand about your statement is how is being poor (in your eyes) make them a problem? When they go to eat they must pay. When they rent a room they must pay. When they go to the doctor they must pay. When they take a bus they must pay.

There is no socialist state here that foreigners are draining. I feel you just want cash cows to step off a plane and be abused. Sorry but that is the feeling I get after reading many of your posts.

You quote logic, but the fat wallet farang who is probably being fleeced by his lady cannot see further than his nose. :)

I bet your wifey would love my fat wallet.

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You quote logic, but the fat wallet farang who is probably being fleeced by his lady cannot see further than his nose. :)

Some are actively prevented from doing so.

In our small town there are around 25 expats living here permanently that regularly socialise. The English speakers tend to gather together as do the Scandis, there are more than a couple of crossovers, and we all know each other quite well.

There are about 20 or so that you never see, they are held captive in their ivory towers. The lady of the house has told them that the rest of us are either ex drug dealers, gangsters, serial rapists, or great train robbers (rather unfair, we only have one of those).... the real reason they are not allowed to talk to us is in case they find out that it doesn't cost 100k Baht a month to live here.

I feel really sorry for them.

Why is beer so expensive in Phuket?

Boy ain't that the truth. Reality is harsh lesson in Thailand. There are two ex bar girls who are maids in my condo building. They clean the common areas, empty the trash, care for the grounds and a myriad of other duties from 5 AM till 5 PM six days a week for 6000 baht per month. Whenever my GF starts a rant about money I refer her to the maids.

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Boy ain't that the truth. Reality is harsh lesson in Thailand. There are two ex bar girls who are maids in my condo building. They clean the common areas, empty the trash, care for the grounds and a myriad of other duties from 5 AM till 5 PM six days a week for 6000 baht per month. Whenever my GF starts a rant about money I refer her to the maids.

Ain't that the truth. The smart bar gals all know they have a clock ticking and they better make their money while they can. There is only a short time on the gravey train. When they reach their thirties they also learn they better latch onto a farang with enough money to support them. Old Thai men aren't going to do it for them. Thai men are too smart. They have their choice of the young lovelies and get the women to support them..

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Sorry George, but this article is either well out of date or the author has done zero research.

I will speak to my experiences in each country.

Thailand - Yes, you can probably live on $500 a month in Nakon Nowhere, living life very similar to Thais, with little to no luxuries, but why would anyone want to? Not even mentioning visa requirements. :whistling:

Philippines - Again, if you want to live in a shit-hole like most filipinos, then yes, $500 a month and you can survive, but just. Most expats I know who live in PI are on a budget from $900 a month on the low side and the sky as the limit on the high side. Again, why would anyone want to go native in the PI? Sure, live in a cabana on the beach, eat dried dish and rice, and do phuck-all. Not for me Ronnie.

Costa Rica - I live in Costa Rica part of each year and am writing this post from San Jose, CR. You're joking, right? $500 a month here won't even get you a hovel to live in. Ticos make more than this. Those that don't still live with their relatives. Visa requirements have income requirements in CR also, much like Thailand. A pensionado visa in CR requires $1000 USD a month of income, while a residence visa has a $2500 USD per month requirement.

Belize - Another head wagger. $500 a month for a thatched shack in the rain forest and foraging for food..

I travel to and spend time in all of these countries every year. Unless you go native or are a backpacker pinching pennies and eating Ramen, $500 a month living budget is a joke and non-starter.

Factor in the devaluation of most 1st world currencies, the strengthening of 2nd / 3rd world currencies, inflation and the global equalization of economies, then you better have your affairs in order before taking a walkabout.

I hate these types of articles as they are the foundation for people to make ill-informed decisions and throw their life to the 4 winds because "it says so in the research I did". Then websites like TV add credence to the drivel by linking to it and therefore supporting the mis-information.

Edited by KeyserSoze01
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Sorry George, but this article is either well out of date or the author has done zero research.

I will speak to my experiences in each country.

Thailand - Yes, you can probably live on $500 a month in Nakon Nowhere, living life very similar to Thais, with little to no luxuries, but why would anyone want to? Not even mentioning visa requirements. :whistling:

Philippines - Again, if you want to live in a shit-hole like most filipinos, then yes, $500 a month and you can survive, but just. Most expats I know who live in PI are on a budget from $900 a month on the low side and the sky as the limit on the high side. Again, why would anyone want to go native in the PI? Sure, live in a cabana on the beach, eat dried dish and rice, and do phuck-all. Not for me Ronnie.

Costa Rica - I live in Costa Rica part of each year and am writing this post from San Jose, CR. You're joking, right? $500 a month here won't even get you a hovel to live in. Ticos make more than this. Those that don't still live with their relatives. Visa requirements have income requirements in CR also, much like Thailand. A pensionado visa in CR requires $1000 USD a month of income, while a residence visa has a $2500 USD per month requirement.

Belize - Another head wagger. $500 a month for a thatched shack in the rain forest and foraging for food..

I travel to and spend time in all of these countries every year. Unless you go native or are a backpacker pinching pennies and eating Ramen, $500 a month living budget is a joke and non-starter.

Factor in the devaluation of most 1st world currencies, the strengthening of 2nd / 3rd world currencies, inflation and the global equalization of economies, then you better have your affairs in order before taking a walkabout.

I hate these types of articles as they are the foundation for people to make ill-informed decisions and throw their life to the 4 winds because "it says so in the research I did". Then websites like TV add credence to the drivel by linking to it and therefore supporting the mis-information.

Why would anyone want to?

1.Tired of working 12 hours a day in the west.

2.Tired of people in the west.

3.Tired of cold weather.

4.Tired of snow.

5.Tired of wife, ex wife, no wife.

6. Bored stiff in the west.

7. Like brown skinned women.

8. Tired of big _______.

9. Tired of Christmas.

10.Pleasure to some people is absence of pain.

If you have some experience with Thailand Nakon Nowhere can be on a beach with short nice people feeding you fried rice and fresh fish for 30 baht. Put a million baht in the bank, that takes care of the visa and live on $500 a month sure you can.

Drinking? Forget about it. Not in the budget. If you get sick? You die. So? You were not going to live forever anyway.

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Its all relative... we've had these chats before. A man on 50k will be laughed at for "living" by the guy on 500k.


50k can be a nice living but another poster will say they spend that amount on a big night out-and maybe they do :blink:

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Sorry George, but this article is either well out of date or the author has done zero research.

I will speak to my experiences in each country.

Thailand - Yes, you can probably live on $500 a month in Nakon Nowhere, living life very similar to Thais, with little to no luxuries, but why would anyone want to? Not even mentioning visa requirements. :whistling:

Philippines - Again, if you want to live in a shit-hole like most filipinos, then yes, $500 a month and you can survive, but just. Most expats I know who live in PI are on a budget from $900 a month on the low side and the sky as the limit on the high side. Again, why would anyone want to go native in the PI? Sure, live in a cabana on the beach, eat dried dish and rice, and do phuck-all. Not for me Ronnie.

Costa Rica - I live in Costa Rica part of each year and am writing this post from San Jose, CR. You're joking, right? $500 a month here won't even get you a hovel to live in. Ticos make more than this. Those that don't still live with their relatives. Visa requirements have income requirements in CR also, much like Thailand. A pensionado visa in CR requires $1000 USD a month of income, while a residence visa has a $2500 USD per month requirement.

Belize - Another head wagger. $500 a month for a thatched shack in the rain forest and foraging for food..

I travel to and spend time in all of these countries every year. Unless you go native or are a backpacker pinching pennies and eating Ramen, $500 a month living budget is a joke and non-starter.

Factor in the devaluation of most 1st world currencies, the strengthening of 2nd / 3rd world currencies, inflation and the global equalization of economies, then you better have your affairs in order before taking a walkabout.

I hate these types of articles as they are the foundation for people to make ill-informed decisions and throw their life to the 4 winds because "it says so in the research I did". Then websites like TV add credence to the drivel by linking to it and therefore supporting the mis-information.

I tend to agree with you, especially regarding Central America. No way you can live on $500/month. Maybe Nicaragua, but it's on par with the PI, it would be a real shit hole with major security issues.

Here, it's possible, but I wouldn't call it living. Sitting in an Issan village watching the rice grow is not something most would enjoy. Some, for sure...but even then, as was previously posted, have a health issue and you are dead. OK if you are 79, not so OK if you are only 50. Plus, no traveling home to visit family and friends, no traveling to Hong Kong for a fun trip, no traveling to that great beach front hotel and relax for a week...forget it. Oh...and no drinking. That's a deal buster for sure.

I was at a friends 4000B/month room here in Pattaya a few months ago. It's horrible! Loud, no kitchen, falling apart, roaches everywhere, etc. I'd rather go back home and work and live in a decent place rather than do that...but then again, to each his own! :)

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Any foreigner living here on 15k fixed income, is by any standards poor and Thailand has more than enough poor people without them adding to the problem.

Perhaps the native english speakers working for that should form a union and demand a price increase so as not to be a problem. What do you think?

Also by talking to most thais 15,000 isnot poor. At local schools thai teachers on mass make less than 10,000 baht a month I quess you would call these teachers poverty stricken, Perhaps you will go to bat for them to get proper wages.

What I donot understand about your statement is how is being poor (in your eyes) make them a problem? When they go to eat they must pay. When they rent a room they must pay. When they go to the doctor they must pay. When they take a bus they must pay.

There is no socialist state here that foreigners are draining. I feel you just want cash cows to step off a plane and be abused. Sorry but that is the feeling I get after reading many of your posts.

You quote logic, but the fat wallet farang who is probably being fleeced by his lady cannot see further than his nose. :)

I bet your wifey would love my fat wallet.

Those with money normally dont talk so much about it. :whistling:

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You hear the expression "farang jOn" (poor farang)more and more these days

If I'm in a bar, I volunteer that phrase anyway before anyone tries to slobber all over me (that means women and dogs of the canine kind)

Regardless of whether I am poor or not, it has sure saved me a lot of money on lady drinks and ensured that the ladies don't waste their time with me

Now I just need to convince the soi dogs that I'm not worth eating...


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