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Documents A New Thai Settler Needs

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Has this been done before?

1. NHS card , achieved by registering with a local GP who will arrange for the NHS card/number issuance -approx 2 weeks lead in time.

2. Provision driving license, apply through direct gov website, 50 quid. Complete the forms they send your partner and return. 3 weeks lead in time and then take lessons (even if your Mrs has a Thai license it would still be a good idea to understand the different driving method!!!!!!!)

3. National insurance card, apply by calling 08456000643 - Job centre plus will then arrange an 'evidence of identity interview' or may do it through the post instead. 4 weeks lead in time.

4. Bank account - HSBC is receptive especially if you are a premier acc holder

5. Try and put all your bills in your partners name

Did I miss anything else?

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if on a fiancee settlement visa do you advise I put her name on my utilities bills?

also a bank account, she can't work at the moment from what i've been told so probably no need for that till married....

same for national insurance number?

or have I been mis-informed?


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Rayongy, I think the NI card only takes a week if there is no evidence of identity interview, or so I have been told.

Also, you may want to think about pensions and investments and depending on your financial position, joint accounts raising your government protection net to 100k instead of 50K for a single account name.

One other thing, what about getting means tested for ESOL classes if you are on a lower income bracket?

Good luck

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