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Gang Of Hypnotizers’ Rip Off Thai Mother For Bt300,000


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Gang Of Hypnotizers’ Rip Off Thai Mother For Bt300,000

PATTAYA: -- A young mother, out shopping in Carrefour Supermarket, was somehow mesmerized into parting with the equivalent of Bt300,000 by a 3-man gang, dubbed ‘the hypnotizers’.

Pattaya, 29 October 2010, [PDN]: A nursing mother, Mrs. Sarisa Peeronun [25] from Bang Saray, out shopping for nappies in Carrefour Department Store, Central Pattaya, on Thursday afternoon, was somehow ‘mesmerized’ by a women in a lift and subsequently led to a table in Fuji Japanese Restaurant, where two accomplices were sitting in wait. They then persuaded the victim to part with the equivalent of Bt300,000, including gold and diamond jewellery, B4,000 cash as well as Bt200,000 from an ATM.

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LOL!!! love this story, reminds me of the time some bloke I knews girl went to royal garden with her big gold necklace on a few years back, apparently the same thing happened to her there :rolleyes:

when I said I knew the owner of the security firm that has cctv in the shopping centre and I would get the film of it for her to go to the police station the crocodile tears turned to anger and rage with outbursts of 'why you no believe'

of course the bloke was back in the u.k and sincerely worried about his tirak:whistling:

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200,000b from an ATM, thats a generous daily limit she has.

most banks have that daily ATM limit, you have to ask for it to be reduced when opening the account or you can do it it at the banks own ATM with your passport number

SCB can be 10,000-200,000

i think K bank and Bangkok Bank are the same

i expect someone will contradict me though........

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