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Apple IPhone Sales Outstrip Blackberry, According To Report


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Apple iPhone sales outstrip BlackBerry, according to report

The success of Apple’s hugely popular iPhone range has seen it overtake Research in Motion, which makes the BlackBerry, as one of the world's biggest mobile phone companies.

Apple shipped 14.1 million handsets during the most recent financial quarter, up 91 per cent on the same quarter last year, according to analysts at Strategy Analytics.

Bumper sales of Apple’s flagship iPhone 4 has seen the company outperform Research in Motion, the Canadian company that makes the BlackBerry range of smartphone devices. RIM shipped 12.4 million units during that period, an increase of 46 per cent on the same quarter last year.

Story continues: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/mobile-phones/8096207/Apple-iPhone-sales-outstrip-BlackBerry-according-to-report.html




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Two things led to this:

1. Apple just launched a brand new iPhone. It's expected that they would have a surge.

2. RIM has been resting on it's laurels, making cookie-cutter copies of existing phones. They're playing the game too conservatively and will go the way of Palm if they aren't careful.

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And Android will probably overtake iPhone by the end of the year.

Yeah... until Verizon has an iPhone. That will change things in a significant way for Android... you have to realize that Verizon and other CDMA carriers basically have no attractive phones at all - at the moment the various Androids are facing very weak competition there. Nokia doesn't even bother, no iPhone, limited choice of BBs...

As for RIM I'm sure they're still selling more in the LOS ;) but, they're getting left behind at the moment - they have nothing even close to the iPhone 4 in therms of style and sexiness... and that more than anything sells phones, at least that's what I think.

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Windows Phone 7 will also hurt Blackberry's growth (Who's sales still grew 46% over last year), because they both compete in the enterprise market, iPhone and Android are going to own the consumer market in the US, but while 14 million iPhones shipped, 110 million Nokias did too, so they are still by far the leader worldwide.

The bottom line is that smartphone sales are exploding across the board. iPhone deserves much of the credit because until it came out it was all Blackberry and Palm, and they rarely sold outside of the enterprise market. Apple took the smartphone to the consumer market, and ironically, they are probably responsible for the big growth in sales of Blackberrys.

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I forgot about Windows Phone 7 - I am just not quite sure who would want it, and why? Even if it's "almost" as good as Android, Android is still free... same goes for the enterprise, BB has owned that market for years why would they suddenly want to switch to WP7? If there is a big value proposition hidden somewhere, I don't see it.

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Simple. Easy integration with with enterprise applications (Office, etc) right out of the box. Windows Mobile is still the second largest player in the enterprise market, and Blackberry is looking like half-assed is the best they can do. Almost as if they took their position for granted and didn't bother to try keeping up. Don't get me wrong, the Torch is a great phone, for 2008. WP7 on the other hand is getting surprisingly positive reviews.


It's not much of a threat to iPhone, but if I were RIM I'd be waking up before it's too late.

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Get a Samsung Galaxy S or wait a week and see if they announce the Nexus 2.

Android is blowing the competition out of the water, for good reason.

I wouldn't touch an iPhone unless you want all your mates to laugh at you.

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I can tell you now that people prefer BB to Iphone and more people have BB in US than IPhone's, Iphones look good they have a nice UI and there are plenty of apps that beat everybody else hands down but they have a massive floor in the terrible battery life, there lame excuse at push email and other content is crap, the only thing you can do with a IPhone 3 or 4 is look at them,, as soon as you start to use it or a few emails or WLM chat then the battery is dead and it will not get you through the day, that can also be said for Android phones the girl i work with complaines the battery lasts 2 hrs and she isnt even doing everything.

Sorry but while BB's might not have the advanced gaming or looks of either these 2 what it does it does brilliant push email facebook,twitter, weather all landing in your inbox with no effort at all you can respond to Facebook notifications an send them like SMS, battery life exactly how it should be even for the high usage people.

Sorry but for my money, pretty much evryone in tahgiland and the majority of people in the US Blackberry wins hands out,

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I agree on the email aspect. I use a BB myself. But I'm just getting fed up with lousy quality control and lack of innovation. One example, if I'm playing a podcast, the same button that turns the volume up and down also shuffles tracks, so if I want to turn the volume up it skips to the next track. Are they even trying these things out before they go on the market? I had an iPhone which was tossed in favour of the BB because I needed multitasking and good push email, but Apple's quality control was still superior.

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