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Uk Settlement Visa

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I am sure that you are correct, but none of these will be any use whatsoever to a settlement visa applicant!

So, logically what you are saying then is that if a placement test to define one's English language competence has no use whatsoever, then neither does a sminar at 1000 baht which does exactly the same - defines one's level.

From thewhere can she take an English course at Level A1 in BKK?

So the issue is; where can one take the required accredited assessment from an approved provider?

I cannot see anything in any of your posts in this topic which answers that question. Please cut the confusing waffle and stick to the point.

The British Council. Any language school. She can study anywhere to get up to A1 level - assuming that she now cannot speak a word,

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Desertexile, what are you trying to prove? That, once again, you are right and everyone else is wrong?

As you have not provided a source for most of the 'information' you have posted above, one cannot take it seriously.

The official UKBA page I linked to above says what it says and, again, there is nowhere in Thailand where one can obtain the required assessment from an approved provider in Thailand for free.

End of story, and as I have no desire to assist any further in your self aggrandisement I'm closing this topic.

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Any attempt by you to open a similar one will be dealt with; as will any attempt by you to divert any similar toipics.

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