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Slandered In A Popular Thai Magazine


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A Thai woman has published an article about me in KsKs magazine, but everything in the article is false. She says that we were having a relationship, that I was living off her, that I had girlfriends in every province in Thailand, that I was suppose to marry her. All these things happened in this woman's' mind, The article included my email address and my phone number, the last two numbers of my phone number were xx out but none the less, the damage has been done.

I get an email yesterday saying that I would not know that an article had been published about me........ha ha ha it says. So I know where It comes from now.

Besides threatening to sue the magazine if they do not retract and apologize for these false accusations and the publishing of my email address and phone number, I would think that miilions of bhat in damages would be payable? Any other options?

Any advice.....

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They'll probably pay the judge half the amount of settlement, and you lose.

Or it will drag on for decades, then you'll recieve your payment in 20b monthly installments for a few thousand years.

Also take into account that they'll probably make problems for themself, just to make bigger problems for you.

It's a beautiful society really.

Cheers chaps.


Edited by DomToggaf
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Never heard of that magazine. What is it?

Well from what I know it writes about Thai celebreties and probably a lot of what I would call smut.

Cool. So you're famous?

They call it "infamous" when it is not for something good. Not the kind of fame I need when my boss presents this to me the other day. I thought that it was some kind of joke, until it was translated to me.

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Defamation is a criminal offense in Thailand so your first stop should be your local police station to make a police report.

The civil action can proceed in parallel.

Thanks, I was wondering about this. My lawyers office is closed for the weekend and his Thai staff will be away for a few days before I can get sound legal advice.

I would prefer a quick settlement to clear my name in print and letters of apology to all those affected by the comments, some money would be good also for defamation of character.

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Can you post or link to the article and/or magazine?

I'm trying to understand what type of magazine this is, what type of article it was and why they published your telephone number (even with 2 digits redacted) and email? Who wrote the article? Is it published in Thai? Did you know this woman?How did you find out about it?

Without a lot more details one can only surmise that your dreams of "millions of baht" may be dashed.

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So how did you meet this girl? Hi so Thai/Chinese I assume and of course college educated.

She is a nurse in Chumpon. I met her on the internet. She was angry that I would not go there and visit her, she harassed me for months emailing me to go to her sons graduation and this and that. I was studying Thai language in Bangkok at the time, and I am not about to fly around the country to meet women. Women used to regularly ask me to go to this or that place in Thailand to meet them. I did not have the time or the means.

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Never heard of that magazine. What is it?

Well from what I know it writes about Thai celebreties and probably a lot of what I would call smut.

Cool. So you're famous?

If the gf was interviewed by the magazine , that means SHE is famous; :whistling: but the OP stated she wrote an "article"; which suppose to mean that she is either a journalist or a columnist in that magazine.

My bet is neither of the above mentioned : she'd just posted her story in the "relationships' fix" section in that magazine.<_<

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So how did you meet this girl? Hi so Thai/Chinese I assume and of course college educated.

She is a nurse in Chumpon. I met her on the internet. She was angry that I would not go there and visit her, she harassed me for months emailing me to go to her sons graduation and this and that. I was studying Thai language in Bangkok at the time, and I am not about to fly around the country to meet women. Women used to regularly ask me to go to this or that place in Thailand to meet them. I did not have the time or the means.

With all my respect for nurses, but a "nurse" is hel_l far from being recognized as a "celebrity" in my Thai dictionary :blink: so how come she ended in Kiskis?

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The article is written in Thai without a name or signature. My boss brought me the article, it claims that we had a relationship, if you read my post, and that I had a girlfriend in every province in Thailand, that we had sex and I was going to marry her. Cusa Cusom is my best pronounciation of the name of the magazine. I did not know who wrote or submitted it until I received an email, the email said "you dont know but there is an article about you in CC ha ha ha." it is slanderous, libelous and defamation of character.

"No hel_l scorned like the wrath of a woman"

Edited by Colabamumbai
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Yes, you got to watch out for the crazy girls out there, i stay way from the internet hook up, my friend did that when he first came to Thailand and all he met was desperate crazy girls wanting to get married right away. He finally stopped the internet hookup and started to go out on the town until he found a nice girl.

the thai courts take this very seriously so you should be able to get this cleared up. Good luck, let us know how it turns out.

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(previews only, need to buy the magazine. which edition features your story?)

I think you are overreacting, but will anxiously await your updates. Can't wait to hear what your lawyer says.

It is the edition for November 10 --20. Page 95 and 95 I think, I dont have the book in front of me. Lawyer says letter of apology is easiest way to go since lawsuits can take years. The people that I work for are just freaking out and expecting me to prove that this did not happen.

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Defamation in Thailand; neither the mag nor the author would even face civil liability in the US or UK. Truth is a defense to the allegation, but public disclosure of private facts which disparage a person's character is still a criminal offense in Thailand.

I agree.

Regardless or not whether the allegations are true, the editor of the magazine is liable.

Go to a lawyer, it is even probably that you can come to agreeable terms with the lawyer, i.e. working on percentage.

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Guess I gotta go try to find the mag :) .

It’s not often I run into famous, or infamous people here. .. Mostly it’s just the nefarious kind. :o ..

Is the name of mag really คู่สร้าง-คู่สม as in the one from the link another poster provided?

If it is, and in fact is just written without a heading or author; it could very well still be active in one of their many columns the site has online.

A quick perusal of them leads me to believe that’s where most of the “dirt gets slung”.

It’s definitely a question for a competent thai lawyer, and not I think a topic for a general poll of the illustrious posers :whistling: <sic> I mean posters on T/V.

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I am sure my wife has a copy. I will check when I get home. From past reading of articles in this popular magazine, it is probably very tame. I'll get back to you on this. Perhaps, it would make a good posting in the Thai language forum. :D Just joking.

If you can be identified, it would probably fall within the area of defamation before third parties.

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You have had your share of woman problems this year. Wife went bonkers after 6 weeks and now an invincible nurse is doing her thesis on you.

Is the ex wife a nurse too or just that you have a knack of pissing females off?

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Guess I gotta go try to find the mag :) .

It's not often I run into famous, or infamous people here. .. Mostly it's just the nefarious kind. :o ..

Is the name of mag really คู่สร้าง-คู่สม as in the one from the link another poster provided?

If it is, and in fact is just written without a heading or author; it could very well still be active in one of their many columns the site has online.

A quick perusal of them leads me to believe that's where most of the "dirt gets slung".

It's definitely a question for a competent thai lawyer, and not I think a topic for a general poll of the illustrious posers :whistling: <sic> I mean posters on T/V.

Yes Todd the magazine is called Koosang/Koosom November 10 to 20 edition Page 94 and 95. I called and spoke politely to the manager yesterday who told me that it was not possible that I could be the man in the article, and that he was "just protecting his girls". by printing the article.

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I am sure my wife has a copy. I will check when I get home. From past reading of articles in this popular magazine, it is probably very tame. I'll get back to you on this. Perhaps, it would make a good posting in the Thai language forum. :D Just joking.

If you can be identified, it would probably fall within the area of defamation before third parties.

Looking forward to your reply. I am identified by my name which is also my email address and my phone number is there . People I know have been asking me about the article.

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You have had your share of woman problems this year. Wife went bonkers after 6 weeks and now an invincible nurse is doing her thesis on you.

Is the ex wife a nurse too or just that you have a knack of pissing females off?

I have to laugh not she was not a nurse also. It seems I can get them angry for not having a relationship with them. I'm staying away from the women.

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