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Any Tata Young Concerts Coming Soon ?


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I saw her perform last night at a free concert along with DJ Dome at a warehouse on Vihavadi rd just near the Army Club. It was a good performance if short.

She is not that fat and has more than energy than most. Also, I'm not much of a fan but her politics & social concerns at least has some substance which is more than one can say about 90% of Thai performers!

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I saw her perform last night at a free concert along with DJ Dome at a warehouse on Vihavadi rd just near the Army Club. It was a good performance if short.

She is not that fat and has more than energy than most. Also, I'm not much of a fan but her politics & social concerns at least has some substance which is more than one can say about 90% of Thai performers!

She always struck me as being the last Thai performer to genuinely take an interest in politics or social affairs. Comes across as being vain, demanding and high maintenance. Perhaps i have her all wrong though.

So just exactly what is her political position?

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I will take that as a know then Tata :(

I will move on to something more easy ....... anyone know what Annie Brooks is doing next ? :lol:

No, i'm afraid i don't, but if you are really looking to move on to something "more easy", perhaps you should give inflatable a go. wink.gif

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I saw her perform last night at a free concert along with DJ Dome at a warehouse on Vihavadi rd just near the Army Club. It was a good performance if short.

She is not that fat and has more than energy than most. Also, I'm not much of a fan but her politics & social concerns at least has some substance which is more than one can say about 90% of Thai performers!

She always struck me as being the last Thai performer to genuinely take an interest in politics or social affairs. Comes across as being vain, demanding and high maintenance. Perhaps i have her all wrong though.

So just exactly what is her political position?

I'm not a fan to know her political position as you ask - I was using the term in a general context not domestic politics - but she has done awareness raising work on Ozone and MDGs and more importantly on trafficking of people and violence against women issues. The latter two for NGOs and the UN from the little I have read/seen.

Fans would know more. She is obviously no Angelina or Clooney but in a Thai star context, she gets big kudos in my book.

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I know she gained weight. She looked fat whenever I saw her. She frequents a little club near my house. She may have lost it though, I haven't seen her in a couple of months. Maybe sweating it off.

Now the Wonder Girls.... I would definitely pay to see them. Jeesh, I feel like a dirty old man.

Edited by floridaguy
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I know she gained weight. She looked fat whenever I saw her. She frequents a little club near my house. She may have lost it though, I haven't seen her in a couple of months. Maybe sweating it off.

Now the Wonder Girls.... I would definitely pay to see them. Jeesh, I feel like a dirty old man.

Flordiaguy .. where do you live and what is the name of this club ?? :) ... Dont worry i wont go stalking her i wont tell anyone any names if i get caught :ph34r:

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I am a big fan - Tata has great tatas. :jap:

I heard the other day some Thais gossiping about how much weight she has recently put on. This picture seems to confirm it:


Attractive women do seem to pass they`re sell by date fairly quickly and don`t have a very long shelf life.

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I am a big fan - Tata has great tatas. :jap:

I heard the other day some Thais gossiping about how much weight she has recently put on. This picture seems to confirm it:


Attractive women do seem to pass they`re sell by date fairly quickly and don`t have a very long shelf life.

heard from the dara news that she was ditch by the gay son of a muay thai camp owner.

dam_n it is evil to be ditch by a gay.

aint sure if it is true?

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I am a big fan - Tata has great tatas. :jap:

I heard the other day some Thais gossiping about how much weight she has recently put on. This picture seems to confirm it:


Attractive women do seem to pass they`re sell by date fairly quickly and don`t have a very long shelf life.

heard from the dara news that she was ditch by the gay son of a muay thai camp owner.

dam_n it is evil to be ditch by a gay.

aint sure if it is true?

I think she ditch him. They engaged with a big Sinsod about 100 million, I think. Don't know she return Sinsod to his family yet.

Is he gay? I don't know but seem to be. Anyway he say he is not.

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