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Are You A Licensed Teacher?


Teacher's License  

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I have the waiver (2nd waiver). Will take ONE of the tests I failed next round (passed 1 out of 4). I will not be a fool like last time, taking more than one. I am already considering transferring to a Uni in the near future if something doesn't change within the TC.

Edited by mizzi39
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I passed all four sections (nine modules) of the TCT test and am waiting for my license. I currently am on my second two year temporary permit. It supposedly takes anywhere from six months to one year for them to issue the license after you submit the app and all the paperwork.

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Congratulations. I am glad to hear that some people are having some success with the exams.

I'd wish you the best of luck, but it seems lady luck (and some hard work) are already shining on you.

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I did get mine in the end, without having to sit the exams, owing to my length of service.

Scott, can you point me in the direction of any more info on the waivers? I seem to remember that schools could basically beg to have a licence for special cases, (such as my other half who has been at the school for 5 years, but can't apply for these exams because she has no degree), but I can't find any current info.

Sorry if this is a bit off topic, feel free to send me a pm if you have any info and think it more appropriate.

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I have been having internet problems, so I can't really take a look around the forum to give you a link, but the pinned topics on the top should have some information about the Thai Teacher's Council and if you go back a few months there should be some information.

It's basically up to the school to request the waiver, not the teacher.

If I have better luck on line I'll try and take a look.

( ) It's this thread, but it might take some looking.

Edited by Scott
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Ha ha - thanks for that Scott. I know that huge thread and contributed on it a couple of times. I was in the position of (hopefully) getting grandfathered in and was trying to find out more about that at the time. As I remember everything was just rumours and hearsay, but I'll go back and review that beast of a thread. Thanks anyway.

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Over a year ago, we were told by the Ministry of Education--whom we scheduled a meeting with about Licensing issues--that three waivers of two years could be granted. Remember, that came from the MOE. I don't believe that it was written in stone, but that was the policy at the time. We have a large number of teachers who are on their 2nd waiver and are firmly headed toward a third. None have taken the exams and at no time has any official (such as Immigration) suggested that they do.

Apparently, in other areas of the country, people have been told to get into compliance. If you are correct about two waivers, we will have a lot of very surprised teachers.

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We have a large number of teachers who are on their 2nd waiver and are firmly headed toward a third.

This isn't too surprising. The 'rules' change so frequently around here one can never really tell if jumping through the hoops will actually pay off. I know a few non-degreed teachers who are quite happy working under the radar for agencies and being exempt from all the red tape.

I am on a waiver myself, as I am in the middle of completing my M.Ed online - due to finish a little more than a year from now. Hopefully that makes me qualified in the eyes of the MOE. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a 'working towards' teacher. I passed (lol) the Thai culture course back in May as all teachers at our school were copped to do so this year ...I use the word 'copped' as it doesn't seem to apply to all schools.

Couple of questions if anyone out there would be kind enough to shed some light upon this :rolleyes:

1) Now then, am I now in the shit as I haven't applied to take any of the 4 tests yet (I see the deadline for payment of next round of exams in Jan 2011 has passed) but I have passed the TC course? My next renewal is up in March 2011.

2) Also, mmm, hoping too much? Am I exempt from taking the tests because: (copied from the KSP website, Teacher license renewal B.E. 2552)

"For foreign teachers who hold the renewal licenses are responsible for completing the following requirements:

1. Standards of Professional Knowledge

1.1 Hold a degree in Education or an equivalent or in other related fields accredited by the Teachers Council of Thailand or meets one of the following requirements:

(1) Hold a bachelor's degree and a graduate diploma in Education or studying a degree or graduate diploma in Education.

(2) Hold a bachelor's degree and pass or take the Teachers Council of Thailand certification test to improve your development process.

(3) Do not hold a bachelor's degree, but studying a degree in education.


1.2 Individuals who do not meet the requirement 1.1, they shall have the following requirement:

(1) Hold a bachelor's degree and have had at least 5 years of teaching experience.

(2) Do not hold a bachelor's degree, but have had at least 10 years of teaching experience."

I have had a TL for 5 years and 7 months at a Prathom school and previous to that 2 years at a Uni = 7+ years of 'teaching experience' in Thailand. So from that line in red would I be exempt or not? I'm just not clear on this and would be great if anyone has a definitive answer on this (Scott the wise one, your input would be appreciated) . Hey, I'm just living in hope as I really don't want to go through this mill of 4 exams and at least 4000 Baht later.

Thx Triple You :jap:

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You have me stumped on that part of the regulation. I don't know of anyone who has gotten a permanent Teacher's License under that particular clause of the regulation. Perhaps we have some posters who have some experience with this?

I was actually trying to call the TCT to get some information on another question. If I am able to do that, I will try and address your question as well.

It's difficult to get straight answers about the license and requirements.

Anyway, over to people with some experience.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Triple you, that was my position- I have worked for the same school since May 2002 and got my licence about 6 months ago. (Bachelors plus min 5 years although I do seem to remember someone saying something about working for the same school). Sorry to be a bit vague but the school did it all on my behalf and the licence just turned up one day- I didn't even know they'd applied for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers Slip :-), Yup have given a copy of the KSP page to my boss last week or so and she's off to the MOE to see what the score is.

If it is indeed the favourable case then me and another teacher will benefit by this and avoid all those horrid exams at our own expense ...fingers crossed and will know the outcome by latest end of feb .... will keep all posted.

Let's just see how 'black and white' black and white is ...mmm it is TIT afterall :jap:

Edited by YouYouYou
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Good luck Triple You. Hope it works out right for you. Then you'll only have to worry about the 'standards of professional practice' for your renewal-lol. Actually I'm thinking that these exams might be a relatively easy way to tick one of those boxes as not so many of us are often 'writing textbooks, articles or academic reports which are beneficial for learning management or educational management'. Or is that just me?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Oh well ...and no surprise (please see post 13 for the copy of the government act on teacher license renewal). Our boss went to the MOE this week with a copy in hand and proof of 2 teachers with 7+ years experience and more than 5 at our present school.

The man laughed at this and told our boss "They still have to do the exams". Wonderful attitiude eh!, and when the government doesn't believe their own written government acts, what chance do you stand? But, it could just be that individual and his interpretation thereof, which is often the case with poorly trained / just plain obstructive civil servants, IMHO.

To top it all, at the moment they are dragging their feet in processing the letter to allow postponement of the exam (as we haven't done them yet LOL) and it will be a close call if it is done before our visas expire in 10 days time .....sorry, but I think the MOE are ************************************************************************************** fill in the blanks.:angry:

May others find otherwise ..it's just a case of finding the right individual, good luck :unsure:

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  • 1 month later...

Currently on my second waiver now. Informed that diploma holders no longer eligible for waiver or employment. Then received a conditional waiver for member of staff because of 6 years of experience. He was told to enroll in a bachelor program before the next year. Then the school was notified that all teachers must be prepared for the TTL. Our school will support all foreign teachers to comply. I still have not seen any examples of teachers with no degree and 10 years experience getting through the system. The new academic year there will be 15 foreign teachers in the department and all on waivers. High turnovers make it impossible to commit time to arrange the TTL.

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This is sad news for many people who have made a career or teaching in Thailand. Most of the Teachers that have consulted me as to what they should do about their future in Thailand, have been told not to plan a future in Thailand that involves teaching or to get a degree and get legal.

Hopefully, universities will come up with programs that are tailored to the needs of those who need to work while going to school.

Best of luck.

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