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This weeks Local TV schedule:


UBC SuperSport(35)

Channel Day

Start Time Program Title

01:00 National Football League 2006 017: CINCINNATI @ BALTIMORE (06-NOV-2006)

04:15 National Football League 2006 018: DENVER @ PITTSBURGH (06-NOV-2006)


ESPN (39)

08:00 Nfl Football (i) : Indianapolis Colts Vs. New England Patriots


ESPN (39)

08:30 Nfl Football : Oakland Raiders Vs. Seattle Seahawks

The Sunday night game should be excellent; here's hoping for an early season snowstorm.

SNOWSTORM? We don't need no stinkin' snowstorm!

Yes, this weekend I'll be passing on my usual Sunday night "overnighter", watching those midnight + games. It'll be early to bed, and early to rise, to watch my Patriots once again frustrate the media's beloved darling, and enjoy another series of those childish Manning pouts as he blames everybody but himself for incompletions, and, hopefully, interceptions.

Belichick has had Manning's number throughout the wonder boy's career. Shall we once again count how many rings Manning has, and compare that number to the one's that Belichick and Brady have?

Look for a return of the Patriots running game in this one. Constant pounding by Corey Dillon, and some big runs by super rook, Laurence Maroney (likely Rookie of the Year). A few big play passes will be sprinkled in there off of play action.

Meanwhile, the Colts will likely move the ball up and down the middle of the field, as the Pats give them short runs and passes to shut off the big play. Then the clamps go on as the Ponies near or enter the Red Zone. The traitorous Adam Vinatieri will have some FG opportunities, when he will hear quite a different greeting from the Foxboro crowd than those he'd heard while he was wise enough to stay with a championship team.

In the end, I expect something like Patriots 34, Colts 23. That will make the Colts the first team to score more than 17 points on the underrated Patriots defense all season. They can celebrate that as they fly home sitting in the #2 seed position in the AFC, knowing that they are still, and never will be, any better than 2nd for as long as Bill Belichick is the Head Coach in New England!

- George

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Have I told this story before?

Early 1970s, Pittsburgh with the Steel Curtain Defense and Bradshaw running the offense rolled into Texas Stadium. One of the first NFL games I ever saw, if not the very first. The whistle is blown, the play is over, and about 3 seconds later one Cowboy clipped Bradshaw behind the knees while another clotheslined him.

We did that crap playing in the backyard, but it seems to me that's illegal in the NFL because somebody could be crippled for life. Bradshaw jumped up, looking for the flag, but of course there was no flag. This was Texas Stadium! Nobody ever flagged the Boys in Texas Stadium, and the refs cheated as much as it took to ensure Dallas won all 7 home games every year. Meanwhile, Coach Tom Landry was in TV commercials selling Bibles.

I will go to my grave hating the Dallas Cowboys. It wasn't much fun when they sucked, cheering against such a pathetic bunch of losers, but I still hated them. Still do. I'm hoping TO kills Tuna's mojo. I never liked Tuna either.

Remember how brutally Jerry Jones fired Tom Landry? I laughed so hard. But now, I can say Tom Landry got......

......JACKED UP!!


(Um...any Dallas fans in this thread?)

Yes, I will publicly admit to being a Cowboy fan. I certainly don't see them winning the superbowl this year, but at least they are competitive. The Steelers, on the other hand, have been a huge disappointment.

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Well, I certainly didn't enjoy the Cowboys against my Panthers recently. The game was on while I was editing a news article about the Redskins for a magazine starting up in the DC area. Needless to say, my editor wasn't too thrilled by the game either.

I look forward to the upcoming Cowboys Redskin game. It will give us a good idea of how good Romo really is. While the Redskins have played horrible so far this year, these games are always tough. Romo will be tested. It will also be an important game for Brunell, who I understand is on thin ice in Washington.

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This year, the Colts won in Denver with a last second field goal by Adam Vinatieri (questionable, right groin), the Pats did not.

I think the Colts beat the Pats last year at Foxboro, 40-21?

The Pats have book-ended November with (potentially) unbeaten opponents at home. They host the Bears on Nov. 26 (week 12).

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This year, the Colts won in Denver with a last second field goal by Adam Vinatieri (questionable, right groin), the Pats did not.

I think the Colts beat the Pats last year at Foxboro, 40-21?

The Pats have book-ended November with (potentially) unbeaten opponents at home. They host the Bears on Nov. 26 (week 12).

Loma, last year the Pats had some guys rounded up from the VFW in the defensive backfield. They look to be coming together now. If they play their game (at Gillette, at least), they win, but of course, turnovers, etc.....

The Bears opponents haven't been too impressive. I'm unconvinced. I think the Colts, Broncs, and Pats are the three best NFL teams.


Edited by calibanjr.
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Michigan is definitely going to pull through this year and go to the national championship....it would be a weird game if they ended up playing louisville.

Er...don't they have to get past #1 Ohio State first?

But back to the NFL...yes, even some of us Bear fans are not totally convinced by this team because of their so-so schedule. Maybe the best thing that happened to them was that lousy game against Arizona on National TV. Now everybody underestimates them. Even some doofus on the Packers was saying they could beat the Bears. :o

And although it made for exciting TV watching, I was not impressed with either the Colts or the Broncos D. The Broncs were supposed to have such a great defence...how could you give up points like that at the end of a game?

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Michigan is definitely going to pull through this year and go to the national championship....it would be a weird game if they ended up playing louisville.

Well now, first they have to get past the Bucks, and Coach Tressel seems to have Little Blues number. Then of course the is the matter of the actual BSC championship game to play as well. Speaking as a Bucks fan I think the OSU-Michigan game will prove to be a tougher game than the BSC championship game.

Both played pretty poorly this past weekend. OSU allowing the Illini to almost get back into the game in the second hald, and Ball State giving Michigan about all they could take. Pretty sure it boils down to both teams looking too far ahead and not focusing on the game at hand. Another week like that and it might just make the Heisman race a close one after all.

Getting back to the NFL one can be assured that I will be watching the Skins-Boys game, and also hoping that Campbell gets into the game. I think I might have been giving Brunell too hard of a time in some of my earlier posts, after watching the Colts game it was pretty clear other people missing their assignments is playing a large role in the lackluster offensive performance so far this year. But, I think this season is pretty much shot already and if Campbell is really going to be the man of the future they might as well get him some time under center.

The Skins D really centers around the CB play, Rumph and Wright have both been proven to not be up to the task of covings one-on-one. This has forced them to play a much more vanilla scheme that just ain’t cutting it.

Certainly would like to see the Skins pull one off this weekend. On the up side the D is as healthy now as they have been all season, on the down side Moss looks like he might have to sit out.

Hail to the Redskins.

Edited by TokyoT
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Well it weren’t pretty – but a win is a win. Go Skins.

First drive looked pretty good, used up a lot of the clock – then disaster, failure to punch it in from the 1. Things soon turned around with the safety – but the rest of the game was anything but a smooth ride. Defense played better than expected but not better than they are capable. Way too soft on third downs.

Offense was pretty ineffective – but apparently effective enough. Looking like Brunell is less of a problem, but I would still make the switch to Campbell.

Hopefully this win will spark some kind of real run in the win column – hay a fan has to have some kind of hope.

Shame the Giants were also able to pull of a rather ugly win or things in this division would be really tight. Now Giants pretty much control their own fate with a two game lead.

Chicago is not looking as sharp as they were earlier this year – a miracle come back to be Arizona, and now they lose to Miami?

Ravens looked pretty good.

If Colston keeps this up for the Saints he should run away with rookie of the year honors and might just make a run for offensive player of the year.

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Chicago is not looking as sharp as they were earlier this year – a miracle come back to be Arizona, and now they lose to Miami?

It's all about turnovers. If you muff a punt deep in your own end and throw three interceptions, you're very likely going to lose, doesn't matter who you're playing. Bears have to get their running game to be more consistent.

Edited by dekestone
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Living in Bangkok, the only consolation I have for not being able to see the Cowyboys - Redskin game is that I wasn't able to see the Cowboys - Redskin game. If I did, I would be even more sick than I feel now.

At least Romo does look like he really is the Cowboy QB for the future.

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Living in Bangkok, the only consolation I have for not being able to see the Cowyboys - Redskin game is that I wasn't able to see the Cowboys - Redskin game. If I did, I would be even more sick than I feel now.

At least Romo does look like he really is the Cowboy QB for the future.

You can watch any pretty much any game via the net. Not the best situation, but at least it lets you follow the game live in color. I watched the Skins game, and I was glad I did. Not just because of the outcome, but before when unable to catch the games I have followed along via the net thru MSN Sports, or Yahoo Sports, and they posted the wrong score on the game today. For several minutes MSN/Fox showed the Cowboys last FG attempted as successful and the Cowboys as the game winner. Only to have to correct the score, would have been quite crushing had I not just seen the game finish and knew the outcome was different then what they had posted.

To watch the games via the net I log on thru Yahoo sports, it cost something like $25 USD per game, but for a real fan that is peanuts. You can also buy a season package.

The game was quite a wild and wacky finish – missed FG, block FG, winning FG.

Would agree that Romo certainly seems to have what it takes – hard to tell what would have happened if he would have been given the chance to start the season. Must be pretty crushing for Bleadso (Sp), but he simply is not mobile enough for todays NFL.

I hope you get to see some highlights – Owens is working on quite the set of highlights for this season. The dropped fourth down pass against the Giants, now not only did he get penalized for celebration after his TD (Dallas was very lucky the ensuing kickoff was quite short and two Redskin players running into each other attempting to field the kick prevented them from turning good field position into great field position, then of course the Skins bumbled that series and went three and out – but still TO put them in a very bad position), then he follows that up with a drop after he got behind the Skins DB’s and would have easily scored a TD had he been able to hold on to the ball.

Hail to the Redskins.

The Colts/Pats game was a decent game. Pats were still in it till the end, and a loss to Indy certainly should not downgrade NE on any NFL power poll.

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Living in Bangkok, the only consolation I have for not being able to see the Cowyboys - Redskin game is that I wasn't able to see the Cowboys - Redskin game. If I did, I would be even more sick than I feel now.

At least Romo does look like he really is the Cowboy QB for the future.

You can watch any pretty much any game via the net. Not the best situation, but at least it lets you follow the game live in color. I watched the Skins game, and I was glad I did. Not just because of the outcome, but before when unable to catch the games I have followed along via the net thru MSN Sports, or Yahoo Sports, and they posted the wrong score on the game today. For several minutes MSN/Fox showed the Cowboys last FG attempted as successful and the Cowboys as the game winner. Only to have to correct the score, would have been quite crushing had I not just seen the game finish and knew the outcome was different then what they had posted.

To watch the games via the net I log on thru Yahoo sports, it cost something like $25 USD per game, but for a real fan that is peanuts. You can also buy a season package.

The game was quite a wild and wacky finish – missed FG, block FG, winning FG.

Would agree that Romo certainly seems to have what it takes – hard to tell what would have happened if he would have been given the chance to start the season. Must be pretty crushing for Bleadso (Sp), but he simply is not mobile enough for todays NFL.

I hope you get to see some highlights – Owens is working on quite the set of highlights for this season. The dropped fourth down pass against the Giants, now not only did he get penalized for celebration after his TD (Dallas was very lucky the ensuing kickoff was quite short and two Redskin players running into each other attempting to field the kick prevented them from turning good field position into great field position, then of course the Skins bumbled that series and went three and out – but still TO put them in a very bad position), then he follows that up with a drop after he got behind the Skins DB’s and would have easily scored a TD had he been able to hold on to the ball.

Hail to the Redskins.

The Colts/Pats game was a decent game. Pats were still in it till the end, and a loss to Indy certainly should not downgrade NE on any NFL power poll.

Thanks for the heads up on going through yahoo sports.

I have read what I can on the game, saw the final play replayed at half of the Colts/Pats game and really don't want to see anymore. By the way, TO's excuse for the big drop was a loss of concentration. Imagine that. I guess since Keshawn used the excuse last week of losing one in the lights that he had to come up with something to say that was different.

That was the second blocked field goal the Cowboys had in the last two games (last week's block by the Panthers was negated by a time out call). Both times it was a good snap and somebody made a play. Hence, another problem they have to address with their offensive line. Did the Cowboys ever give a good explanation for using their first round pick for Fausano instead of an offensive lineman?

The season is far from over for anyone in this division, so it will be interesting.

Go Bears.

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By the way, TO's excuse for the big drop was a loss of concentration. Imagine that.

I think he was sleepy.

Oh, and the season was probably over for Oakland's vaunted Bed & Breakfast Offense before it began. :o

From what I understand, TO has been catching up on his sleep in training sessions. Also, at night if he can't sleep, he takes sleeping pills. Should have been well rested for this one.

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Four interceptions and zero touchdowns for Tom Brady. He looked lackadaisical to me. The no-huddle offense seemed to catch the Pats defense off guard. Two losses at home, to Denver and Indianapolis. They've got the Jets at home then travel to Green Bay.

It could be worse. The Steelers seems to have lost all the wheels. I'm not sure they can get to .500?

The AFC championship appears to be the Super Bowl this year?

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Four interceptions and zero touchdowns for Tom Brady. He looked lackadaisical to me.

I agree with what Madden was saying during the game: the Colts give up 100+ yds on the ground every game (one of the worst run defences); so why didn't the Pats -- and the "genious" Belicheck (my comment, not Madden's) -- run right at them instead of trying fake reverses, end arounds, etc. I think RB Maroney would have thrived on it and had a great game.

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Indy seems to be comparable to Ohio State – they both have fairly weak run defenses but typically get out to an early lead and then the opponents revert to the pass to catch up. Which plays into the strong side of their defense.

The Texas – Ohio State game would have been a lot closer game had Texas not went away from the run so early in that game. I don’t understand why the Pats seemed to go away from the run so quickly in the Indy game either – they were not really out of it until quite late in the game. And the Pats rookie back packs quite a punch.

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