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Why US Pornmakers Remain Unfazed By Thailand’s ‘Tough Stance’ On The Exploitation Of Women


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The use of Proxy servers in Thailand is illegal, as I understood it, so if the vidoes can only be seen by there use all well and good.

Or so we would think?

You don't need a proxy he is all over the internet.

Whoah Whoah WHOA!. I've just gone though five pages here and either most of you have not read the original story, or you just do not get it.

Nowhere have I stated that the girls did not consent, on the contrary I stated they fully co-operated in the filming and that is quite obvious. Again i have never stated how much they were paid.

This story is purely about a series of sleazy pornmakers and how they have evaded the normal court processes even though police accused them of a variety of other offences including, drugs, possession of a weapon, and overstaying their visas - one by 4 years! - plus a little bit about how these guys operate.

Of course in Pattaya there will be hundreds of sad expats who say they (the girls) want it, they want the money etc. There are few career girls in this business, perhaps one or two make enough money to buy a pick up truck. Of course the money smells good, but without exception all are looking for a better life. Dogs of course will eat poisoned steak because it smells good.

As for Mad American Mike he sounds a little off his trolley. He is of course aware of the 'rules' of the US porn industry. ie girls are over 18, they are photographed with their IDs etc. I hope Mike is not the same American Mike I have already written about.

The US supermarket tabloid National Enquirer requires affidavit,tapes,and videos from all reporters to prove their stories. It is perhaps not always the most accurate of US publications.

Similarly a copy of an Thai ID card means nothing to the US authorities anyway, and they rarely check. Its unlikely they will investigate Thai girls in the business. Its all just office paperwork to produce in the unlikely event police come calling and easy to forge.

And are all the girls happy, no! Many are on drugs, particularly Ice. At least one of the stars I have been informed has HIV. Poer insists on not using a condom, Its what the market demands.

In answer to this posters question. Most of Poer's sites are not available in Thailand. But general stuff about Poer which is non porn is.

Edited by andrewdrummond
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Anyone with a small amount of sense knows the girls were paid for sex, however its not what you assume to be true its what you can prove. All that can be proven is he filmed the girls having sex then distributed without their permission.

The accompanying article shows at least one example DVD and that is under the Hustler brand name. Hustler is about as sleazy as they come but they've won in court more often than they've lost. They are not legal babes in the woods. How much you wanna bet each of those girls signed a consent form? I'm guessing he said 'come on baby, sign it, I promise you it'll never been seen in Thailand' while the contract specified nothing like that.

I'm sorry for the girls, but not very.

I guess it's good for some farlangs, looking for a new 'wife' to see her naked, before getting married. Amazing Thailand. :jap:

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Everybody has forgotten about the Roscoe and the opium. These charges alone would have required a multi-million baht bribe.

Why does everybody assume this guy is connected? More likely he dropped a shitload of cash to the right rozzers and they just let him go. It must of cost him at least 10 million.

Instead of getting all enraged about a bit of porn what about Sanoh Thiengthong having his case dropped because of the 20 year statute of limitations. This is text book Thai political corruption and causes real damage to Thai society.

The shameless pr##k used his power to steal a large chunk of land that was donated to a temple, he then turns it into a country club and golf course for his rich mates and fellow politicions, he then flogs it to Thaksin in a classic political sweetheart deal. Sanoh, Banharn and Chalerm would be the biggest crooks in the country by a long way.

He was so guilty and there was so much evidence against him the only way they could get him off was to let the case run past the 20 year limit. This Tony Poer guy just did what he had to do, what did people expect? What about the cops in Pattaya? Once a case goes public it costs much more to get it settled as more police know about it and they will all want a feed.

Moral indignity is usually 2% about morality, 48% indignity and 50% just plain jealousy! The cops moral rage dies down after a few million baht lands in their pocket.

Why doesn't Andrew do an investigation into who owns all the large massage parlours in Bangkok? All politicions or high ranking cops. They have exploited 1000 times more women than this guy who probably paid them quite well.

Snoh is another story and worth doing. If u re-read my story again it is not so much the morality of the porno trade, but how these guys avoid the normal process of law and as such the targets are as much local as Thai. Major Bangkok massage parours and their owners. Its been done. But its not the same story i do not as a rule go after bar owners in Pattaya by the same rule.

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the full article had good historical info, but the commentary was biased and ignorant.

even if these charges are accurate - that the girls didn't consent - this guy represents less than 1% of porn producers. 99% are hard working, honest, law abiding professionals. i spent 5 years working with hundreds of producers in LA. this guy has no actual industry experience and is probably just guilty about jerking to the chicks on creampiethais.

dont believe the hype.

The guy did porn in the US before Thailand.

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What utter Drivel some TV posters lure themselves into ...

Firstly ' Its not right - wheres you compassion?

Compassion is all good and well when others are suffering - to see someone suffering or having a harder life than you warrants complete compassion.

But im absolutely certain that 90% of thai prostitutes are not suffering (there will always be some that are and dont like what they do)

But Thais being Thais religiously want an easy life and the easy way out - And that is why it is the World sleazy sex capital it is - mexico isnt - why not?

Thais prostitutes stay up all night, party every day, sleep all day, get to go on holiday with customers, get sponsered and sent money.

I know a lot of girls that make over 100,000 a month... You think they feel downtrodden?

Im sorry you are very mistaken and need to put your bibles back in the drawer.

If a bargirl saw her DVD of herself in the street - you think she would be offended after she posed on camera? no way - she would tell all her friends and act like she was famous...

Unless ofcourse - she thought she could make more money by dobbing the guy in afterwards - which they probably did when they found out he was getting 35mil and they were just getting 10,000

Its a jealous country - The Officials are jealous cos they cant take a piece of the action too... Despite them running the AB OC NUAT Industry (soapy massage) which is a so called legal form of prostitution specifically for the Thai business men.

Ofcourse porn is made illegal - why is that do you think?

Answer: Because by making Porn Illegal and harder to obtain - It forces guys to go out and use Prostitution and the AB OC NUAT lounges

Its a clever system - and some of you need to open you eyes and take your pope hats off.

your so warped from reality - you must be either a tourist or a bible basher...

Edited by djlest
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The use of Proxy servers in Thailand is illegal, as I understood it, so if the vidoes can only be seen by there use all well and good.

Or so we would think?

You don't need a proxy he is all over the internet.

Whoah Whoah WHOA!. I've just gone though five pages here and either most of you have not read the original story, or you just do not get it.

Nowhere have I stated that the girls did not consent, on the contrary I stated they fully co-operated in the filming and that is quite obvious. Again i have never stated how much they were paid.

This story is purely about a series of sleazy pornmakers and how they have evaded the normal court processes even though police accused them of a variety of other offences including, drugs, possession of a weapon, and overstaying their visas - one by 4 years! - plus a little bit about how these guys operate.

Of course in Pattaya there will be hundreds of sad expats who say they (the girls) want it, they want the money etc. There are few career girls in this business, perhaps one or two make enough money to buy a pick up truck. Of course the money smells good, but without exception all are looking for a better life. Dogs of course will eat poisoned steak because it smells good.

As for Mad American Mike he sounds a little off his trolley. He is of course aware of the 'rules' of the US porn industry. ie girls are over 18, they are photographed with their IDs etc. I hope Mike is not the same American Mike I have already written about.

The US supermarket tabloid National Enquirer requires affidavit,tapes,and videos from all reporters to prove their stories. It is perhaps not always the most accurate of US publications.

Similarly a copy of an Thai ID card means nothing to the US authorities anyway, and they rarely check. Its unlikely they will investigate Thai girls in the business. Its all just office paperwork to produce in the unlikely event police come calling and easy to forge.

And are all the girls happy, no! Many are on drugs, particularly Ice. At least one of the stars I have been informed has HIV. Poer insists on not using a condom, Its what the market demands.

In answer to this posters question. Most of Poer's sites are not available in Thailand. But general stuff about Poer which is non porn is.

Hope this will help in writing accurate information on your blog.

Tony's videos are readily available to be downloaded in Thailand as well as thousands of photos without proxy. It is no problem to get his porn anywhere in Thailand. If you want the specifics message me.

Edited by mark45y
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The use of Proxy servers in Thailand is illegal, as I understood it, so if the vidoes can only be seen by there use all well and good.

Or so we would think?

You don't need a proxy he is all over the internet.

Whoah Whoah WHOA!. I've just gone though five pages here and either most of you have not read the original story, or you just do not get it.

Nowhere have I stated that the girls did not consent, on the contrary I stated they fully co-operated in the filming and that is quite obvious. Again i have never stated how much they were paid.

This story is purely about a series of sleazy pornmakers and how they have evaded the normal court processes even though police accused them of a variety of other offences including, drugs, possession of a weapon, and overstaying their visas - one by 4 years! - plus a little bit about how these guys operate.

Of course in Pattaya there will be hundreds of sad expats who say they (the girls) want it, they want the money etc. There are few career girls in this business, perhaps one or two make enough money to buy a pick up truck. Of course the money smells good, but without exception all are looking for a better life. Dogs of course will eat poisoned steak because it smells good.

As for Mad American Mike he sounds a little off his trolley. He is of course aware of the 'rules' of the US porn industry. ie girls are over 18, they are photographed with their IDs etc. I hope Mike is not the same American Mike I have already written about.

The US supermarket tabloid National Enquirer requires affidavit,tapes,and videos from all reporters to prove their stories. It is perhaps not always the most accurate of US publications.

Similarly a copy of an Thai ID card means nothing to the US authorities anyway, and they rarely check. Its unlikely they will investigate Thai girls in the business. Its all just office paperwork to produce in the unlikely event police come calling and easy to forge.

And are all the girls happy, no! Many are on drugs, particularly Ice. At least one of the stars I have been informed has HIV. Poer insists on not using a condom, Its what the market demands.

In answer to this posters question. Most of Poer's sites are not available in Thailand. But general stuff about Poer which is non porn is.

Hope this will help you out correcting your blog.

It is not that difficult to find out how much the ladies of Pattaya earn. There are many ways of doing it.

1.You could stand outside of the gold shop on the corner of 2nd road and watch how much is spent.

2. You could go to Issan and look at the homes and cars that are in the name of girls who used to work in Pattaya. Autos and homes paid for.

3. You can ask a lady to go away with you for a week or a month. Her fee minus the bar fine will tell you approximately what she earns.

4. You can see the ads posted in Thai on the go go bar door for the wages of a dancer. Add her commission from lady drinks and bar fines. Sit outside the go go and see how many women leave during one night.

5. You could live with six dancers for a couple of years in Pattaya. Give them a room in a nice house in a Thai neighborhood. They will move in no problem. That's what I did.

What does the average go go dancer make? 30,000. Good ones 50 to 100,000 per month.

Longevity? Every momma san used to work in the business. It is a natural progression. They can stay in the business 30 years. That is not uncommon. There are a lot of 40 year old women working bars in Pattaya. I would say in the thousands. 5% get lucky and find one or more husbands. It is not uncommon to have more than one Falang husband. Nor is it uncommon to work more than one sponsor over the INTERNET.

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There is a reason why there is no pornography filmed by Thai men with Thai people. It is because they refuse to exploit their countrywomen and men. I really hope these US pornmakers get the death sentence.

:lol: looks like someone just moved here :lol: ROFLMAO Thais don't exploit each other hahaha

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There is a reason why there is no pornography filmed by Thai men with Thai people. It is because they refuse to exploit their countrywomen and men. I really hope these US pornmakers get the death sentence.

:lol: looks like someone just moved here :lol: ROFLMAO Thais don't exploit each other hahaha

There is lots of Thai porn with Thai men. Thai on Thai, it is gay porn.

Edited by mark45y
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I guess it's good for some farlangs, looking for a new 'wife' to see her naked, before getting married. Amazing Thailand. :jap:

I would think most guys would want to see their wives naked before they marry.......sounds like you did not......disappointed ?

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But anyway...where can i find Lulu in Pattaya? She is smoking hot! :D

i saw lulu in central festival shopping mall a few months back...she was pushing a baby stroller around with baby in it......accompanied by a tall tattooed farang........i know about 10 of those girls on tonys websites.....another website called thai girls wild......once again you see some of the same faces from the other websites.....these girls knew exactly what was going on and seemed more than happy to participate time and time again

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Snoh is another story and worth doing. If u re-read my story again it is not so much the morality of the porno trade, but how these guys avoid the normal process of law and as such the targets are as much local as Thai. Major Bangkok massage parours and their owners. Its been done. But its not the same story i do not as a rule go after bar owners in Pattaya by the same rule.

I'm sorry as I hadn't actually read your article. I'd read about this story on other forums and just lept in. I recently saw a British made doco on the porn industry and the fact many credit card companies make transactions for/and profit heavily from porn sites and the porn industry. Hotel chains do also by charging for porn through piped in channels in their hotels. There are a lot of hypocrites making money indirectly from porn whilst publically clinging to some perceived moral high ground.

Most Thai people I know are pretty indifferent about porn, some watch it some don't. I actually downloaded a huge amount of porn for a Thai friend who watches it. Japan doesn't seem to have any concerns about porn either. Their porn industry must turn over millions as well. Thais much prefer the Jap porn with all those milky white girls. From what I've heard it's the countries that surpress porn that have the largest amount of subscribers to online porn. I'd bet India and China have made old Tony a few Bob.

This Tony guy might be free but I'm sure his bank account is missing a few zeros as nobody walks on those charges without a huge chunk of cash changing hands. The fact he got his name removed from the papers probably only shows the legal firms close association with the newspapers in question. Probably cost him another mil or so. Probably doesn't want his dear old mum to know what he really does. His parents probably think he's a peace corp worker. :lol:

I was also somewhat surprised no enterprising standover man had a crack at him before this. I watched his videos trying to see who he was and if I'd seen him anywhere. He was shrewd enough to never show his face in his movies. No self-respecting crim would be seen dead with a .38 roscoe anyway. Sawn off shotty, big arsed .357 or a Glock are the only way to go.

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Go out in every bigger Thai City you like and take a look around. There is one thing Thais forget many times. It is WHO made the country rich.

It wasnt the faboulous politicians or the economic experts nor the always hard working Thaimen. It was the ladies! These ladies which gave Thailand its

well known worldwide reputation, these ladies Thailand exported and Farang countries imported to everywhere in the world.

So when they will build a memorial for them? Just to say THANKS

If that idiot was lying to the girls...which are without any doubt stupid enough not to know the internet, he have to pay for that. I want to know what you guys

are saying if you see your daughter or your gf at youporn :lol:

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The two errors I have noticed in Andrew Drummond's article were about availability of Tony's videos and photos without a proxy and the financial status of go go girls.

But they are really minor points and I doubt if he will change any of his story.

I wonder if anyone will ever write a story about the real financial position of women who work in Pattaya.

It would be interesting to take 10 go go girls and catalog their expenses and income. I know it would not be PC to list the amount spent on Ya ba, Ya ice and Thai boyfriends but the truth is sometimes refreshing. But this is Thailand. I don't think truth is a big seller in Thailand.

Do you think Mr. Drummond gets paid for his writing?

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The two errors I have noticed in Andrew Drummond's article were about availability of Tony's videos and photos without a proxy and the financial status of go go girls.

But they are really minor points and I doubt if he will change any of his story.

I wonder if anyone will ever write a story about the real financial position of women who work in Pattaya.

It would be interesting to take 10 go go girls and catalog their expenses and income. I know it would not be PC to list the amount spent on Ya ba, Ya ice and Thai boyfriends but the truth is sometimes refreshing. But this is Thailand. I don't think truth is a big seller in Thailand.

Do you think Mr. Drummond gets paid for his writing?

Why don't YOU write the story?

You seem to be the ultimate expert on porn and Pattaya girls having lived with 6 dancing girls at the same time as you wrote...

King Kong would be a dwarff-expert in comparison to you :lol:


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The two errors I have noticed in Andrew Drummond's article were about availability of Tony's videos and photos without a proxy and the financial status of go go girls.

But they are really minor points and I doubt if he will change any of his story.

I wonder if anyone will ever write a story about the real financial position of women who work in Pattaya.

It would be interesting to take 10 go go girls and catalog their expenses and income. I know it would not be PC to list the amount spent on Ya ba, Ya ice and Thai boyfriends but the truth is sometimes refreshing. But this is Thailand. I don't think truth is a big seller in Thailand.

Do you think Mr. Drummond gets paid for his writing?

Good idea, why you not start inviting some girls, interwiew them and after writing a book....I will sure buying it :lol:

I know a Bargirl with 5 (FIVE) different handphones and 5 farangs which are sending every month amounts between 10k and 20k to her. She needs a lot for gambling and clothes :rolleyes: She even plans the holiday for her "sponsors" One can not just come when he wants to. Often she have to visit her mother :whistling: and is not in Phuket, so HE have to come a week or two later.....

Dont tell me some of the girls here doesnt have good logistic skills :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I know a Bargirl with 5 (FIVE) different handphones and 5 farangs which are sending every month amounts between 10k and 20k to her. She needs a lot for gambling and clothes :rolleyes: She even plans the holiday for her "sponsors" One can not just come when he wants to. Often she have to visit her mother :whistling: and is not in Phuket, so HE have to come a week or two later.....

Dont tell me some of the girls here doesnt have good logistic skills :lol: :lol:

How many buffaloes died already....is Papa still alive? and I bet Grandma broke her hip whilst Grandpa is enjoying his Mia Nois.....

What a world


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The two errors I have noticed in Andrew Drummond's article were about availability of Tony's videos and photos without a proxy and the financial status of go go girls.

But they are really minor points and I doubt if he will change any of his story.

I wonder if anyone will ever write a story about the real financial position of women who work in Pattaya.

It would be interesting to take 10 go go girls and catalog their expenses and income. I know it would not be PC to list the amount spent on Ya ba, Ya ice and Thai boyfriends but the truth is sometimes refreshing. But this is Thailand. I don't think truth is a big seller in Thailand.

Do you think Mr. Drummond gets paid for his writing?

Why don't YOU write the story?

You seem to be the ultimate expert on porn and Pattaya girls having lived with 6 dancing girls at the same time as you wrote...

King Kong would be a dwarff-expert in comparison to you :lol:


I didn't start out with the idea of living with 6 bar-girls.

I had one. I complained to her that the house she wanted and we moved into was too expensive. It had three bedrooms and there were only two of us. The next week one arrived. The week after that two. And then two more. They shared the rent. They were nice women. Clean, well mannered and took care of the house. Four of them worked at the same club. They wore different color outfits every day. I could tell what day it was by looking at the laundry drying on the line.

It was like having a small village of go go dancers. There were roses and big teddy bears all over the place new every day. I Have never had so many roses and teddy bears in my life. I know which clubs test the ladies monthly and which check them weekly. I know which clubs have women working there with HIV. The ladies talk a lot. I know where they go after work and what they do with their money.

They would introduce me to their boyfriends as father. I would speak Thai to the guys and they would look at me a bit funny. Some of the Falang BF's would bring me cigarettes and whiskey.

I have met a couple of other men who have done the same thing. Do I think I know more about bar girls than anyone else in Thailand. More than most probably. How many men have you met who lived with 6 bar-girls? Not as a customer or sponsor or boss. I was like an older brother to them. I bailed them out of jail. I took them to the hospital when their Thai boyfriends beat them up. I made sure they didn't do drugs. I made sure they had enough to eat and got their rest. I babysat their kids when they visited. I didn't have sex with them. If you lived with six women who had no secrets from you, you wouldn't have sex with them either. At one time or another 4 out of the 6 asked me if I knew anyone who made porn movies. I didn't, so none of them did any porn. But men would take pictures of them all the time. They charged more the bigger the camera. They charged the men to take photos and this happened at least once a month. It is not uncommon at all. To go from photos to videos is not a big leap.


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The two errors I have noticed in Andrew Drummond's article were about availability of Tony's videos and photos without a proxy and the financial status of go go girls.

But they are really minor points and I doubt if he will change any of his story.

I wonder if anyone will ever write a story about the real financial position of women who work in Pattaya.

It would be interesting to take 10 go go girls and catalog their expenses and income. I know it would not be PC to list the amount spent on Ya ba, Ya ice and Thai boyfriends but the truth is sometimes refreshing. But this is Thailand. I don't think truth is a big seller in Thailand.

Do you think Mr. Drummond gets paid for his writing?

Mark45ky: That question is easy to answer. Sometimes I get paid. Sometimes I do not. I am a British journalist. No British newspaper cares about Tony Poer, so I will not get paid for this. I thought it was worth doing. It is also a newsblog not a story. On your other points. I have not mentioned the financial status of go go girls in my story. In fact I have not mentioned go go girls per se at all. So how could I have got it wrong? I am more than happy to correct errors. And finally the question of whether you can see Tony's sites without a proxy. The answer is that unless you have particular knowledge you, or at least I cannot. I have this minute checked into butterflyb&ks and ghxzxcash through the normal Thai ISP and I cannot get on. I can using a VPN. However I notice that once in you can find urls which lead to porn but would not raise any suspicion on a computer porn word check. So yes if you know some second stage urls beforehand u can.

Edited by andrewdrummond
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The two errors I have noticed in Andrew Drummond's article were about availability of Tony's videos and photos without a proxy and the financial status of go go girls.

But they are really minor points and I doubt if he will change any of his story.

I wonder if anyone will ever write a story about the real financial position of women who work in Pattaya.

It would be interesting to take 10 go go girls and catalog their expenses and income. I know it would not be PC to list the amount spent on Ya ba, Ya ice and Thai boyfriends but the truth is sometimes refreshing. But this is Thailand. I don't think truth is a big seller in Thailand.

Do you think Mr. Drummond gets paid for his writing?

Mark45ky: That question is easy to answer. Sometimes I get paid. Sometimes I do not. I am a British journalist. No British newspaper cares about Tony Poer, so I will not get paid for this. I thought it was worth doing. It is also a newsblog not a story. On your other points. I have not mentioned the financial status of go go girls in my story. In fact I have not mentioned go go girls per se at all. So how could I have got it wrong? I am more than happy to correct errors. And finally the question of whether you can see Tony's sites without a proxy. The answer is that unless you have particular knowledge you, or at least I cannot. I have this minute checked into butterflyb&ks and ghxzxcash through the normal Thai ISP and I cannot get on. I can using a VPN. However I notice that once in you can find urls which lead to porn but would not raise any suspicion on a computer porn word check. So yes if you know some second stage urls beforehand u can.

Quote from your post #121 “There are few career girls in this business, perhaps one or two make enough money to buy a pick up truck.”

Title of your article “Why US Pornmakers Remain Unfazed By Thailand’s ‘Tough Stance’ On The Exploitation Of Women”

The ladies are not exploited. They are well paid prostitutes.

I did not say you could download his websites. I said you could download his porn videos and his porn photo collections from anywhere in Thailand.

His websites are blocked but the videos and photos are readily available. No proxy, no special knowledge to download them.

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The two errors I have noticed in Andrew Drummond's article were about availability of Tony's videos and photos without a proxy and the financial status of go go girls.

But they are really minor points and I doubt if he will change any of his story.

I wonder if anyone will ever write a story about the real financial position of women who work in Pattaya.

It would be interesting to take 10 go go girls and catalog their expenses and income. I know it would not be PC to list the amount spent on Ya ba, Ya ice and Thai boyfriends but the truth is sometimes refreshing. But this is Thailand. I don't think truth is a big seller in Thailand.

Do you think Mr. Drummond gets paid for his writing?

Mark45ky: That question is easy to answer. Sometimes I get paid. Sometimes I do not. I am a British journalist. No British newspaper cares about Tony Poer, so I will not get paid for this. I thought it was worth doing. It is also a newsblog not a story. On your other points. I have not mentioned the financial status of go go girls in my story. In fact I have not mentioned go go girls per se at all. So how could I have got it wrong? I am more than happy to correct errors. And finally the question of whether you can see Tony's sites without a proxy. The answer is that unless you have particular knowledge you, or at least I cannot. I have this minute checked into butterflyb&ks and ghxzxcash through the normal Thai ISP and I cannot get on. I can using a VPN. However I notice that once in you can find urls which lead to porn but would not raise any suspicion on a computer porn word check. So yes if you know some second stage urls beforehand u can.

Quote from your post #121 "There are few career girls in this business, perhaps one or two make enough money to buy a pick up truck."

Title of your article "Why US Pornmakers Remain Unfazed By Thailand's 'Tough Stance' On The Exploitation Of Women"

The ladies are not exploited. They are well paid prostitutes.

I did not say you could download his websites. I said you could download his porn videos and his porn photo collections from anywhere in Thailand.

His websites are blocked but the videos and photos are readily available. No proxy, no special knowledge to download them.

Pray tell me then, but please do not change the subject.

Edited by andrewdrummond
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I didn't start out with the idea of living with 6 bar-girls.

I had one. ...

That photo of these 'many' shoes cannot be nearly seen as evidence that you lived together with six woman but more or less as evidence that you nearly have no experience in living together with woman at all.

Because it don't take six women to have that long line of shoes, it looks like the average collection of shoes by just one woman.

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The two errors I have noticed in Andrew Drummond's article were about availability of Tony's videos and photos without a proxy and the financial status of go go girls.

But they are really minor points and I doubt if he will change any of his story.

I wonder if anyone will ever write a story about the real financial position of women who work in Pattaya.

It would be interesting to take 10 go go girls and catalog their expenses and income. I know it would not be PC to list the amount spent on Ya ba, Ya ice and Thai boyfriends but the truth is sometimes refreshing. But this is Thailand. I don't think truth is a big seller in Thailand.

Do you think Mr. Drummond gets paid for his writing?

Mark45ky: That question is easy to answer. Sometimes I get paid. Sometimes I do not. I am a British journalist. No British newspaper cares about Tony Poer, so I will not get paid for this. I thought it was worth doing. It is also a newsblog not a story. On your other points. I have not mentioned the financial status of go go girls in my story. In fact I have not mentioned go go girls per se at all. So how could I have got it wrong? I am more than happy to correct errors. And finally the question of whether you can see Tony's sites without a proxy. The answer is that unless you have particular knowledge you, or at least I cannot. I have this minute checked into butterflyb&ks and ghxzxcash through the normal Thai ISP and I cannot get on. I can using a VPN. However I notice that once in you can find urls which lead to porn but would not raise any suspicion on a computer porn word check. So yes if you know some second stage urls beforehand u can.

Quote from your post #121 "There are few career girls in this business, perhaps one or two make enough money to buy a pick up truck."

Title of your article "Why US Pornmakers Remain Unfazed By Thailand's 'Tough Stance' On The Exploitation Of Women"

The ladies are not exploited. They are well paid prostitutes.

I did not say you could download his websites. I said you could download his porn videos and his porn photo collections from anywhere in Thailand.

His websites are blocked but the videos and photos are readily available. No proxy, no special knowledge to download them.

Pray tell me then, but please do not change the subject.

I am a bit unclear. What do you want me to tell you. Where to access his videos from Thailand? Why women are not exploited? Message me if you would like specific instructions how to access his videos, but it is not complicated. Google can tell you. Why are women not exploited? Because the women are well paid, INTERNET savvy business women who make more money than Thai lawyers fleecing unsuspecting western tourists on a daily basis.

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I didn't start out with the idea of living with 6 bar-girls.

I had one. ...

That photo of these 'many' shoes cannot be nearly seen as evidence that you lived together with six woman but more or less as evidence that you nearly have no experience in living together with woman at all.

Because it don't take six women to have that long line of shoes, it looks like the average collection of shoes by just one woman.

As you may imagine I took many photos over a period of a couple of years. The shoe picture was the only one I could find that did not show the ladies faces. I would never post a photo of a woman who made her living as a prostitute on the INTERNET. Of the six women who lived with me, four are now married and that would make it even more inappropriate to post a photo.

I don't however think it is a badge of honor to live with a woman. I really have more respect for the man who can live alone in Thailand. I admit I have always liked the company of women and have not slept alone for the past 40 years.

Since my last GF left I am now trying to cope living by myself. It has advantages and disadvantages.

I guess I should mention that living with 6 women in Thailand was not a new experience for me. In the States I was married and had 4 daughters. That's five females in the same house. Not much different in Thailand. In both the States and Thailand the ladies stole my boxer shorts to wear around the house and didn't think I would notice if they shaved with my razor. And they all turned my white jockey shorts pink by not washing the whites separately.

In case you are wondering I got used to putting the toilet seat down years ago.

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Those girls poor? he's relatively rich? go figure - it's disgraceful

Surely if the Government aided the 'poor' girls from the 'countryside' they would not have to resort to prostitution, which is what they are lets face it, prostitutes (women who sell sex for money) and why aren't those girls in jail ? I thought prostitution was illegal here ?

Yes prostitution is ilegal but what we have here is a thai criminal (girl) and farang criminal.

Got it, thanks. The old one sided legal (contradiction in terms) system again

Contradiction in terms says it all. All of you know that none of these ladies consider themselfs protitutes and most of us know that. It is always a GFE to them. Money is what you provide for them to feed their poor family up north and to buy nice clothes and of course a few of them spend it on other things, but mostly it is for the family, other wise they surely would not be doing it. Of course contradiction contradiction contradiction. I for one will always go with the ladies version of what she does. To hel_l with all this prostitute crap. A lot of men have married bar girls and it has turned out okay. Just leave it alone.

Edited by keith7777
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His websites are blocked but the videos and photos are readily available. No proxy, no special knowledge to download them.

## Where dude?? What's the URL.

Where would you go and what would you do if you wanted to download a song? Do the same thing.

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His websites are blocked but the videos and photos are readily available. No proxy, no special knowledge to download them.

## Where dude?? What's the URL.

Where would you go and what would you do if you wanted to download a song? Do the same thing.

File sharing?

When tony is not keeping plasma in his pecker he is doing this ..

  • About me

My interests are law enforcement. Police volunteer programs encourage members of the community to assist local law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime by arresting criminals who break the law. Where I grew upChicagoPlaces I've livedTampa; Las VegasOther namesTony Poer

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