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Kl Vs Penang Vs Kb Turnaround Times 1Yr Nonb?

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time for the 1yr follow up to my initial 3month non b. some customers have pushed me to the time limit for my current and require my fastest turn around back to samui. i always read that K.B. has the most lax visa policy in the region and quickest turn around times but i can't fly there tomorrow from samui. can anyone tell me if KL is more or less likely to offer a K.B. style turn around time or will it be just like penang, only nicer?

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The norm in the neighborhood is apply day 1 and receive back the next work day.

It will depend on if you want a single or multiple non-B and the documents you ca provide from your company. If insufficient documents you would be better of trying Australia.

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ya this was a problem with samui immigration and our companies outside accountant who completely dropped the ball. samui immigration only gave me 1 week extension rather than one year so now sitting in penang playing the waiting game as last minute flights to KL and back were not available.

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