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Hat Yai Fishing Park


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I am in the Hat Yai area next week and am thinking about trying out the fishing park. A quick search on google turns up three fishing park's Pikat Pot Fishing Park, Khlongtoei Fishing Park and Wang Majcha Fishing Park. On the guided fishing websites they all reference 'Hat Yai Fishing Park' which one of these three is it? Link below....

Has anyone been to any of them and can make a recommendation?



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The more well known fishing park in Hatyai is Hatyai Fishing Sport, just on the outskirts of town. They have the biggest pla buek and pla sawai in the area. You don't need to go through a guiding company. Just get a tuktuk to take you there, and hire one of the 3 guides (actually 2 boys and one man) and they will mix the fish feed bait and bait your hook for you and unhook any fish you caught. Just give them some tips at the end of the day.

The mekongs there are not big, mostly 15 to 20 kg, but they do have bigger ones up to about 30 kgs. The sawai's are smaller. The guide will advise you where to cast for mekongs, otherwise chances are you'll get a sawai.

Not sure if they are still fully stocked now. I was fishing there late October for one week, and had pretty good catches. Then the whole province was flooded, with Hatyai town drowned under 9 feet of water. I was stuck there for 3 days in the hotel with no electricity, no water and no food.

I would assume some or most of the fishes in that fishing park may have escaped with the waters flooding over the pond.

There are maybe 2 or three other less known fishing parks, mostly for locals, stocking smaller catfish, tilapia, carps, etc. Can be fun on light tackle.

Tight Lines.

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