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Hotel Software


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Can anyone point me to decent and user friendly software for running a 50 room hotel that can interface with restaurant, bar and telephone billing. The simpler the better - is it perhaps available at Phantip? :o


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do u need it to be runing in thai?

i wouldnt recomend using a panthip special for your business....

it would allow your competators to point fingers at you and send in the authorities after you...

i really doubt ull get such a software out of the box....

everything is easy...but u mentioned telephone billing which has to be customised depending on the telephone system uve got...

getting the software custom made would cost u ATLEAST $5,000....

i remember last time i was in fortune towers...i saw some visual basic source code CDs

they had titles like bar management.....restaurent management....hotel management(? not sure) and some more...abt 9 or 10 titles.....u could give those a try if u r a lil familier with programing.....

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