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Reporting Molest Crime In Thai


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Yes, It sure brings out the vigilante in me. But as others have said, Thais are generally deeply offended by this type of crime, and yes speed is all important, as the taxi driver and his family may disappear, fearing both a big jail term and a large compensation claim. You definitely need a specialist lawyer who understands sexual assault cases. As your daughter is so young, her evidence will be less important than the medical opinion, which must leave no doubt. There are also several international NGOs and others in this field who have offices in Bangkok and provide assistance to the government. Google 'child sexual abuse in Thailand'.

Personally, I would have a real job keeping my cool, and I work in mental health. I would certainly not rest until justice was done, as such a public crime as this leads me to think that this was probably not the only time the taxi driver has assaulted a young girl. Given his job there are other possibilities here that don't bear thinking about. This may just be the tip of a very nasty iceberg. All the best with it, and I really hope your daughter will be OK. PM me if you need to talk more.

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Yes, It sure brings out the vigilante in me. But as others have said, Thais are generally deeply offended by this type of crime, and yes speed is all important, as the taxi driver and his family may disappear, fearing both a big jail term and a large compensation claim. You definitely need a specialist lawyer who understands sexual assault cases. As your daughter is so young, her evidence will be less important than the medical opinion, which must leave no doubt. There are also several international NGOs and others in this field who have offices in Bangkok and provide assistance to the government. Google 'child sexual abuse in Thailand'.

Personally, I would have a real job keeping my cool, and I work in mental health. I would certainly not rest until justice was done, as such a public crime as this leads me to think that this was probably not the only time the taxi driver has assaulted a young girl. Given his job there are other possibilities here that don't bear thinking about. This may just be the tip of a very nasty iceberg. All the best with it, and I really hope your daughter will be OK. PM me if you need to talk more.


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Hard not to recommend something illegal in these circumstances. So I won't since that's against the rules.


Same here.

We can't say anything here that is against the law. Therefore I have nothing to say

Asides from I hope the girl is OK and the perp gets what's coming.

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donut. reading what your daughter went through filled me with anger but also a feeling of sadness for your little princess. As the father of a 6 year old daughter myself my thoughts are with you and your family.

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I always find it strange when Thai people don't know how to do something in their own country, and have to ask a bunch of foreigners for advice.

Surely your Thai wife and the Thai police would know how to handle this and should be conferring from the first moment.

Deepest sympathy

But we are not the right people to give advice on a serious crime committed in a foreign country.

Edited by pjclark1
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Are you not in a position to fly home to assist with this ??

You coulld be contacting a couple of organisations that might be able to help and specialise in this, if you need the name of 2 such organisations, i could pass them onto you and you could at least make first contact.

There could be course for an investigation here if as was said, he may have done this before.

Do not wait for the thai's to do it, let them do what they do, but they have been known to not give a shit about many things.

If you are financial enough, make sure it is known to them, via a lawyer perhaps, that there is a reward or similar waiting for the capture, arrest and incarceration of this guy.

Well worth it possibly if not much seems to be moving in the right direction.

To be honest, i am wondering why a 6yo girl is being taken, or picked up from school by what is in essance a stranger by her self, unsupervised. At least on school buses there is safety in numbers.

Edited by Nawtier
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Donut42today. Firstly, I would find it risky allowing any 6 year old girl to travel back on their own with motorbike drivers. I see children of 11+ doing so, but 6 years old.....no. Just had to get that out of the way.

Your wife has two choices: social justice, by telling his colleagues what has gone on...which he'll deny....and so you won't know if anything happens. The said driver may even blame you. Or, do things the right way and go to the police immediately. She should dress smart and go with a senior family member just to guarantee the police treat the case as seriously as possible. Should she wish, she could also inform the driver's colleagues of what has gone on and what she is doing about it. It is then up to them what will happen but there IS a risk that the driver will run away.

I normally hate people or myself using "contacts" in this country to get things done, but for this case if you want extra punch someone close to me has a senior police contact in the south of Trang that I can ask someone to explain your case to and then provide him with your wife's contact details. He may be able to ensure progress. Send me a private message if you want to.

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Sorry but this does not make sense to me.

If my daughter would have been sexually assaulted I would have gone directly to the police and made a report within minutes of this crime happening, then straight round to see a Doctor and have my daughter checked out, then the next day searching out a lawyer for more advice no matter how much this cost me.

The OP would be better off seeking advice from the police and a lawyer rather then making his first call on a forum.

The longer the OP takes to report this matter to the police, the weaker his case is going to become.

Are the OP and his wife still together as a couple or are they separated? There seems to be a basic lack of communication between them.

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Several posts were deleted as they discussed illegal activities. As mods, our hearts go out to the OP and his family. But we have to be careful as to what is posted in public.

Please, no more "hang em' high" posts or we will have to close this thread. Several of you are aware of that and we appreciate your help.

Let's keep advise to things legally available here in Thailand.

Forum Rules:

16) Not to post about gambling, betting, pornography, illegal drugs, fake goods/clothing etc and other activities that are officially illegal in Thailand.

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To the op, I was once told when asked why don't we hear about local child molesters in the news, that they don't get arrested and go to court.

Read into that what you will but suffice to say they aren't walking the streets anymore.

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Sorry but this does not make sense to me.

What had happen to my daughter does not make sense to me either. If a pervert can act logically, he is neither called a pervert either.

My wife aren't native trang. Yes she had friends but no relative to turn for help. Worse of all, this nasty pervert

is one of her friend for years whom she entrusted my daughter to. From what she told me, he had close contact with local authority and

recently, applied to be enroll into the BiB force. His relative live just a few step away from my wife. And the neighborhood can

recognize them through their vulgar languages & often drunken posture. At this point, my wife had no backing. This was what held her

back from filing a police report. Initially she did confront him and he denied. She went to local clinic thinking its the express way to have

a checkup done so that she could immediately file a report with evidence against that brutal. She was wrong.

The police report had been filed 1 day later, yet to me, is it logical. My wife felt the threat and she had to act carefully alone to avoid

further harm the pervert might had caused to her and my child. What we are seeking via the authority and forum are ways to suppress

injustice if any along the way.

Grateful to many who provide alternative info & help.

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Yesterday, the Youth Protection Bureau had gather statement from my wife n child. She had

expressed her worry that the pervert might seek revenge. Protection was offered and tomorrow

she will return to Trang police station . No update on the pervert . My child was unaware of what had


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I know this happens regularly and all over the world, but reading this, I feel shocked and angry. My thoughts and wishes are with you and your family.

And I chime in with geriatrickid. At her age, don't have anyone make too much of a big deal of it or get too openly angry when talking to your daughter. She will pick up on the anxiety and might even begin to blame herself.

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Hard not to recommend something illegal in these circumstances. So I won't since that's against the rules.


Agreed, I would be making sure he did not much of anything ever again. My daughter is 4.

It's the sum of all fears isn't it? My daughter's six and half. OP must be frantic at this point and has my sympathies.

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I know this happens regularly and all over the world, but reading this, I feel shocked and angry. My thoughts and wishes are with you and your family.

And I chime in with geriatrickid. At her age, don't have anyone make too much of a big deal of it or get too openly angry when talking to your daughter. She will pick up on the anxiety and might even begin to blame herself.

Thanks bonobo & MJP, will cheer her up & not mention anything regarding this incident. She is alway a cheerful & lovely girl to me.

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Thanks "tim armstrong" good points. They might run away before law...

Act fast is critical. Any suggestion?

Donut, before any legal intervention,

1. Ensure the absolute safety of your daughter and her mother/ family if they still live in the area. Send them up country to a relative if necessary. Someone who has the ability to do this probably has a particular psychiatric condition that will enable him to do anything - without remorse or feeling. Almost certainly, he will try it again with someone else, if given the chance.

2. You need someone independent of your family to act on yours' and your daughters behalf if you are not coming back to Thailand, (which would be better). This person needs to have integrity and status and not be open to bribery. Ideally, a lawyer and someone not local, as the perpetrator probably knows everyone if its a small community.

But a high ranking public official like the Governor of the Province will keep things moving. I'm sorry I don't know NGOs working there, but farlang agencies could be very useful as they have a lot of expertise in child abuse. A slower route, but you could try some of the UN regional agencies in Bangkok, eg WHO,UNICEF, as they will know who is working locally. Child abuse in the region is a major priority for the UN.

Also contact the local Catholic Church or private hospital if they exist, as they will know of other agencies. Unlikely here,but some police areas have special units to deal with sexual assault and child abuse Regards, Tim

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Hi Tim, thanks for the info. Their safety is equally important. Beside waiting for tomorrow outcome, will be digging into more info.

Most thai website are in native language, this a real disadvantage to foreigner. If after a week they aren't any progress, i would

presumed that authority are merely comforting us to let go the case.

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Like I asked...why are you not coming home immediately to deal with it.

It would have to extraordinary circumstances for me not to return and make sure things are done correctly and thoroughly.

By screwing around, you run the risk of this guy taking off....especially now that he knows you are doing something about it.

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Like I asked...why are you not coming home immediately to deal with it.

It would have to extraordinary circumstances for me not to return and make sure things are done correctly and thoroughly.

By screwing around, you run the risk of this guy taking off....especially now that he knows you are doing something about it.

I agree to be honest. OP, if you have the means you really need to be on the next plane. These are the times Dad needs to be there.

Good luck and best wishes.

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Hi Tim, thanks for the info. Their safety is equally important. Beside waiting for tomorrow outcome, will be digging into more info.

Most thai website are in native language, this a real disadvantage to foreigner. If after a week they aren't any progress, i would

presumed that authority are merely comforting us to let go the case.

Donut, You are clearly well aware of local attitudes. Sexual assault cases often have the potential to expose larger problems. If I were you my families' safety would be first. In legal terminology there is a principal that says 'the child's interests are paramount'. So everything you now do must consider your daughter. Even though I think the perpetrator needs to be dealt with severely, ( preferably with some green elastrator rings)- for the sheep farmers reading this post, and compensation given, you may have to make a hard decision about how far you go.

That's why I suggested previously the involvement of some farlang agencies. They do have real clout at a high level in Thailand about sexual abuse, and Thailand is signatory to a number of agreements to stop child abuse, trafficking of children etc. This may not seem connected, but if senior officials and farlang agencies become involved, the local police won't want to lose face in front of them by ignoring this case. If your daughter was a farlang child, it would be publicised all over the media, and action would be swift. Best wishes, its a tough one.

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Hard not to recommend something illegal in these circumstances. So I won't since that's against the rules.


Agreed, I would be making sure he did not much of anything ever again. My daughter is 4.

The only thing that might possibly keep my anger in check would be thinking about who would protect my children from the next animal to come along if I didn't get away clean. Which it probably wouldn't be too clean because of the whole anger thing.


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I received a weird pm from the OP.

He says the girl is now 13 years old..

Time to move on.

Ur posting reflected "CarlBkk" point of view .......Your wife has two choices: social justice, by telling his colleagues what has gone on...which he'll deny....and so you won't know if anything happens. The said driver may even blame you.

Hope anybody who able to help, provide contact kindly email me . Thanks

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I received a weird pm from the OP.

He says the girl is now 13 years old..

Time to move on.

Ur posting reflected "CarlBkk" point of view .......Your wife has two choices: social justice, by telling his colleagues what has gone on...which he'll deny....and so you won't know if anything happens. The said driver may even blame you.

Hope anybody who able to help, provide contact kindly email me . Thanks

I need an Eng-to-Eng translation.

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