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Where Is The New Thailand


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Cost of living is about the same as the USA. Foreigners can own property outright and there are no restrictions on how much.

There is no real financial advantage to living there, things cost about the same, but it is much like Thailand in the regard it is very laid back, beautiful beaches, you can do what you please, and no one bothers you.

Jaco, for me, has everything. Great food, clubs, lots of real beach bars, easy to get around, only a few hours from the states, incredible women, no real language barrier.

Id be there if I wasn't busy here and when/if i get sick of Thailand thats where I'm headed.

Ahhhhhh Jaco.

BillR you're bringing back memories for me.

I was there in 1994, surfing, great surf, surf all day eat tacos and party at night. I'll never forget coming out of a club about 3:00AM, stumbling over to a taco stand where on the counter was a jar of what looked like chopped salsa, peppers galore. I scooped some good sized dollops on my tacos, saw some people sort of looking at me and when I bit into that taco, wham! Whatever was in that jar was fermented and spicier than anything here in Thailand. Habanero hell. GOM was truly the fire breathing dragon.

Back on topic, yes I would say a lot of Central America has much to offer, Puerto Rico too and since it's part of the U.S. you can own.

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i have spent some years in South America, i love the place, spent almost 2 years in Brazil, ling time in Venezuela, also Chile, and a few other places like Colombia,,, not so fun.

But you have to think about the crime there, very high, i don’t want to live in a place where they have armed guards in a pharmacy, or 7/11, i have seen a lot of bad things there, Thailand is heaven compared to many places in South America, about crime that is, nothing beat the girls out there thats for sure

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i have spent some years in South America, i love the place, spent almost 2 years in Brazil, ling time in Venezuela, also Chile, and a few other places like Colombia,,, not so fun.

But you have to think about the crime there, very high, i don't want to live in a place where they have armed guards in a pharmacy, or 7/11, i have seen a lot of bad things there, Thailand is heaven compared to many places in South America, about crime that is, nothing beat the girls out there thats for sure

What was it like living there? Can you compare/contrast it to thailand?

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