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Mr Bean


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OK, my wife(Thai) love Mr bean.

I love Mr Rowan Atkinson also.

We look at the old series,but now when she's two months pregnant.

All that goes is Mr Bean,pickled garlic and whatever.

I love my wife, but am I going to be a slave for the next six months.

Women input please....

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Tell you what poor sucker, when you get the ability to carry a baby, and have to put up with the emotional swings, weight gain and all that goes along with it, then you can complain about Mr Bean and pickled garlic. :)

But congrats, I am sure you will be a terrific dad and husband :)

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if you love her you will be her slave for sure

she is a slave to it all now for 24 hours a day 7 days a week until the baby arrives (although if she is lucky right now she maybe gets 3-5 hours of sleep a night)

the only way I can think of to compare it to anythng you may have experienced is thus:

Recall the worst ever hangovers you have ever endured, or even just heard about, in graphic gut-wrenching detail.

The not being able to move without feeling sick. Not being able to sleep, not being able to focus. Excrutiating stomach pains. Feeling like your body is imploding, your blood is cooking you from the inside out. Not being able to even think about food let alone eat anything - even though you know you need food and are actually hungry... and then if you do manage to eat anything and keep it down - feeling it go right through your body in minute detail for hours on end. Knowing you have so many things you have to do but just wanting to crawl up and stay very still until you die...

Now multiply this by 100000, and imagine you feel like this day and night for weeks or months on end

...and then you might be close to realising how she feels.

The fact she is willing to endure this at all shows how much she loves you.

if Mr Been keeps her happy start finding all of it on dvd or the net

she will love more you for any happy distraction

hope she makes it and you have a lovely baby : )

Edited by redfish44
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if you love her you will be her slave for sure

she is a slave to it all now for 24 hours a day 7 days a week until the baby arrives (although if she is lucky right now she maybe gets 3-5 hours of sleep a night)

the only way I can think of to compare it to anythng you may have experienced is thus:

Recall the worst ever hangovers you have ever endured, or even just heard about, in graphic gut-wrenching detail.

The not being able to move without feeling sick. Not being able to sleep, not being able to focus. Excrutiating stomach pains. Feeling like your body is imploding, your blood is cooking you from the inside out. Not being able to even think about food let alone eat anything - even though you know you need food and are actually hungry... and then if you do manage to eat anything and keep it down - feeling it go right through your body in minute detail for hours on end. Knowing you have so many things you have to do but just wanting to crawl up and stay very still until you die...

Now multiply this by 100000, and imagine you feel like this day and night for weeks or months on end

...and then you might be close to realising how she feels.

The fact she is willing to endure this at all shows how much she loves you.

if Mr Been keeps her happy start finding all of it on dvd or the net

she will love more you for any happy distraction

hope she makes it and you have a lovely baby : )

So how come some women love being pregnant and have one baby after another?

I know a few - admittedly not many, but it does amaze me that they would keep going through this. And no they are not Catholics, do not have husbands who demand to have sex all the time, are not kept pregnant to keep them at home.

They do seem to be happy with life - if not rich, and their daughters continue the tradition.

I just never thought to ask them - it might have seemed a bit too personal.

Puzzled, with one child. :passifier:

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thankyou sbk and boo for the comments

I can't believe a male would flame a pregnant woman in the ladies forum, in a topic I thought that was about the pregnancy process and how it makes a slave of all involved, not conception.

Although I also have no idea why any woman would want to do this more than once, is indicative of serious mental problems from where I have been the last couple of months. I am completely baffled when I look at firends I know with good education, access to birth control and many kids... seems ludicrous right now.

I don't know what I would do if I didn't have such a lovely supportive husband through this, so I really feel for any woman going through something like this alone.

So PoorSucker - keep up the good work and be there for her.

Tip: the one thing that WON"T cheer her up is if you tell her one of the women you know spent the whole 9 months ill and in pain... I think I cried for about 40 minutes when I heard that yesterday...

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So when it is something that you think you have the sole right to and someone disagrees....its trolling huh ??

There are many dads out there that put in just as much effort as the females do and its about time you acknowledge it, some even more, much more.

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Actually Nawtier, it is kind of trollish when we are taking about giving birth and last I heard, no man has yet been able to carry a child to term (in their what since they don't have uteri?) and birth it (through what, urethra?) and you insist that you took part in that. No, I am afraid you did not. Not saying you aren't a great dad and aren't totally involved in raising your kids or that you weren't totally supportive of your wife while she was carrying the baby but the physical and biological facts just don't support your argument. Something I am sure you are well aware of and yet insist on maintaining a rather aggressive stance on.

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I have to agree with Nawtier. Men certainly do 'suffer' from pregnancy.

As for the question about why some women want to have many children, well just one answer in Australia is the get $5000. Since that was introduced you'd be amazed at how many unatached girls got pregnant, didn't want the father involved at all and then made a quick trip to the shop for a plazma tv.

But then the government caught on this being done and has now decided to pay in small instalments only. Pregnancies of the unnatached has now dropped again.

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when you have passed the baby out of your vagina nawtia or had it cut from your womb then please come back & make comment on how bad or good "your" pregnancy was. the topic has nothing to do with getting divorced, or how much effort dads put in to raising their kids, it is about a pregnanct woman wanting to watch Mr Bean. jeebus

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Op is about the mother requesting this and that and how the Op is doing all the other work that is required when you both have children........not the actual birth itself.

Then SBK calls him a sucker.

As far as i am concerned it is more about the guy helping and both of you having the child. It is you girls that changed it around to suit your 'its all about me meme and my pain' of childbirth etc.

I have a friend who had a child, the mother laid there to get pregnant, carried it for 9 months....then laid there some more while it was cut out....then ran off. The father has raised the child alone for several years now.......so, who has done all the work here then ??

And SBK...i am not aggressive about it, if you think I am, it is more the reflection of your thoughts than mine.

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I have to agree with Nawtier. Men certainly do 'suffer' from pregnancy.

As for the question about why some women want to have many children, well just one answer in Australia is the get $5000. Since that was introduced you'd be amazed at how many unatached girls got pregnant, didn't want the father involved at all and then made a quick trip to the shop for a plazma tv.

But then the government caught on this being done and has now decided to pay in small instalments only. Pregnancies of the unnatached has now dropped again.

If woman are choosing to be lumped with a lifetime committment for a flat screen telly......then what does that say about their intelligance levels.....I would prefer to just max out the credit card

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Op is about the mother requesting this and that and how the Op is doing all the other work that is required when you both have children........not the actual birth itself.

Then SBK calls him a sucker.

Um. Did you look at his user name????

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Probably best to look before posting accusations.

And regardless of whatever your issues are, I was raised by my father who gained custody of me and my sisters when I was very young so am all for strong fathers who take an active role in the raising of their children. That said, even my father would say he had no part in the birthing of either me or my sisters since, well he is a man and not capable of being pregnant :blink:

anyway, since Poor Sucker (the name of the OP btw) has probably succumbed to Mr Bean, its all moot anyway :)

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Two months into the pregnancy now.

I finally got her to exercise a little, one hour walk on the beach per day.

Her blood pressure has gone up again after one month eating, sleeping and watching Thai soap operas.

She quite working when she got pregnant.

I support her decision as it's a lot of second hand smoke in my bar.

Ohh, have run out of fresh Mr Bean episodes. :(

Edited by PoorSucker
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Poor PoorSucker and Mrs PoorSucker.

I genuinely feel for you.

I just had the first few days in over 6 weeks where not completely ill all the time.

Maybe get some Blackadder episodes or some Rowan Atkinson stand-up dvds until you find something else. I remember seeing Mr Bean cartoon somewhere once...

Am out of Thailand for now and missing Thai soap terribly... my blood pressure has gone up without it, although still low compared to most.

I think of you and your Mrs whevenver I see the sweet pickled gerkins they have here (which I am eating like nothing else, though that isn't pregnancy specific as yet to find them in Thailand).

Have found the fresh air and walks help sometimes too, so good idea, even if just a short one around the block or something. Just make sure no bad smells likely in the area, as a leaking sewer pipe wasn't helping me get very far a couple of weeks back.

The sleeping, insomnia and nausea/vommiting are from high levels of some specific hormone apparently (they told me this recently at the doc, but can't remember which one as was a bit ill at the time). Apparently nothing you can do except ride it out. The hormones are good for the baby and help stop miscarriage, so it is just gonna suck for Mrs PoorSucker for a bit.

If she can sleep let her, as will be just as likely to turn on her and not let her sleep, and then her blood pressure will go up more.

Keep an eye on the blood pressure and the doctors aware of it as can be potentially nasty.

I don't even want to think about giving birth in any way shape of form...

I don't even want to know what comes next as still have months more of this pregnancy stuff to go, and it has driven me mad already.

After speaking to friends here that have had multiple kids - most had "lucky" easy pregnancies... sigh...

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