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Rubber Tree Prices, Help Please


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Hi we are looking to plant 7 rai of rubber trees, but were quoted 45 baht per tree

is this the going rate? last year we seen the prices of 25-35 baht per tree, a big difference when buying 5/600 trees

We are near Nong Phai- Phetchabun, is anyone near by with better offer on prices, dont mind travelling for the trees if its worth it

or anyone any contact numbers on people who may deliver from surrounding areas chaiyaphoon, lop buri, saraburi khon kaen etc

am i being too fussy and looking at poor quality trees if i want the cheaper rates?

any information would be a great help, thank you all very much

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so far i understand chantaburi, the trees are at 25 baht, but this is too far away, any help anyone please, i see tons of topics on rubber trees, was thinking i would get some good help on here, anyone?

I don't know your area, but if it is a rubber area there will be lots of rubber nursiers in the district. Go for a drive around and ask. If you are not in Thailand and are getting the in laws to to the buying you will pay what they want not the price that they pay. Jim
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I believe we paid 15 baht per tree for RM600 around 6 years ago. So obviously the price will have risen since then. We ordered from down south.

If the trees are 25 baht in Chantaburi then there's no reason they should be any different in the nurseries near you. Maybe you can order from there at no extra cost.

Are you specifying which type of tree you want?


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I believe we paid 15 baht per tree for RM600 around 6 years ago. So obviously the price will have risen since then. We ordered from down south.

If the trees are 25 baht in Chantaburi then there's no reason they should be any different in the nurseries near you. Maybe you can order from there at no extra cost.

Are you specifying which type of tree you want?


Prices vary abit, but at 45 baht the price may include planting and replacement of dead trees for the first 3 months. Around here the nursery charges 50 Baht for that. Jim
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Well he should be. Latex, either as "Kee Yang " or sheet sells for a very good price. I bought my first lot of trees for B20, many years ago. No inflation in Thailand? No increase in costs of producing trees? Look at the increases in day labour rates.My suggestion is if you want cheap trees, grow them from seed,which you collect yourself .Then wait 7 years ,and see how much latex ,they produce.How to go broke in 1 easy lesson.You pay the going rate ,and you will get good yielding trees, all grafted.Why do all you idiots think you are so clever and are so much better at Economics 000 let alone Economics 101,than the Thai s? I am sorely tired ,of all you farang's wanting "bargain basement " prices. I have had enough of hearing the word "cheapest" You want good tree stock?, then you pay the going rate, and you will get them.Time for many Farang to grow up and discover this is a real world. And you are NOT the most superior beings on Planet Earth

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Well he should be. Latex, either as "Kee Yang " or sheet sells for a very good price. I bought my first lot of trees for B20, many years ago. No inflation in Thailand? No increase in costs of producing trees? Look at the increases in day labour rates.My suggestion is if you want cheap trees, grow them from seed,which you collect yourself .Then wait 7 years ,and see how much latex ,they produce.How to go broke in 1 easy lesson.You pay the going rate ,and you will get good yielding trees, all grafted.Why do all you idiots think you are so clever and are so much better at Economics 000 let alone Economics 101,than the Thai s? I am sorely tired ,of all you farang's wanting "bargain basement " prices. I have had enough of hearing the word "cheapest" You want good tree stock?, then you pay the going rate, and you will get them.Time for many Farang to grow up and discover this is a real world. And you are NOT the most superior beings on Planet Earth

If you can get the same quality for a lower price, it is simply good business. It's not about being "the most superior beings on Planet Earth".

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Well he should be. Latex, either as "Kee Yang " or sheet sells for a very good price. I bought my first lot of trees for B20, many years ago. No inflation in Thailand? No increase in costs of producing trees? Look at the increases in day labour rates.My suggestion is if you want cheap trees, grow them from seed,which you collect yourself .Then wait 7 years ,and see how much latex ,they produce.How to go broke in 1 easy lesson.You pay the going rate ,and you will get good yielding trees, all grafted.Why do all you idiots think you are so clever and are so much better at Economics 000 let alone Economics 101,than the Thai s? I am sorely tired ,of all you farang's wanting "bargain basement " prices. I have had enough of hearing the word "cheapest" You want good tree stock?, then you pay the going rate, and you will get them.Time for many Farang to grow up and discover this is a real world. And you are NOT the most superior beings on Planet Earth

Not about us farangs being the superior specimen on planet earth.. eh?

Just that sometimes when the salesman get the slightest whiff of foreign blood, the price might be "slightly" increased....

Think the guy that started the topic wanted the going rate since both himself and pops in law reacted on the price.

Edited by c64
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Afarang, jai yen yen. The op asked if anyone knew the current price of young trees. Not where the cheapest ones were on sale.

You just posted an incredible rant based on no info about the OP. Who are you really upset with?

If one is quoted 25 baht in one place and 45 baht in another, then I also would want to know why.

As for r-eplanting included in the price, I would not go down that road personally. There are to many factors involved where the seller can tell you they have died for various reasons and the charge you again for the re-planting.

Check out ordering from elsewhere and see if the transport costs make it economical.

Can you tell us which type of trees you are ordering, just to give us a heads up on current price/type.

There are new strains available which mature quicker and supposedly have a higher yield. But they will only give these results if they are reared properly.

Good luck with you search.

P.S. Don't forget to but a few spares.


Edited by chang35baht
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no price doesn't involve planting or replacement, and yes its the father in-law buying 'em but i trust him, its not his price, he also ain't happy with the price

If your father in law thinks the price is high why has he not got other quotes, there is no shorage of nurseries. It's no different here than in the west, if the price is high go to the competition. Now saying that price is not always the deciding factor, clone type and good trees are worth the extra money.Jim

PS when I said they replace the dead trees, thats there expense. They guarantee that you get X trees alive after 3 months. Jim

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no price doesn't involve planting or replacement, and yes its the father in-law buying 'em but i trust him, its not his price, he also ain't happy with the price

If your father in law thinks the price is high why has he not got other quotes, there is no shorage of nurseries. It's no different here than in the west, if the price is high go to the competition. Now saying that price is not always the deciding factor, clone type and good trees are worth the extra money.Jim

PS when I said they replace the dead trees, thats there expense. They guarantee that you get X trees alive after 3 months. Jim

Ok Jim, thanks for clarifying that.


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I believe we paid 15 baht per tree for RM600 around 6 years ago. So obviously the price will have risen since then. We ordered from down south.

If the trees are 25 baht in Chantaburi then there's no reason they should be any different in the nurseries near you. Maybe you can order from there at no extra cost.

Are you specifying which type of tree you want?


We paid between 18 - 22 baht from 2004 to 2007. The trees are a higher wielding hybrid version of Para 600. I would think that 25 to 35 baht - taking inflation into consideration - would be a fair price. This price would only be for the saplings.

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Afarang, jai yen yen. The op asked if anyone knew the current price of young trees. Not where the cheapest ones were on sale.

You just posted an incredible rant based on no info about the OP. Who are you really upset with?

If one is quoted 25 baht in one place and 45 baht in another, then I also would want to know why.

As for r-eplanting included in the price, I would not go down that road personally. There are to many factors involved where the seller can tell you they have died for various reasons and the charge you again for the re-planting.

Check out ordering from elsewhere and see if the transport costs make it economical.

Can you tell us which type of trees you are ordering, just to give us a heads up on current price/type.

There are new strains available which mature quicker and supposedly have a higher yield. But they will only give these results if they are reared properly.

Good luck with you search.

P.S. Don't forget to but a few spares.


Just a slight diversion of the orignal question of this post ,please.

You mention newer varieties . Lets use this a the key word . Here around Udon the 600 and 251 are the most prevalent varieties . As a matter of fact ,until last week I never saw something else . Now a local nursery has a new Malaysian variety . All sorts of claims are made , but obviously that lady does know as little about the latex yields and lifespan of thr tree etc than me myself and the guy next door .

So ,forgetting all the sales talk .Does anybody have personal experiences with the newer varieties . I have not been able to get any answers to these questions ,not even from the local rubber extention service or the research farms. What would be appropriate to plant now )next July )

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so far i understand chantaburi, the trees are at 25 baht, but this is too far away, any help anyone please, i see tons of topics on rubber trees, was thinking i would get some good help on here, anyone?

I don't know your area, but if it is a rubber area there will be lots of rubber nursiers in the district. Go for a drive around and ask. If you are not in Thailand and are getting the in laws to to the buying you will pay what they want not the price that they pay. Jim

Just because your in laws ripped you off doesn't mean that other in laws do the same.

Edited by MeMock
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so far i understand chantaburi, the trees are at 25 baht, but this is too far away, any help anyone please, i see tons of topics on rubber trees, was thinking i would get some good help on here, anyone?

I don't know your area, but if it is a rubber area there will be lots of rubber nursiers in the district. Go for a drive around and ask. If you are not in Thailand and are getting the in laws to to the buying you will pay what they want not the price that they pay. Jim

Just because your in laws ripped you off doesn't mean that other in laws do the same.

On the contrary Memock, my in laws and brother inlaws are as honest as the day is long. If they wanted to rip me off they could have big time years ago. now it is too late as all the money is in rubber and the factory. Jim
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so far i understand chantaburi, the trees are at 25 baht, but this is too far away, any help anyone please, i see tons of topics on rubber trees, was thinking i would get some good help on here, anyone?

I don't know your area, but if it is a rubber area there will be lots of rubber nursiers in the district. Go for a drive around and ask. If you are not in Thailand and are getting the in laws to to the buying you will pay what they want not the price that they pay. Jim

Just because your in laws ripped you off doesn't mean that other in laws do the same.

On the contrary Memock, my in laws and brother inlaws are as honest as the day is long. If they wanted to rip me off they could have big time years ago. now it is too late as all the money is in rubber and the factory. Jim

Indeed, my brother-in-law is the manager and his responsibilities are to look after the rubber plantations. It won't do him any good to be slack or to try to rip me off (he is also very trustworthy)as his cut is 50/50 when we start producing. BTW - he works for free at the moment.

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no price doesn't involve planting or replacement, and yes its the father in-law buying 'em but i trust him, its not his price, he also ain't happy with the price

If your father in law thinks the price is high why has he not got other quotes, there is no shorage of nurseries. It's no different here than in the west, if the price is high go to the competition. Now saying that price is not always the deciding factor, clone type and good trees are worth the extra money.Jim

PS when I said they replace the dead trees, thats there expense. They guarantee that you get X trees alive after 3 months. Jim

yeh the father in-law is shopping around, not urgentley with 4/5 months till planting he's a good bloke, just thaught i'd throw the question up on here, if there were any locals, and i could help, why he doesn't have the luxury of the web, thanks alot for your posts though

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Well he should be. Latex, either as "Kee Yang " or sheet sells for a very good price. I bought my first lot of trees for B20, many years ago. No inflation in Thailand? No increase in costs of producing trees? Look at the increases in day labour rates.My suggestion is if you want cheap trees, grow them from seed,which you collect yourself .Then wait 7 years ,and see how much latex ,they produce.How to go broke in 1 easy lesson.You pay the going rate ,and you will get good yielding trees, all grafted.Why do all you idiots think you are so clever and are so much better at Economics 000 let alone Economics 101,than the Thai s? I am sorely tired ,of all you farang's wanting "bargain basement " prices. I have had enough of hearing the word "cheapest" You want good tree stock?, then you pay the going rate, and you will get them.Time for many Farang to grow up and discover this is a real world. And you are NOT the most superior beings on Planet Earth

get of your high horse you self righteous .....

the fact that it can change 20 baht in different regions of country for the same trees (600s) i thaught i'd just pose the question on here, as you do, why you so bitter with other farangs, because people like me dont need to pay for money grabbing filthy bargirls to marry who have been around the block with kids allready, unlike you, you old decrepid ....

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Well he should be. Latex, either as "Kee Yang " or sheet sells for a very good price. I bought my first lot of trees for B20, many years ago. No inflation in Thailand? No increase in costs of producing trees? Look at the increases in day labour rates.My suggestion is if you want cheap trees, grow them from seed,which you collect yourself .Then wait 7 years ,and see how much latex ,they produce.How to go broke in 1 easy lesson.You pay the going rate ,and you will get good yielding trees, all grafted.Why do all you idiots think you are so clever and are so much better at Economics 000 let alone Economics 101,than the Thai s? I am sorely tired ,of all you farang's wanting "bargain basement " prices. I have had enough of hearing the word "cheapest" You want good tree stock?, then you pay the going rate, and you will get them.Time for many Farang to grow up and discover this is a real world. And you are NOT the most superior beings on Planet Earth

Well the inferior trees supplied to the Thai farmers and some farang may have something to do with our skepticism and I was brought up to compare prices and quality of the item I am interested in. As I have no interest in rubber, but do have in farming I can understand the op's question/concern. It would appear his FIL does also.Maybe you are having a bad day, but you apparent attitude toward us farang just got you crossed off my invitee list for free happy hour at the OK corral.

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Afarang, jai yen yen. The op asked if anyone knew the current price of young trees. Not where the cheapest ones were on sale.

You just posted an incredible rant based on no info about the OP. Who are you really upset with?

If one is quoted 25 baht in one place and 45 baht in another, then I also would want to know why.

As for r-eplanting included in the price, I would not go down that road personally. There are to many factors involved where the seller can tell you they have died for various reasons and the charge you again for the re-planting.

Check out ordering from elsewhere and see if the transport costs make it economical.

Can you tell us which type of trees you are ordering, just to give us a heads up on current price/type.

There are new strains available which mature quicker and supposedly have a higher yield. But they will only give these results if they are reared properly.

Good luck with you search.

P.S. Don't forget to but a few spares.


Just a slight diversion of the orignal question of this post ,please.

You mention newer varieties . Lets use this a the key word . Here around Udon the 600 and 251 are the most prevalent varieties . As a matter of fact ,until last week I never saw something else . Now a local nursery has a new Malaysian variety . All sorts of claims are made , but obviously that lady does know as little about the latex yields and lifespan of thr tree etc than me myself and the guy next door .

So ,forgetting all the sales talk .Does anybody have personal experiences with the newer varieties . I have not been able to get any answers to these questions ,not even from the local rubber extention service or the research farms. What would be appropriate to plant now )next July )

Messers Mobaan & Narak

I posted an enquiry about the new clones and had no really worthwhile replies.C35B tried. Another poster was similar to 'afarang". Lost it between the sun and the bar stool.

Narak: The prices vary around the country and depend on the clone / "bloodline". I am getting quotes of between 45 - 70 baht again dependent on the bloodline. The local Ag Inspector I mentioned in my post ordered from down south as JC said and got the latest high yield clone for 40 baht each and planted last year. I trust his judgement that this clone line has potential.

Pricewise we have seen some lines double in price in the last 12 months.

Mobaan: If you check my post I added 2 URL's which you need Thai to understand. If you follow the thread you will find a few posters, the septic one especially,misread the Thai articles.

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Hi all I will just touch on the subject of clone type. I only have experience of the 600 and the 251s. The 600 are the staple tree in my district, tried and tested over many years. 251s are a better trees for rubber out put, they produce a larger canapy and thus have a tendency to blow over in the wind. In Hind sight I would have planted more 251s in the centre of the 600 trees in the hope that the 600 would take the brunt of any winds. Hindsight is good, but to late now. I have heard of other clone types like the JVP 80 and some alleged super trees coming out of India, but I can find no independent Government or University studies on them. So until the Thai Government recomends these other clones for use in my area I will err on the side of tried and true rather than plant something that may not be suited to my area. As an example we had a storm 3 or 4 years age and about 1000 251 fell over in the wind, Luckily we were there to pull them all up and put stay ropes on them and only lost a few trees.

On the subject of hindsight I would never had planted the trees in the first year, instead I would now pot them for 2 or 3 years then planted only the best trees. Jim

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  • 2 months later...

Prices around Wang Saphung recently were 40-60bt, and I looked at 3 different nurseries. Cheapest were RIMM600 with one level of leaves (forget what they call them in thai), 251 a little more, and RIMM600 with 2-3 levels of leaves 60bt. I gather prices increase a little the closer it gets to rainy season.

I asked about RRIT251 at each nursery because of its higher yields and was told around here only suitable for flat or protected land because of its tendency to blow over from winds and the fact that most soil here is sandy. I asked about mixing 600 with 251 and the woman from the largest nursery (from the South, and seemingly quite knowledgeable) said that 600 and 251 have different tapping schedules so it cannot be mixed. Of course, having 251 in the centre shielded with 600 makes more sense but then I thought about the tappers working late at night and trying to keep track of which tree/which day and just said forget it. RRIM600 was loaded up.

James, I always stumble on your posts so you really seem to be the resident expert here on rubber. I'm just starting out with rubber with 2000 trees set to be planted in June. What advantages do you think you will get by keeping trees potted longer? Are they more resilient to a dry spell? I imagine smaller trees may be more sensitive to lack of rain but I also could imagine potted trees becoming dependent on constant soakings from the hose and not developing deep root structures leaving them also sensitive to dry spells. The same woman as above sold both varieties 251 and 600 in all sizes. Her opinion was that larger trees are no better than small trees and the survival rate in the first year might actually be less.

Can I also ask you a few more questions about the first year? When planting, do you mix in some manure in the hole before the tree goes in? And with herbicide, when and what kind? Are there any more eco friendly options. I have a pond at the bottom of the land and would hope to use as little chemicals as possible, if possible. Most of the growth is cassava, from the stems left behind. Other than that, the land is basically clear.


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Prices around Wang Saphung recently were 40-60bt, and I looked at 3 different nurseries. Cheapest were RIMM600 with one level of leaves (forget what they call them in thai), 251 a little more, and RIMM600 with 2-3 levels of leaves 60bt. I gather prices increase a little the closer it gets to rainy season.

I asked about RRIT251 at each nursery because of its higher yields and was told around here only suitable for flat or protected land because of its tendency to blow over from winds and the fact that most soil here is sandy. I asked about mixing 600 with 251 and the woman from the largest nursery (from the South, and seemingly quite knowledgeable) said that 600 and 251 have different tapping schedules so it cannot be mixed. Of course, having 251 in the centre shielded with 600 makes more sense but then I thought about the tappers working late at night and trying to keep track of which tree/which day and just said forget it. RRIM600 was loaded up.

James, I always stumble on your posts so you really seem to be the resident expert here on rubber. I'm just starting out with rubber with 2000 trees set to be planted in June. What advantages do you think you will get by keeping trees potted longer? Are they more resilient to a dry spell? I imagine smaller trees may be more sensitive to lack of rain but I also could imagine potted trees becoming dependent on constant soakings from the hose and not developing deep root structures leaving them also sensitive to dry spells. The same woman as above sold both varieties 251 and 600 in all sizes. Her opinion was that larger trees are no better than small trees and the survival rate in the first year might actually be less.

Can I also ask you a few more questions about the first year? When planting, do you mix in some manure in the hole before the tree goes in? And with herbicide, when and what kind? Are there any more eco friendly options. I have a pond at the bottom of the land and would hope to use as little chemicals as possible, if possible. Most of the growth is cassava, from the stems left behind. Other than that, the land is basically clear.


Hi Mike

I'm far from an expert and certianly don;t have all the right anwsers, but here we go and I will try may best to give you my take on things.

First don;t know or have not heard of a different tapping times for 251s. I may be doing something wrong, but we tap 600s and 251s at the same times. Did she say what the different routines were and why, Basicly the trees are the same just that one has a bigger canopy and leaves.

As for potting the trees. It's a winner all round. To start you save money on fertiliser. What you give stays with the tree, not wasted into the river or feeding next doors corn. You control the water, the trees are not under one month, then drying of thirst later in the year. As all your trees a close it means it's easy to cut of the young branches rather than wandering up and down rows of trees cutters in hand. Then when you finally plant you are only putting in good stronge trees.

If you have manure then put it between the rows not in the whole, it will leech in and not burn the roots.

Not really much of a need for chemicals except to keep the grass down, so if you have the manpower to keep cutting grass, less poison.

Don't follow the leaf levels on the trees you are looking at, you don't want little branches growing out under the top leaves, you will have to cut them off when you plant. Hope that's of some help. Just a word to the wise. If a Thai doesn't know something they will never admit it, they will make something up or say no good, don't have etc. Jim

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Hi James,

Really appreciate your reply. I find Thais (ie, my wife) generally don't like to ask questions, which follows what you said, because to ask a question implies you don't know!! So I ask a lot of questions that seem basic but most people don't know or they say they guessed (re: fertilizer, fungicide etc). Then this misinformation spreads around the village like a bad case of tong sia. For me, the most important step right now is getting the right trees planted, clone, size, etc and the minor cost variance is not important.

The woman who runs the large nursery with her husband (large, meaning 100,000s of thousands of potted trees), both from Pha Ngaan, has been in Loei for 7 years operating a nursery and also has rubber plantations. I can't remember the tapping schedule for 251 but she said it was different than for RIMM600 which was 3 taps, 1 rest. She also said the bark was harder and so maybe she didn't like how they tapped. Because the land we are planting is sloped and the soil loose, she recommended sticking with RIMM600 as RRIT251, as you experienced, can fall over. Keep in mind, as I did, she sold both clones and had all sizes. I think a lot of people come and buy what they want, few ask her opinion. But she, along with the nursery next to her, were convinced RRIM600 were the way to go. One last comment from her was that 251 variety had a shorter tapping life and the wood was of a lower quality than 600. However, if you tap both varieties the same, I think I will plant some 251 as an experiment for next years plan to acquire and plant another 30rai or so.

If you have time, I would really like to see a pic your potted trees, how they are set up, how close together. I wonder if having them pressed together like sardines helps them grow skyward, or hinders their growth. I copied the nursery, about 10 trees wide by maybe 100 long and covered under black mesh/screen. Watering twice daily, fungicide sprayed weekly. I want to fertilize these 10-20cm young trees but everybody tells me not too. Would you?

After exhausting the internets (english) rubber resources (with you being one of the most informative), I think proper care ($$$) is number one. I will blend in some 251 in lower lying ares, and buy 200 extra trees to maintain at my house for the inevitable percentage that will die in the first year. As far as intercropping, I'll plant some legume like peanut after the trees reach some greater height.

Ok, enough questions!!!


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Hi Mick

Understand where the nursry woman is coming from. Yes the 251s do have a shorter life span and the lumber is less valuable. I'm 54 so I will let my kids worry about that in 20 or 25 years.

Tapping thing; Don't tap 3 on 1 off, this is a Thai thing tap more get more, but in the long run you get less. Tap to the condition of the trees. We tap 2on 1 off when the conditions are good, then drop down to 1 on 1 off then finally as the trees state to suffer , down to 1 on 2 off. Your trees will thank you for it, think of the latex as the trees blood, bleed it to hard and the tree will not have the energy to keep growing bigger and stronger and produce more rubber in the years to come.

Sorry no pics of potting, think I said if I did it again I would not have planted, but potted. Perhaps potting conjures up the wrong picture. It's not rows of massive trees in big earthenware pots. It really is just the same as you see in the nursery, but in bigger bags. Go have a look at some 2 or 3 year old treees, nothing more than big sticks witk leaves at the top. Jim

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Oh great James, another opinion to pitch the wife and family! ;)

I'll get them planted and see what happens. It's just one more in a never ending series of experiments.


Hi Mick

Understand where the nursry woman is coming from. Yes the 251s do have a shorter life span and the lumber is less valuable. I'm 54 so I will let my kids worry about that in 20 or 25 years.

Tapping thing; Don't tap 3 on 1 off, this is a Thai thing tap more get more, but in the long run you get less. Tap to the condition of the trees. We tap 2on 1 off when the conditions are good, then drop down to 1 on 1 off then finally as the trees state to suffer , down to 1 on 2 off. Your trees will thank you for it, think of the latex as the trees blood, bleed it to hard and the tree will not have the energy to keep growing bigger and stronger and produce more rubber in the years to come.

Sorry no pics of potting, think I said if I did it again I would not have planted, but potted. Perhaps potting conjures up the wrong picture. It's not rows of massive trees in big earthenware pots. It really is just the same as you see in the nursery, but in bigger bags. Go have a look at some 2 or 3 year old treees, nothing more than big sticks witk leaves at the top. Jim

Edited by sudyod
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This week I paid 70 Baht per tree. Ouch!!

I needed to replace 500 trees after last years fatalities, so I chose grade 'A' RRIM 600's. If I had bought grade 'B's I could have saved myself 10 Baht per tree, but I wanted to give them a good chance as the others are three years old. This will probably be my last chance on this land as the canopy may preclude further replacements for much longer.

I also bought some Grade 'B' JVP 80's. These were also 70 Baht per tree.

3 years ago 20 Baht.

Last year 35 Baht.

Now 70 Baht.

Whatever next?


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