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Siam Beach


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Went to Siam beach today, its just down the road to the left of Kata viewpoint, there are signs saying 1800 meters to siam beach and restaurant It costs 100 baht to go down to it from the restaurant, and when you get to the bottom of many steps, guess what...there is no beach! There is a tiny clearing probably not more than 10 x 3 metres, which is not really a clearing at all as its covered in rocks and <deleted>, (you would struggle to find a space to lie a towel down) and there's a rocky outcrop. I got there climbed onto the outcrop stood for a minute then climbed back up the steps. The guy told me it was a nice beach when i paid the 100 bahts. You do get a free soft drink with that, but you definitely need it by the time you walk down and straight back up those steps. Anyway, just a word of warning to anyone who thinks It might be worth a look one day......It isn't!

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^ Yes at least as of a couple weeks ago there was enough sand for several people to put down towels. It isn't big though. I think they told me one time they don't let more than 12 people down at a time. I have gone 4 or 5 times and only seen other people there twice. Not much changes when the tide goes out because where the "beach" meets the ocean, it's all rocks and boulders. Some large boulders are big enough to picnic on, and there are lots of big boulders you can jump into the water from.

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I've never been down there (been down the road but not down through the woods) but are you sure it wasn't a tide thing? Surely there must be some sand there some times??

Dunno, even if it was high tide the small amount of sand there was that shingle stuff and that was covered by loads of rocks anyway, cant imagine it would get much better when the tide went out.

There is sand and a small beach. There even used to be mattrasses, but I think these have gone now

Defo gone, No space to put a mattress, all I could see were rocks, some broken wood and empty bottles.

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Dunno, even if it was high tide the small amount of sand there was that shingle stuff and that was covered by loads of rocks anyway, cant imagine it would get much better when the tide went out.

Defo gone, No space to put a mattress, all I could see were rocks, some broken wood and empty bottles.

Well your description differs to that of others, who say there was enough space for several people to sunbathe! There must be an obvious reason for that. Perhaps you were expecting more, were a bit annoyed, and have now subconsciously remembered it worse than it was . Or like I said, perhaps it changes with the tide. One way or another, it would seem there are definitely times when there is a very small beach there!

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Thanks for the heads up. I was thinking of taking a look but won't bother. Why bother when there are so many good beaches on Phuket that are free?

Nui Beach, went down by car 5 years ago, big mistake very difficult to return.

But no-one there and after all , beaches are supposedly the property of the King so why should these people think they can charge 100bht for access?

We did not go down further than you could drive.

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But no-one there and after all , beaches are supposedly the property of the King so why should these people think they can charge 100bht for access?

It is their right to not allow people to pass through their property, or to charge for it.

If however you would access the beach by boat, they couldn't legally stop or charge you.

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Siam Beach = Nui Beach. Those that control this beach own the land above the beach and charge anyone for access.

Nui beach is a totally different beach, just a bit further down the road towards Nai harn from the viewpoint. Siam beach entry road is right next to the viewpoint. The entrance fee there is more expensive, 250 bahts I belive, and Iv'e heard you cant bring your own food and drinks etc but I also heard its very nice. Never been there though, so I stand to be corrected.

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Well your description differs to that of others, who say there was enough space for several people to sunbathe! There must be an obvious reason for that. Perhaps you were expecting more, were a bit annoyed, and have now subconsciously remembered it worse than it was . Or like I said, perhaps it changes with the tide. One way or another, it would seem there are definitely times when there is a very small beach there!

Yeah I was a bit annoyed as I asked the guy if it was a nice beach before i paid up and went down, of course he said yes its very nice, and 10 mins later when I was back at the top I told him theres no beach and its <deleted>, he just said sorry Im just staff lol.

Next time you pass drive down and check it out for yourself then post your opinion here, but dont say i didnt warn you!

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