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While I still have a full head of hair, I am in my thirties and have noticed hair to be falling out while brushing and some times just running my fingers through. My fathers balding and my brother went in his twenties, so is there any preventitive measures I can apply to hopefully stop or slow down what may be the inevitable? Members with serious chrome domage may reply........

While I still have a full head of hair, I am in my thirties and have noticed hair to be falling out while brushing and some times just running my fingers through. My fathers balding and my brother went in his twenties, so is there any preventitive measures I can apply to hopefully stop or slow down what may be the inevitable? Members with serious chrome domage may reply........

It is a hormon thing - chop you balls off - and you will be OK.


(balding, but otherwise in working order!) :o


John Glenn, famous American astronaut, politician, and bald guy once commented: "The way I look at it is that in life a man gets only so many hormones and if some men want to grow hair with theirs then thats alright with me."

While I still have a full head of hair, I am in my thirties and have noticed hair to be falling out while brushing and some times just running my fingers through. My fathers balding and my brother went in his twenties, so is there any preventitive measures I can apply to hopefully stop or slow down what may be the inevitable? Members with serious chrome domage may reply........

Someone once told me that it was my mothers fualt that my hair was falling out. So I took matters in my own hand and just shaved my head. You would be suprised how many women love a bald head.

While I still have a full head of hair, I am in my thirties and have noticed hair to be falling out while brushing and some times just running my fingers through. My fathers balding and my brother went in his twenties, so is there any preventitive measures I can apply to hopefully stop or slow down what may be the inevitable? Members with serious chrome domage may reply........

I am 54 and just started noticing thinning at the top front of my head...........

On my next trip to Thailand I was going to check out what options I had. Seeking a hair facility in Bangkok for hair regeneration, plugs, grafts, etc...................... DJM


Hair falling out, from what I understand, can come from stress, wearing hats too much and your body not producing as much testosterone hormone. The former can be prevented somewhat by taking a supplement such as this: Supplement


Soon we can see Sun and Moon on your head raising, if you loose your hair further :D .

First and final enemy is your Shampoo :D . It is the chemical the shampoo spoils your hair. Please keep an used noodle cup in your bath room. Use only two drops of shampoo in noodle cup, mix little water. So your shampoo concentration is diluted. Now wet your hair (Incase if you have some :o ) and leave it for two minutes. Now you use the diluted shampoo from your noodle cup to take shower. Wash your hair completly until no shampoo dirt there. If there are some shampoo deposits in your hair root, it will definitely fall. The anti-dandruf shampoos are more dangerous ones. I use brand Rejoice (Ginseng mix), it is good one. Atleast you can stop hair loss now. I dont know how to make your hair grow.

If you dont want to use shampoo further, according to Indian Ayurvedha, Soapnut powder is best to wash the hair. If you have indian shop near, buy Basin power (In English it is Gram ?) , buy and use 20 grams each time and mix with water dilutely to paste also help ful rincing the hair. Dont use Thai herbal shampoo, they contain lots of chemical too.


It is a hormon thing - chop you balls off - and you will be OK.


(balding, but otherwise in working order!)

WhiteShiva Take a bow you made my day :D

On my next trip to Thailand I was going to check out what options I had. Seeking a hair facility in Bangkok for hair regeneration, plugs, grafts, etc...................... DJM

Had a friend who went down this road looked absolutely ridiculous :D we bought him a hat.

chownah very good and so true.

buadhai I thought you had to rub against someone with the mange for it to be transferred - oh having said that - maybe there is more medical advice to be sought here?? :D

NextStationBangkok good remedy but a lot of steps a more simpler is put abot 16 table spoons of WB shit in a cup mix 2 teaspoons of palmolive baby oil, 2 to 3 teaspoons of baby powder (any brand) boil and smooth the paste over entire scalp ( 4 men with a large cranium)nb. cranium double the ingriedients nb. it may be painful but results will be devasting.

Disclaimer: The above is not guaranteed to make your hair grow but it will make you look as silly as using all the so called promises available on the market and it is fairly cheap - in the bargain it will be a subject of great merriment for your friends to talk about over a few beers for evermore. :o

lads the chrome dome comes from yer mums side of the family.

I disagree. I've heard this sooo many times and in my family the baldness is soooo on my father's side and sooooo not on my mother's side that I originally made a search at the local public library (it was so long ago that the internet hadn't even been dreamed of) and researched it and came up empty...I couldn't find anything about how baldness is inherited. I've asked probably at least a dozen people who have made the same statement (baldness from mother) to please help me find a reference supporting this and none of them have....so....you are the dozen and first person I'm asking...can you provide a reference...if you can you will be resolving a long standing source of angst and dispare.

While I still have a full head of hair, I am in my thirties and have noticed hair to be falling out while brushing and some times just running my fingers through. My fathers balding and my brother went in his twenties, so is there any preventitive measures I can apply to hopefully stop or slow down what may be the inevitable? Members with serious chrome domage may reply........

Amla and henna are good nutrients for the hair. A few years back I shaved my head a few times, apparently this way the hair grows back a bit thicker/stronger.


SO WHAT !!! It is a commonly know fact that at puberty a man has to make a choice. He has to decide whether to be well hung or to have hair. I decided that hair meant very little to me. :o


Thankyou for all the good ideas and interesting insights, there are definately more than a few things here i will stop doing and see if it works, and a few things i will try....

While I still have a full head of hair, I am in my thirties and have noticed hair to be falling out while brushing and some times just running my fingers through. My fathers balding and my brother went in his twenties, so is there any preventitive measures I can apply to hopefully stop or slow down what may be the inevitable? Members with serious chrome domage may reply........

Amla and henna are good nutrients for the hair. A few years back I shaved my head a few times, apparently this way the hair grows back a bit thicker/stronger.

Now we're getting somewhere - this is the sort of answer he was looking for.

I was going to contribute regular head massage with hazlenut yoghurt.

lads the chrome dome comes from yer mums side of the family.

I disagree. I've heard this sooo many times and in my family the baldness is soooo on my father's side and sooooo not on my mother's side that I originally made a search at the local public library (it was so long ago that the internet hadn't even been dreamed of) and researched it and came up empty...I couldn't find anything about how baldness is inherited. I've asked probably at least a dozen people who have made the same statement (baldness from mother) to please help me find a reference supporting this and none of them have....so....you are the dozen and first person I'm asking...can you provide a reference...if you can you will be resolving a long standing source of angst and dispare.

Here is what i found on the net ... About 50 per cent of children with a balding parent of either sex will inherit the dominant baldness gene.

Anyway I dont know why you are worried. Chop it all off, women love a bald head.


On my next trip to Thailand I was going to check out what options I had. Seeking a hair facility in Bangkok for hair regeneration, plugs, grafts, etc...................... DJM

Had a friend who went down this road looked absolutely ridiculous  :o we bought him a hat.

I have seen a few cases where people have had hair transplants, and ended up with their scalp looking like a rubber plantation (straight lines of growth with nothing inbetween).

Keep your hair (what is left of it) short, and you look dignified. The people who walk around with rubber plantations look silly, if not sad. It basically says - "I was/am insecure, could not accept myself the way I was, and now look at me......."

My advise - accept the situation. There are far worse things that could happen to you. And there are far better things to spend your money and time on.

My advise - accept the situation.  There are far worse things that could happen to you.  And there are far better things to spend your money and time on.

Yes. One of our friend went for a Dental cosmetic treatment i Bamugrad and he has become a permanent patient to the dentist. I am sure he is paying a lot to the dentist every visit. These are not service anymore because they huge rent and paying big salaries to the staff, ofcourse all goes from your pocket. Better to keep your original personality and keep some money to eat when you are old.


On my next trip to Thailand I was going to check out what options I had. Seeking a hair facility in Bangkok for hair regeneration, plugs, grafts, etc...................... DJM

Had a friend who went down this road looked absolutely ridiculous  :o we bought him a hat.

I have seen a few cases where people have had hair transplants, and ended up with their scalp looking like a rubber plantation (straight lines of growth with nothing inbetween).

those are the guys that ran out of money and couldn't pay for more transplants.

If the transplants are thick enough you won't notice. vanity costs $$

if you go the transplant route dont go half the way

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