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One Year Non Immigrant B

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When I went to Thai immigration a few months ago, they were going to charge me 2K for a non immigrant B visa with multiple entries. problem was that I had forgotten my letter of intent from my employer at my apartment. Now at the time, I had that kind of visa already and wanted it extended. Originally, I had purchased it in the states for USD $175.

Now I am on a tourist visa and trying to sort out this work permit and visa mess with my boss, who says that a lawyer is going to charge him 25K per foreigner. Is this right? Can I just go to immigration and get one? how much is it to get one through a visa run service like Jack Golf?

Extension of Thai Business Visa

The Thai "B" or Business Visa can be extended to a one year visa in country as follows.

The extension of the visa is normally based on employment and as such there are certain regulations governing the company who is employing you.

These are the regulations for the extension of the "B" Business Visa:

1. The business must be registered in Thailand.

2. The company must be capitalized to at least Baht 2 Million while operating fund must be at least Baht 1 Million.

3. The company must have a ration of at least 4 : 1 - Four Thais for every foreigner.

4. You must earn at least in accordance with the level specified for each nationality by the Labour Department.

Duration of the Extension

- One year at a time.

Documents required for the extension:

1. Application form (T.M. 7 )

2. Passport or document used in lien of passport and its copies .

3. The applicants 4 x 6 cm. photograph .

4. Extension fee Baht 1,900.-

5. The company letters certifying as follows ;

- Nature of business

- Reason or necessity in employing the applicant his / her position, salary and education background.

- Number of Thai and foreign employees.

6. Copies of work permit or receipt of work permit application.

7. Company's annual balance sheets.

8. The juristic persons Annual Income Tax Declaration Form (Form No.50) of the latest year and its receipt of payment.

9. Thai employees Monthly Income Tax Declaration Form (Form No.1 ) of the latest month and its receipt of payment.

10. The applicants Annual Income Tax Declaration Form (Form No.91) of the latest year and its receipt of payment.

11. The official letter that certify the registration of such juristic person.

12. Business Registration or Business License.

13. Value Added Tax Registration and list of share holders.

14. A map that indicate location of the Company.

15. For those who operate export business, the documentary evidence clarifying its export activities is needed.

16. For those who operate tourism business, the documentary evidence clarifying its total number of tourist that brought in by the company is needed.

N.B. In case of necessity , documents No.7 , 8 , 9 , and 10 can be substituted by the company letters stating its reason.

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Austin seems to be saying that he HAD a B Business visa...but NOW is here on a tourist visa... So I'm presuming that means his prior B visa expired and was not extended before its expiration.

In that case, it's possible at Thai immigration, particularly in Bangkok, to convert from a tourist visa to a non-immigrant visa, assuming the applicant qualifies for the visa being requested. The process, while a bit more complicated that just processing a normal extension, doesn't require a lawyer and doesn't involve anything that should justify a 25,000 baht services fee.

The details of doing a tourist visa to non-immigrant visa conversion have been discussed in other threads here on TV...

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Austin seems to be saying that he HAD a B Business visa...but NOW is here on a tourist visa... So I'm presuming that means his prior B visa expired and was not extended before its expiration.

In that case, it's possible at Thai immigration, particularly in Bangkok, to convert from a tourist visa to a non-immigrant visa, assuming the applicant qualifies for the visa being requested. The process, while a bit more complicated that just processing a normal extension, doesn't require a lawyer and doesn't involve anything that should justify a 25,000 baht services fee.

The details of doing a tourist visa to non-immigrant visa conversion have been discussed in other threads here on TV...

Basically you need the same documentation as for applying for 1 year extension of stay.

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Right, but I don't think you can apply at Immigration in Thailand for an extension of an already expired B visa... especially when the applicant is already now on a tourist visa...

I'm presuming his choices at this point (assuming he doesn't want to continue on the tourist visa merry go round) would be to do the tourist visa to non-imm visa conversion at Immigration in BKK, or have to go outside Thailand to a Thai consulate in a neighboring country to apply for a new non-imm B visa from scratch.

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