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More than 1,000 a week emigrating from Ireland due to unemployment

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More than 1,000 a week emigrating from Ireland due to unemployment

2011-01-21 09:55:17 GMT+7 (ICT)

DUBLIN (BNO NEWS) -- Up to 60,000 people will have left Ireland between April 2010 and this April revealed a report by the country's economic think-thank, the daily Irish Independent reported Thursday.

The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) predicted another 40,000 will leave in the 12 months after that period as Ireland’s unemployment remains the third highest in Europe.

More than 1,000 people a week are being forced to leave the country.

This is the worst emigration crisis in the history of the country. In 1989, when the last recession reached its peak, just 44,000 emigrated.

Unemployment is forecast to average 13.5 percent this year, dropping slightly to 13 per cent next year.

Long-term unemployment is now at 6.5 percent. Unemployment among the young is particularly severe with more than one- third of 15 to 19-year-olds out of work and more than a quarter of 20 to 24-year-olds, the ESRI said.

A recent investigation by the Irish Independent found almost 46,000 Irish citizens travelled to five key overseas destinations - Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United States, and Germany - to find work in the last year.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-01-21

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No-one has any sympathy for Ireland or Greece because they were partying on other peoples money for more than 10 years. The Celtic Tiger economy never existed. Its time to pay the piper and they dont like it. Solution??? Emigrate.

I guess you could say the same thing about Portugal, Spain, UK, US .... the list goes on and on

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No-one has any sympathy for Ireland or Greece because they were partying on other peoples money for more than 10 years. The Celtic Tiger economy never existed. Its time to pay the piper and they dont like it. Solution??? Emigrate.

I for one have sympathy for the 25%+ under 24 year olds who face an uncertain future and little hope of finding suitable employment in their home country......through no fault of their own!

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No-one has any sympathy for Ireland or Greece because they were partying on other peoples money for more than 10 years. The Celtic Tiger economy never existed. Its time to pay the piper and they dont like it. Solution??? Emigrate.

No jalansanitwong - you are totally wrong !

You have swallowed the banksters propaganga hook line and sinker.

The Irish people had no say at all in what their banks did - which

was to advance money to other institutions ( certainly without the knowledge of the public )

and those institutions lost the money speculating on derivatives.

Now the tax payers are being asked / made to cover these losses !

You have to be joking :o If people connected to the old IRA

are prepared to allow the citizens of Ireland to be finacially raped this

way i will be amazed- then they have lost their fighting spirit and this is worth fighting for far more than

British rule.

I dont know the full story behind other Euro countries but

i now know the truth behind the Irish situation and it is theft ! :angry:

Yes the banksters should pay every dime by taking a haircut

- not the Irish public !

Edited by midas
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No-one has any sympathy for Ireland or Greece because they were partying on other peoples money for more than 10 years. The Celtic Tiger economy never existed. Its time to pay the piper and they dont like it. Solution??? Emigrate.

No jalansanitwong - you are totally wrong !

You have swallowed the banksters propaganga hook line and sinker.

The Irish people had no say at all in what their banks did - which

was to advance money to other institutions ( certainly without the knowledge of the public )

and those institutions lost the money speculating on derivatives.

Now the tax payers are being asked / made to cover these losses !

You have to be joking :o If people connected to the old IRA

are prepared to allow the citizens of Ireland to be finacially raped this

way i will be amazed- then they have lost their fighting spirit and this is worth fighting for far more than

British rule.

I dont know the full story behind other Euro countries but

i now know the truth behind the Irish situation and it is theft ! :angry:

Yes the banksters should pay every dime by taking a haircut

- not the Irish public !

If you are suggesting that the IRA are something to be looked up to then you are a $%%$%^%.

Maybe we should be celebrating the Muslim heroes for helping the US construction industry?

Edited by cat5
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No-one has any sympathy for Ireland or Greece because they were partying on other peoples money for more than 10 years. The Celtic Tiger economy never existed. Its time to pay the piper and they dont like it. Solution??? Emigrate.

No jalansanitwong - you are totally wrong !

You have swallowed the banksters propaganga hook line and sinker.

The Irish people had no say at all in what their banks did - which

was to advance money to other institutions ( certainly without the knowledge of the public )

and those institutions lost the money speculating on derivatives.

Now the tax payers are being asked / made to cover these losses !

You have to be joking :o If people connected to the old IRA

are prepared to allow the citizens of Ireland to be finacially raped this

way i will be amazed- then they have lost their fighting spirit and this is worth fighting for far more than

British rule.

I dont know the full story behind other Euro countries but

i now know the truth behind the Irish situation and it is theft ! :angry:

Yes the banksters should pay every dime by taking a haircut

- not the Irish public !

If you are suggesting that the IRA are something to be looked up to then you are a $%%$%^%.

Maybe we should be celebrating the Muslim heroes for helping the US construction industry?

I am not suggesting that for one moment but its obvious that it is every man

for himself now. You cannot rely on the politicians to protect you because

they are in bed with the banksters and corporations.

In some US states you can justifiably shoot someone simply

if you think they are going to physically harm you so yes the

world has changed for the worst. But it doesnt mean the innocent Irish

people should simply bend over and listen to what the EU tell them to do :bah:

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The Irish deserve everything that is coming to them for voting for the Lisbon Treaty (well the majority who voted for it), for a nation that was desperate for independence they see very quick to go begging to the British taxpayer.

There is such thing as being duped by politicians you know :rolleyes:

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No-one has any sympathy for Ireland or Greece because they were partying on other peoples money for more than 10 years. The Celtic Tiger economy never existed. Its time to pay the piper and they dont like it. Solution??? Emigrate.

No jalansanitwong - you are totally wrong !

You have swallowed the banksters propaganga hook line and sinker.

The Irish people had no say at all in what their banks did - which

was to advance money to other institutions ( certainly without the knowledge of the public )

and those institutions lost the money speculating on derivatives.

Now the tax payers are being asked / made to cover these losses !

You have to be joking :o If people connected to the old IRA

are prepared to allow the citizens of Ireland to be finacially raped this

way i will be amazed- then they have lost their fighting spirit and this is worth fighting for far more than

British rule.

I dont know the full story behind other Euro countries but

i now know the truth behind the Irish situation and it is theft ! :angry:

Yes the banksters should pay every dime by taking a haircut

- not the Irish public !

If you are suggesting that the IRA are something to be looked up to then you are a $%%$%^%.

Maybe we should be celebrating the Muslim heroes for helping the US construction industry?

I am not suggesting that for one moment but its obvious that it is every man

for himself now. You cannot rely on the politicians to protect you because

they are in bed with the banksters and corporations.

In some US states you can justifiably shoot someone simply

if you think they are going to physically harm you so yes the

world has changed for the worst. But it doesnt mean the innocent Irish

people should simply bend over and listen to what the EU tell them to do :bah:

Erm, but the same can be said of all countries involved and suffering now - the public were not involved in any of them. Eire lived on handouts from the EU, when the countries paying more in than receiving (like the UK and Germany) started having their own financial problems and the EU could no longer afford to pay the way of Eire, Greece, Spain, etc, it hit the fan. For all the BS about attracting new business into Eire with a few relocating headoffices (IBM UK/Google Europe/etc) it was simply a handfull of sand in the dessert. Big debts made on the back of big promises (or perhaps big wishful thinking) there simply never was a real Gallic Dragon, it was all a publicity stunt that went down the shitter with the EU ecconomy.

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Erm, but the same can be said of all countries involved and suffering now - the public were not involved in any of them. Eire lived on handouts from the EU, when the countries paying more in than receiving (like the UK and Germany) started having their own financial problems and the EU could no longer afford to pay the way of Eire, Greece, Spain, etc, it hit the fan. For all the BS about attracting new business into Eire with a few relocating headoffices (IBM UK/Google Europe/etc) it was simply a handfull of sand in the dessert. Big debts made on the back of big promises (or perhaps big wishful thinking) there simply never was a real Gallic Dragon, it was all a publicity stunt that went down the shitter with the EU ecconomy.

But the point is why should the Irish citizens bail out the banks ?

Why can't the banks and the bondholders take the haircut ?

Why should ordinary people pay the price ?

Read this and see if you can see things in a different perspective ? B)


Edited by midas
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Does anyone think the Irish public understands that they were living on borrowed money?

You mean like the USA,UK, Spain Oh what the hell just about every country is in this same situation, it's not just an Irish problem.blink.gif

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The bailout of the Irish banks is really a bailout of the German and other banks that lent to the Irish ones. The bailout will be paid for by the Irish taxpayers at a cost that amount to enslavement. At a total cost of 60% to 70% of the Irish GDP the bank bailout will drive Ireland to insolvency.

Ireland should do what Iceland did which is to repudiate the bank debts.

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Does anyone think the Irish public understands that they were living on borrowed money?

You mean like the USA,UK, Spain Oh what the hell just about every country is in this same situation, it's not just an Irish problem.blink.gif

Not the same thing at all. The US Treasury's TARP program to bailout its failed banks, like Citibank, cost less than 5% of US GDP. The Irish bank bailout will cost 60% to 70% of Irish GDP.

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The Irish deserve everything that is coming to them for voting for the Lisbon Treaty (well the majority who voted for it), for a nation that was desperate for independence they see very quick to go begging to the British taxpayer.

There is such thing as being duped by politicians you know :rolleyes:

In Dublin they might fall for that garbage, but not in the countryside...

Ireland's on the move again, where will they go this time?

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The Irish deserve everything that is coming to them for voting for the Lisbon Treaty (well the majority who voted for it), for a nation that was desperate for independence they see very quick to go begging to the British taxpayer.

There is such thing as being duped by politicians you know :rolleyes:

I belive it was the Dutch French and Portuguese who had earlier rejected the pre Lisbon Treaty even the Irish did 1st time round.

This debate was very vocal for yes and no, there was no duping by politicians, the Irish who voted for giving away the remainder of being able to govern its own country (aswell as that of mine) and be ruled by unelected bureaucrats did so because theyre thick as pigs shyt.

And the reason your country is in its current situation is due to the greed of the people wanting easy money off the hard work of others, believe me i did business with these deluded entrepreneurs .

Edited by Englander
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They were living on EEC money for far too long,and many Irish became very wealthy,

now the Gravy train has dried up,it's the usual Payback time!

What with Greece and Portugal,and several other Bankrupt Countries being accepted into the European Community,

It looks like the European Dream may well turn to a Bankrupt Disaster.

Edited by MAJIC
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No-one has any sympathy for Ireland or Greece because they were partying on other peoples money for more than 10 years. The Celtic Tiger economy never existed. Its time to pay the piper and they dont like it. Solution??? Emigrate.

No jalansanitwong - you are totally wrong !

You have swallowed the banksters propaganga hook line and sinker.

The Irish people had no say at all in what their banks did - which

was to advance money to other institutions ( certainly without the knowledge of the public )

and those institutions lost the money speculating on derivatives.

Now the tax payers are being asked / made to cover these losses !

You have to be joking :o If people connected to the old IRA

are prepared to allow the citizens of Ireland to be finacially raped this

way i will be amazed- then they have lost their fighting spirit and this is worth fighting for far more than

British rule.

I dont know the full story behind other Euro countries but

i now know the truth behind the Irish situation and it is theft ! :angry:

Yes the banksters should pay every dime by taking a haircut

- not the Irish public !

If you are suggesting that the IRA are something to be looked up to then you are a $%%$%^%.

Maybe we should be celebrating the Muslim heroes for helping the US construction industry?

I am not suggesting that for one moment but its obvious that it is every man

for himself now. You cannot rely on the politicians to protect you because

they are in bed with the banksters and corporations.

In some US states you can justifiably shoot someone simply

if you think they are going to physically harm you so yes the

world has changed for the worst. But it doesnt mean the innocent Irish

people should simply bend over and listen to what the EU tell them to do :bah:

They did so quite happily,while taking massive handouts from the likes of France,Germany,UK, the 3 main paymasters for the EEC Fiasco!

So now whats the difference? now that there is nothing in it for them, they cant have it all their own way.

Edited by MAJIC
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Not the same thing at all. The US Treasury's TARP program to bailout its failed banks, like Citibank, cost less than 5% of US GDP. The Irish bank bailout will cost 60% to 70% of Irish GDP.

A couple of things come to mind.....

#1...TARP was chump change & did not in any real way dent the problem.

#2 GDP...especially US GDP is a poor indicator as it includes Govt spending.

In the case of the US that is as bad as the FED buying their own bonds....all a shell game

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The Irish deserve everything that is coming to them for voting for the Lisbon Treaty (well the majority who voted for it), for a nation that was desperate for independence they see very quick to go begging to the British taxpayer.

There is such thing as being duped by politicians you know :rolleyes:

I belive it was the Dutch French and Portuguese who had earlier rejected the pre Lisbon Treaty even the Irish did 1st time round.

This debate was very vocal for yes and no, there was no duping by politicians, the Irish who voted for giving away the remainder of being able to govern its own country (aswell as that of mine) and be ruled by unelected bureaucrats did so because theyre thick as pigs shyt.

And the reason your country is in its current situation is due to the greed of the people wanting easy money off the hard work of others, believe me i did business with these deluded entrepreneurs .

Well it is obvious you dont hold unbiased opinion about the Irish by the fact that you say

" And the reason your country is in its current situation " implying Ireland is my country ! :blink:

I am Australian matey and i am looking at the situation as an outsider. On the scale of things

to me after reading about exactly what happened, the only guilty parties in all this mess are

the government and the banks. Cowen and his team bragged about duping the people and they

laughed about it to themselves. Disgusting!

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No-one has any sympathy for Ireland or Greece because they were partying on other peoples money for more than 10 years. The Celtic Tiger economy never existed. Its time to pay the piper and they dont like it. Solution??? Emigrate.

No jalansanitwong - you are totally wrong !

You have swallowed the banksters propaganga hook line and sinker.

The Irish people had no say at all in what their banks did - which

was to advance money to other institutions ( certainly without the knowledge of the public )

and those institutions lost the money speculating on derivatives.

Now the tax payers are being asked / made to cover these losses !

You have to be joking :o If people connected to the old IRA

are prepared to allow the citizens of Ireland to be finacially raped this

way i will be amazed- then they have lost their fighting spirit and this is worth fighting for far more than

British rule.

I dont know the full story behind other Euro countries but

i now know the truth behind the Irish situation and it is theft ! :angry:

Yes the banksters should pay every dime by taking a haircut

- not the Irish public !

People connected to the Old IRA. What the hell are you on about? I, being Irish, have no connections to the IRA and don't want to ever have any connections to them.

Does that mean that I want to be financially raped? Not a chance mate. And I don't have to have affiliations to a paramilitary organisation like that to try to stand up to this.

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The Irish deserve everything that is coming to them for voting for the Lisbon Treaty (well the majority who voted for it), for a nation that was desperate for independence they see very quick to go begging to the British taxpayer.

There is such thing as being duped by politicians you know :rolleyes:

I belive it was the Dutch French and Portuguese who had earlier rejected the pre Lisbon Treaty even the Irish did 1st time round.

This debate was very vocal for yes and no, there was no duping by politicians, the Irish who voted for giving away the remainder of being able to govern its own country (aswell as that of mine) and be ruled by unelected bureaucrats did so because theyre thick as pigs shyt.

And the reason your country is in its current situation is due to the greed of the people wanting easy money off the hard work of others, believe me i did business with these deluded entrepreneurs .

Well it is obvious you dont hold unbiased opinion about the Irish by the fact that you say

" And the reason your country is in its current situation " implying Ireland is my country ! :blink:

I am Australian matey and i am looking at the situation as an outsider. On the scale of things

to me after reading about exactly what happened, the only guilty parties in all this mess are

the government and the banks. Cowen and his team bragged about duping the people and they

laughed about it to themselves. Disgusting!

Apologies i thought you may have had a vague bit of knowledge whats been happening there, anyway your property bubble is far greater to that of the Irish ... pity as Aus used to be a nice place to visit before they got into Ponzi property games.

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Does anyone think the Irish public understands that they were living on borrowed money?

No more no less than the US public....same can be said for a few other countries too.

Absolutely, and 100% correct; a large part of western society has been put into the financial hospital by the ever growing greed of the combining 2 evils: Banks and Governments, allowing the financial institutions to invent more and more shady products to lure their clients to borrow, borrow and borrow, for cars, houses, holidays and unnecessary other gadgets.

Now, "we" have to endure the painful cure:....save and spend less, you idiot! :angry:

Nobody, but themselves, can blame the Irish or other nationality individuals since nobody in school or at the kitchen table taught them to save money.

Instead, everybody shouted: "I bought a new car!!" or "I bought a new house..." and the -jealous- neighbour ran to his bank also, borrowing money since he couldn't stand that this @shole of a neighbour had a new car/house and was ashamed towards his wife that he -the sucker- didn't have a new car also.

And, of course, the bank was more than happy to supply money to this no-have-money guy since someone else just dropped some money into the bank so that they were able to leverage that cash by 1 to 9 or even 1- 10 if not more....and give it to the no-have-money chap.

But: just for the record, this story is not valid for all TV members, of course not!

LaoPo :lol:

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Apologies i thought you may have had a vague bit of knowledge whats been happening there, anyway your property bubble is far greater to that of the Irish ... pity as Aus used to be a nice place to visit before they got into Ponzi property games.

WOW is there any country for which you actually have a kind word to say about them ? :ermm:

Yes I had two beautiful condos in Sydney which i sold at a very handsome profit last year

thank you very much and this gives me a very lovely lifestyle here in the Land of Smiles :lol:

Of course Ponzi or not, it still has a far superior standard of living and climate to the UK any day ! :rolleyes:

Edited by midas
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No-one has any sympathy for Ireland or Greece because they were partying on other peoples money for more than 10 years. The Celtic Tiger economy never existed. Its time to pay the piper and they dont like it. Solution??? Emigrate.

No jalansanitwong - you are totally wrong !

You have swallowed the banksters propaganga hook line and sinker.

The Irish people had no say at all in what their banks did - which

was to advance money to other institutions ( certainly without the knowledge of the public )

and those institutions lost the money speculating on derivatives.

Now the tax payers are being asked / made to cover these losses !

You have to be joking :o If people connected to the old IRA

are prepared to allow the citizens of Ireland to be finacially raped this

way i will be amazed- then they have lost their fighting spirit and this is worth fighting for far more than

British rule.

I dont know the full story behind other Euro countries but

i now know the truth behind the Irish situation and it is theft ! :angry:

Yes the banksters should pay every dime by taking a haircut

- not the Irish public !

People connected to the Old IRA. What the hell are you on about? I, being Irish, have no connections to the IRA and don't want to ever have any connections to them.

Does that mean that I want to be financially raped? Not a chance mate. And I don't have to have affiliations to a paramilitary organisation like that to try to stand up to this.

I only suggested that because someone has to stand up for your people - anyone.

Are you saying just by me mentioning " affiliations to a paramilitary organisation " - that you find that

more offensive than Englander who said about your fellow citizens " the Irish who voted for giving away the remainder of being able to govern its own country (aswell as that of mine) and be ruled by unelected bureaucrats did so because theyre thick as pigs shyt " :huh:

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Apologies i thought you may have had a vague bit of knowledge whats been happening there, anyway your property bubble is far greater to that of the Irish ... pity as Aus used to be a nice place to visit before they got into Ponzi property games.

WOW is there any country for which you actually have a kind word to say about them ? :ermm:

Yes I had two beautiful condos in Sydney which i sold at a very handsome profit last year

thank you very much and this gives me a very lovely lifestyle here in the Land of Smiles :lol:

Of course Ponzi or not, it still has a far superior standard of living and climate to the UK any day ! :rolleyes:

It is clearly a Ponzi do you think nations get rich by selling proeprty to each other at ever increasing prices?

As for your comment about Aussies having a better standard of living then in Blighty, well the under 35s that havent bought in the last 10 years and now cant afford to most certainly wont be living a high standard of life ... that and the fact someone has to work and pay for the profits youve received from your genius property investments shows that someone somewhere isnt living this dream life you talk of.

The Irish were borrowing like no other buying so called investment property on a grand scale in Ireland and all around Europe, thus taking many lifetimes earnings out of their own economy and gifting it to some shady developer in East Europe or Spain for a vastly overpriced property. Now if these arrogant idiots who have bankrupted their country had a brain theyd have invested money in creating sustainable private business in their own country thus creating jobs and benefitting future generations.

But no everyone just wants to blame banks and take absolutely no personal responsibility, and please dont think i am singling out Aussies or Irish for this scandal the English are some of the greatest property rampers on the planet whove damaged their nation ... its just we havent gone as far as Australia or Ireland.

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