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Police Investigate Mysterious Death Of Swedish Man Found In Luxury Phuket Condo


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I note that you say a gorilla to the side of the desk clerk would force him to concoct a story. Why?

As I understand it, one suggestion is that the a suicide would be preferable because it would not reflect badly on Thailand and it would also be more convenient for the police. Whilst I agree this sounds somewhat implausible, to me it is no more implausible than the idea that someone accidentally broke a bottle, stabbed themselves in the back with it multiple times then went to bed whilst they bled to death.

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........ This is in response to you bumping your own post........

- many paragraphs of text omitted for brevity -

.......Fine. Do share your other opinions with us, especially on a slow news day.

Housepainter, if you've got something to say, try and say it in a legible way. If you layer ridicule upon ridicule, then it's near impossible to decipher what you're trying to say.

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Housepainter, your post is nonsensical. Do you know the desk clerk on duty that night? And yet you make the allegation that he would lie or fabricate a story. Why would he do that? What is up with some of you people that classify every Thai as a liar? Maybe you would lie,, but in this case the desk clerk has no reason to do so. And yes, I note that you say a gorilla to the side of the desk clerk would force him to concoct a story. Why? Did you think before you wrote that? Why would a policeman tell the desk clerk to lie? What magical conspiracy do you have to explain the reason why they would all be obliged to invent a story?

Have you ever been in this building? Do you know the layout? Do you know the type of people that go in and out? Do you have any idea of who some of the tenants are? Did you know the deceased? No you do not any of these things. Yet you make statements as if you did have this knowledge. Answer the question. How do you know there are bloody footprints from an assailant? Did you see the footprints of the assailant? Are there footprints showing in the published photos? The initial news report that you and the other junior detectives have based your convoluted conspiracy theories upon was incomplete and contained incorrect information. You are basing all of your conclusions on information that has either been retracted or clarified.

As for you coma, you demonstrate a profound paucity of integrity when you transfer your animosity for me from the world news threads to this one. You haven't the slightest of clues to the incident at hand and yet you chime in using this as an opportunity to get a dig in. Grow up.

Ok. Then may I ask you the same questions that you have put to housepainter? Why are you so in the know? The dialogue you use in your posts would make one think you are some sort of Scotland Yard of FBI expert. Or maybe you have had just too much time on your hands and therefore have been watching way too much CSI. I mean read your posts please. All of them. Then compare to the way other people post. It is bordering on obsessive compulsive. Really. And I don't mean that in a offensive way.

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Maybe the guy was half passed out fell off his bed on to the bottle sitting on the floor by the bed. He was so drunk he pushed the broken bottle under the bed and laid back down to pass out.How could he see the bleeding back he didnot have eyes in the back of his head and if so drunk ready to pass out perhaps didnot feel any pain maybe a little discomfoort at worst.

I flly agree with you. Having been literally "stone drunk" before, one can t realize everything that happens. If he shattered the bottle on the floor before, then a while later stumbled and fell onto it , rolling over the debris, it could have caused wounds that he failed to notice. When a piece of glass sticks in your skin or an intravenous needle , you harldy feel it ! Being drunk, you would feel it even less. So the assumption that he grew weaker and passed out, thus bleeding to death on his bed, has become my favourite in this case ! The pieces of evidence slowly fit together, my dearest private hobby investigators !

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GERI ATRIC KID ........ This is in response to you bumping your own post as every one else chose to ridicule or ignore it. How's your mate Al Zhiemer getting on? Remember him?

There is no cover up. Neither was there a Watergate, a President Nixon, weapons of mass destruction, Santa Claus or Fatty Arbuckle.

What you are reading is plausible. Unless you are dyslexic and it is platipus.

Now the video recordings are being checked. But there is an immediate concern as to the authenticity of the recording as there are no high so Thais sitting in an expensive but largely sterile house, the mother wringing her hands seated next to dad, whose hair has been painted with white streaks at each side, a young man stands looking furtive while a stunningly beautiful young aneamically white woman starts to cry, yell and then scream before attacking the young man. At the same time another young man appears [stage left] and stares for several minutes at the other young man. Then there are adverts. Only there aren't. Very suspicious.

The desk clerk is recounting what he saw. Every thrid word being whispered into his ear by a gorilla in uniform to one side.

I'm sorry to disappoint, but the desk staff are decent honest people that do their job. All Japanese then.

They have no reason to lie. Not being paid enough.

The property is well managed by Jones Lang Lasalle compared to other condo properties I have seen or stayed in. And this is from our own Hotel correspondent, ex-manager of the Ritz, London and who acted as consultant to the Qatarees when planning their World Cup bid and also was consulted by the pattaya Soi LK Metro owner's of the 'Ferk Inn' bar.

Now, I want people who are moaning and groaning to take a good look at the photos from the PG article and from the other sites. Actually, if you want to look at photos and start moaning and groaning I suggest one of those DVDs in the privacy of your own home, but even then keep the volume down and the curtains pulled tight. Talking of pulling things tight ......

Where are the bloody footprints? On the bloody floor perhaps.

Here's something else to consider. How about you considering giving up the day job of condo real estate agent? As no one is buying this one.

If there was a loud fight, it is probable someone would have heard something. Let's folow the logic then: if, there was a murder then there was a body. That checks.

The lobby often has 1 or 2 of the rental visitors sitting there using the wifi service at all hours of the day and night. Interesting. So, are you saying that the wi-fi did it? I'm applying your own logic very carefully.

I am not in denial here. Are you sure? Would you like to consider your next statement? ' am asking that the police be given a fair chance to investigate.' How many years have you ..... no let's try something else. Can you remind of a 'fair' Police investigation, you know one that managed to join up the dots? Those dots being the bloody dots all over the bloody floor along with the bloodier foot prints.

This building has some heavy hitter unit holders especially on the top floors and they are not going to be happy about a possible murder. Maybe not but like the Police most Thais somehow manage to be pretty blase about murder. That's maybe why there's so much of it.

I don't think some of those people want to ride the elevator with riff raff. Priorities then. Murder in the condo is acceptable to sharing a lift with a man in shorts.

Fine. Do share your other opinions with us, especially on a slow news day.

Hey House painter,

That my friend, is a classic and well put together piece of literature. Thanks for doing what i don't have the patience or time to do myself. Cheers. ;)

Really ???

You must be bored ! Get out and live a little..

Totster :blink:

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GERI ATRIC KID ........ This is in response to you bumping your own post as every one else chose to ridicule or ignore it. How's your mate Al Zhiemer getting on? Remember him?

There is no cover up. Neither was there a Watergate, a President Nixon, weapons of mass destruction, Santa Claus or Fatty Arbuckle.

What you are reading is plausible. Unless you are dyslexic and it is platipus.

Now the video recordings are being checked. But there is an immediate concern as to the authenticity of the recording as there are no high so Thais sitting in an expensive but largely sterile house, the mother wringing her hands seated next to dad, whose hair has been painted with white streaks at each side, a young man stands looking furtive while a stunningly beautiful young aneamically white woman starts to cry, yell and then scream before attacking the young man. At the same time another young man appears [stage left] and stares for several minutes at the other young man. Then there are adverts. Only there aren't. Very suspicious.

The desk clerk is recounting what he saw. Every thrid word being whispered into his ear by a gorilla in uniform to one side.

I'm sorry to disappoint, but the desk staff are decent honest people that do their job. All Japanese then.

They have no reason to lie. Not being paid enough.

The property is well managed by Jones Lang Lasalle compared to other condo properties I have seen or stayed in. And this is from our own Hotel correspondent, ex-manager of the Ritz, London and who acted as consultant to the Qatarees when planning their World Cup bid and also was consulted by the pattaya Soi LK Metro owner's of the 'Ferk Inn' bar.

Now, I want people who are moaning and groaning to take a good look at the photos from the PG article and from the other sites. Actually, if you want to look at photos and start moaning and groaning I suggest one of those DVDs in the privacy of your own home, but even then keep the volume down and the curtains pulled tight. Talking of pulling things tight ......

Where are the bloody footprints? On the bloody floor perhaps.

Here's something else to consider. How about you considering giving up the day job of condo real estate agent? As no one is buying this one.

If there was a loud fight, it is probable someone would have heard something. Let's folow the logic then: if, there was a murder then there was a body. That checks.

The lobby often has 1 or 2 of the rental visitors sitting there using the wifi service at all hours of the day and night. Interesting. So, are you saying that the wi-fi did it? I'm applying your own logic very carefully.

I am not in denial here. Are you sure? Would you like to consider your next statement? ' am asking that the police be given a fair chance to investigate.' How many years have you ..... no let's try something else. Can you remind of a 'fair' Police investigation, you know one that managed to join up the dots? Those dots being the bloody dots all over the bloody floor along with the bloodier foot prints.

This building has some heavy hitter unit holders especially on the top floors and they are not going to be happy about a possible murder. Maybe not but like the Police most Thais somehow manage to be pretty blase about murder. That's maybe why there's so much of it.

I don't think some of those people want to ride the elevator with riff raff. Priorities then. Murder in the condo is acceptable to sharing a lift with a man in shorts.

Fine. Do share your other opinions with us, especially on a slow news day.

Hey House painter,

That my friend, is a classic and well put together piece of literature. Thanks for doing what i don't have the patience or time to do myself. Cheers. ;)

Ha Ha Ha, my god, just finished reading all this and the epilogue came on the T.V set. Better than counting sheep :lol: :lol:

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Ok. Then may I ask you the same questions that you have put to housepainter? Why are you so in the know? The dialogue you use in your posts would make one think you are some sort of Scotland Yard of FBI expert. Or maybe you have had just too much time on your hands and therefore have been watching way too much CSI. I mean read your posts please. All of them. Then compare to the way other people post. It is bordering on obsessive compulsive. Really. And I don't mean that in a offensive way.

I have some knowledge of the building because my friend rented a unit on the 10th floor on the opposite side of the deceased's unit. and I stayed there for some time. That's how come I know the layout. My friend still rents a unit in the building.I know some of the unit holders. I know who the desk clerk referenced in the story is. He's a decent guy and doesn't deserve being called a liar. I have been in and out of the building over the past 4 or 5 years to have a good feel for the place and the occupants.

Past employment experience and education have provided me with a diverse exposure to odd things. Often the news reports we read are not accurate or leave out key details that make a significant difference. Human beings die from some of the most mundane of incidents and in the oddest of circumstances. A recent example is the gentleman that just drowned in a resort pool. The Phuket Gazette only reports " The Hungarian, 41, was discovered in the pool at the Sunprime Resort in Kamala. Police say the drowning may have occurred last night". Key details such as the fact that the deceased had just arrived, was a physician on a learn and golf type retreat, had been seen drinking and was jet lagged were not reported. Nor does anyone have any knowledge of a pre-existing medical condition. In the absence of the information, is it any surprise that some people might scream foul play and pronounce the drowning a "murder". The initial blood alcohol reading of the deceased is now reported as 0.3. if true, that was one intoxicated man. The blood alcohol count cutoff for driving in most jurisdictions ranges from 0.05 to 0.08.

Almost all of the conclusions made in this thread derive from the initial media report which was not accurate. For example, people are referencing bloody footprints and yet, how would they know there were any unless they had relied on the initial news report. If one looks at the photos, there are no bloody footprints from an assailant evident. Maybe there were footprints, but no one in this thread has any evidence to support the claim other than the original incomplete news report.

I trust this addresses your concerns. If you would like to know how autopsies are conducted in Phuket, feel free to contact me and I'll walk you through the process.

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I have just read an official apology at the Phuket website that cannot be named admitting that they made an error of judgment in calling this a murder. I just wonder how the victim's family felt when they read the original 'report' on this site. At least with the Gazette they do seem to get the facts straight.

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I have just read an official apology at the Phuket website that cannot be named admitting that they made an error of judgment in calling this a murder. I just wonder how the victim's family felt when they read the original 'report' on this site. At least with the Gazette they do seem to get the facts straight.

Yes, that website (if you mean the green and white one) gets it wrong often. But perhaps even worse is the annoying habit of the editor injecting his opinion into everything. They need to learn the difference between a proper news report and an op-ed piece. You just don't put opinion in the former. I don't know why the green and white one couldn't get it right when the Gazette had the story straight and true from the get-go.

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I have just read an official apology at the Phuket website that cannot be named admitting that they made an error of judgment in calling this a murder. I just wonder how the victim's family felt when they read the original 'report' on this site. At least with the Gazette they do seem to get the facts straight.

Do you think any of the people making the rude comments when I pointed out the inaccuracies will offer an apology for their wild and inaccurate statements and accusations?

The false accusations of Housepainter, Coma and others remain.

Hopefully, this will be a learning experience for some to consider all aspects of a suspicious death before offering the conclusion that it was a murder. Every day, people die under very odd circumstances. The demographic characteristics of westerners are weighted to older males, people with pre-existing health conditions, substance dependencies and economic distress, and this is going to be seen in the manifestation of death and injuries.

Edited by geriatrickid
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