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Phuket Nipple Alert: Staying Abreast Of Nude On Our Beaches


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PHUKET NIPPLE ALERT: Staying abreast of nude on our beaches

BARE ESSENTIALS: Nudism, even ‘quasi-nudism’ is illegal in Thailand.

PHUKET: -- NIPPLE-wielding beach lovers take note: You could find yourself spending a night in jail instead of getting that all-body tan if you break the law.

Ignorance when it comes to nudism in Phuket, through my peepers, seems to be on the rise.

Perked and sagging, jiggling and swinging – more and more Western boobs are turning heads on our beaches this high season.

Prudish as it may sound, Western ladies – and men in some cases – should be a tad more sensitive to the culture we live in. Exposure of one's privates in public is definitely frowned upon here.

Lessons can be learned from one love-struck Thai woman who whipped off all her clothes and ran down Soi Bangla after her fiancée proposed to her last year. She was arrested and fined.

Exciting as her 100-yard birthday-suit dash must have been, the fine and next morning’s wake-up call would have been a sobering reminder that nude is rude in Thailand.

Swinging your best bits around like it’s Woodstock ‘69 won’t cut it here with the law – beach or no beach.

Observing the steady rise of pseudo-nudism (hogans out) over the past few years, I can’t help but think it’s getting out of hand.

Unimaginable was one such incident on Phi Phi, as our party ambled along the busy side streets en route to the ferry pier.

Loitering next to a male food vendor were two brunette 20-somethings, wearing only bikini bottoms and sandals, casually conversing with the man.

Delight was smeared across the faces of the teenagers milling around out of earshot behind the brunettes, but there were plenty of furrowed brows around from other stall owners showing their disapproval of the hooters menacing them.

Before the young ladies could buy their fruit, an elderly Thai woman from the next stall waded in and spat out her disapproval, handing the nimble temptresses a dirty old sarong for cover.

Eager not to upset the already hostile elderly woman, the ladies covered up and scampered off, no doubt to the beach to strip off again.

Crikey, I thought, some people just don’t get it.

-- Phuket Gazette 2011-02-03

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Maybe if the young Thai woman who dam_n near got beat to death selling fruit on the Phuket beach would just take her shirt off next time, perhaps the police would then take notice of all the crime?!

Edited by atsiii
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We need a new Carry On movie - How about Carry On Thailand.

Bring on the permissive society. Down with cultural prudes.

Amazing how it's ok to scam tourists out of thousands, but showing nipples is frowned upon. Spastics!!

It's about time time somebody said something about it. Now let them take a bit more action :)

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

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Some years ago, my friend wanted to go to Jomtien Beach to look at the farlang women going topless. By the way, they were really good looking but to my surprise, we looked out onto the beach and there were two Thai ladies going topless also. One was the girl friend of a farlang and the other a dancer somewhere in Walking Street.

So it is not only the farlangs, some Thais also. For those who are interested, the Thais were rather nice looking also. My friend took pictures that day and they did not seem to mind at all. It did surprise me even as I was shyly looking. Yeh, right.

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I just couldn't agree more! This issue really gets my goat. I see them all the time and what's worse is one regular offender LIVES here and goes topless at the beach in front of her nanny!!!! The audacity of this woman to be soooooo disrespectful is just mind-boggling. At least I tell myself that the tourists are just dumb, after all, we all know by now they leave their brains behind when they come on holiday heresorry.gif.....some are just pain rude and don't care, but I dare-say most are just plain ignorant *sigh*.

Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband...a little distracting as you don't have to live here long for modesty to become your mantra and so whereas a set of boobs a few years ago may not have raised an eyebrow, it certainly raises more than that now! Mostly my blood-pressure!angry.gif

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

What a broad-sweeping generality. If you broadened your horizons beyond sex you'd realize that only a small percentage of Thais are involved in sex-related commerce and most are indeed offended by public nudity. It is their country and culture you know.

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If it is a law in Thailand, that topless is not allowed in public than the responsible authority should erect signs (like traffic signs) Topless not allowed, for those who forget.

On the other hand the Ministry for tourism should give leaflets to the international tourist agents, for those which don't know how to respect other cultures. Most of the foreigners

coming to Thailand like the weather, the beaches, the Thai food and hospitality. They are not thinking about if they do something wrong. In Europe it's allowed to go topless on a beach

or in a public outdoor swimming pool.

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Sun bathing topless frowned upon and may have to spend a night in jail. Ripping off tourists for thousands of dollars for a pre existing scratch on a jet ski and then pulling a gun on them when they refuse to pay? Perfectly acceptable

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As expected most of the complaints are from women who don't like the competition of young nubile breasts.:lol:

What is funniest is you can go to most gogo bars and see the lot, no problems. Perhaps this is the problem, the professionals hate the amateurs offering the same for free.

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

Yes, of course there are double standards, TIT. :-)

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Retrogressive prude. Get back to the 1800s.

I just couldn't agree more! This issue really gets my goat. I see them all the time and what's worse is one regular offender LIVES here and goes topless at the beach in front of her nanny!!!! The audacity of this woman to be soooooo disrespectful is just mind-boggling. At least I tell myself that the tourists are just dumb, after all, we all know by now they leave their brains behind when they come on holiday heresorry.gif.....some are just pain rude and don't care, but I dare-say most are just plain ignorant *sigh*.

Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband...a little distracting as you don't have to live here long for modesty to become your mantra and so whereas a set of boobs a few years ago may not have raised an eyebrow, it certainly raises more than that now! Mostly my blood-pressure!angry.gif

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

What a broad-sweeping generality. If you broadened your horizons beyond sex you'd realize that only a small percentage of Thais are involved in sex-related commerce and most are indeed offended by public nudity. It is their country and culture you know.

Gee really, i didnt know that.

I didnt mean to tar everyone with the same brush but most Thais are hypacrits, i am married to a Thai by the way and have been for years so i think i am a pretty good judge and have lived in the country and city for most of that time (UK now). Most of the country elders frown upon this stuff and disagree with it but at the same time have daughters who sell sex, the elders then have no problems accepting the money they send back home.

I know its gone a bit off the original topic but sex and flashing/showing the body naked is along the same lines.

Edited by wiggy221
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Many times here in Kamala i have approched topless females and told them that this is a Moslem communnity and to please cover up as they are offending their host.

I'd say 95% of them should not have gone topless in the privacy of their own homes much less in Public. :bah:

Some would cover up and apologize and say they didn't know, some would say its not my country, others would tell me that no thai had told them that so they assumed it was ok,

There should be signs on every beach that it is NOT acceptable behavior in Thailand. Note not just the words but a pair of sagging breasts with a big red X thru them

Edited by phuketrichard
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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

" Is it one rule for Farangs and one rule for locals here ?" Ah yes it is. TIT. But ya git ta love it. :lol:

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The funny thing is that in the rural parts of Thailand I have seen many very old ladies who never cover their breasts. Most 60 year old plus women seem not to suffer from modesty when bathing publicly and bare breasted.

I can only surmise that covering the breasts is a fairly recent development in Thai culture.

Or maybe it's because not too many are interested in ogling a 60+ year old :blink:

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The majority of comments above show about the same amount of ignorance, when it comes to Thai mores, as the "boobies.

This is NOT your country or a European country. Before you came here you should have done your homework and read up on what is expected of visitors. And using the small percentage of Thais who are in the sex trade is not good form when arguing a point.

As an expat of 6+ years, I find myself ashamed of the way farangs dress, both on the beach and on the streets. Someone should also say something to the hairy men who insist on wearing underwear shirts in public, such as at the mall and in theatres.

All of us should remember our manners while in this great (with exceptions) country.

Edited by miltchiangmai
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I just couldn't agree more! This issue really gets my goat. I see them all the time and what's worse is one regular offender LIVES here and goes topless at the beach in front of her nanny!!!! The audacity of this woman to be soooooo disrespectful is just mind-boggling. At least I tell myself that the tourists are just dumb, after all, we all know by now they leave their brains behind when they come on holiday heresorry.gif.....some are just pain rude and don't care, but I dare-say most are just plain ignorant *sigh*.

Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband...a little distracting as you don't have to live here long for modesty to become your mantra and so whereas a set of boobs a few years ago may not have raised an eyebrow, it certainly raises more than that now! Mostly my blood-pressure!angry.gif

Why do you find the human body so offensive? Boobs are natural. It's your attitude that's unnatural. Why should you be the judge of what other people do?

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Photos.....Photos..... or it didn't happen laugh.gif

Does the rules apply to man boobs as well?

You have just persuaded me that going topless should be banned. LOL.Is this a farang attempting to become a ladyboy?

Edited by Lite Beer
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Let's not talk about Thai hypocrisy, please.

Let's look no further than the United Shorts of Amerika.

Does everyone forget the hissy fits that occurred when Janet Jackson bared one nipple for about one second while performing some music during the interval of the Super Bowl about six years ago?????

I forget now, but wasn't she banned from all further Super Bowl contracts. Amerika goes bananas over one black nipple.

But I do agree: there should be a law against , specifically, the displaying of huge pendulous tits by women in the 40+ category, usually visitors from England or Amerika. It's an offence against,not morality, but eyesight.

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I just couldn't agree more! This issue really gets my goat. I see them all the time and what's worse is one regular offender LIVES here and goes topless at the beach in front of her nanny!!!! The audacity of this woman to be soooooo disrespectful is just mind-boggling. At least I tell myself that the tourists are just dumb, after all, we all know by now they leave their brains behind when they come on holiday heresorry.gif.....some are just pain rude and don't care, but I dare-say most are just plain ignorant *sigh*.

Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband...a little distracting as you don't have to live here long for modesty to become your mantra and so whereas a set of boobs a few years ago may not have raised an eyebrow, it certainly raises more than that now! Mostly my blood-pressure!angry.gif

Your blood pressure goes up when you see tits, you need help, psychiatric.

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