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Phuket Nipple Alert: Staying Abreast Of Nude On Our Beaches


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...I must admit I did happen to notice some eye poppin' boobies around the pool area. I guess even this is a no no !

As long as it was only your eyes that were poppin', you shouldn't have any trouble with the authorities. :lol:

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I'm with the previous replyer, we need more photographic evidence,

What!!! Like there's not enough porn on the internet already. You want to turn a forum of intellectuals into a platform for shameless photos of naked and skimpily clad women, because of your own sexual anxiety? HHmmmmm...maybe your onto something. :jerk:

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I'm with the previous replyer, we need more photographic evidence,

What!!! Like there's not enough porn on the internet already. You want to turn a forum of intellectuals into a platform for shameless photos of naked and skimpily clad women, because of your own sexual anxiety? HHmmmmm...maybe your onto something. :jerk:

"...forum of intellectuals...." ?:coffee1:

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Maybe if the young Thai woman who dam_n near got beat to death selling fruit on the Phuket beach would just take her shirt off next time, perhaps the police would then take notice of all the crime?!

I think as I look at most old Thai paintings that the females in old Siam did not wear tops like most other tropical countries around the world. It was when western missionaries started pushing western values it changed. It has been pushed on them so much they think it is their culture like a few other customs we all know about. It is though, todays way. Put up signs...get real. Warn people...tell, explain, and inform. Help the tourist. It is not a big thing, like some of the other negative things that happen in this country that are noted in post on this page. Violence, cheating, graft, murder, drugs, mayhem, ??????????? Boobs on the beach really are not a real big deal now are they? Sad, very sad. Let it be...

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Pattaya and Phuket are not representative of Thailand or Thais

I would suggest you learn something about Thai culture before making stupid ignorant statements

In Thai culture MOST Thai women would not even kiss in public and sex before marriage is still frowned upon

Bar girls dress the way they do just to attract their farang meal ticket it is out of character for them

If you spent some time away from the seedy farang infested areas of Thailand and opened your eyes you would see a very different picture of Thailand and Thais

Thais are very Victorian and most girls expect to have a chaperon on their dates

..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

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We need a new Carry On movie - How about Carry On Thailand.

Bring on the permissive society. Down with cultural prudes.

Amazing how it's ok to scam tourists out of thousands, but showing nipples is frowned upon. Spastics!!

It's about time time somebody said something about it. Now let them take a bit more action :)

Yeah, right on, I'm with you mate. It's time people got over their aversion to nature. I'd love to see it.

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I'm with the previous replyer, we need more photographic evidence,

What!!! Like there's not enough porn on the internet already. You want to turn a forum of intellectuals into a platform for shameless photos of naked and skimpily clad women, because of your own sexual anxiety? HHmmmmm...maybe your onto something. :jerk:

"...forum of intellectuals...." ?:coffee1:

OK! Maybe I was going out on a limb there, but I'm sure I flattered a few. I hope you picked up on the sarcasm even though I didn't use the sarc tag.

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Maybe if the young Thai woman who dam_n near got beat to death selling fruit on the Phuket beach would just take her shirt off next time, perhaps the police would then take notice of all the crime?!

I think as I look at most old Thai paintings that the females in old Siam did not wear tops like most other tropical countries around the world. It was when western missionaries started pushing western values it changed. It has been pushed on them so much they think it is their culture like a few other customs we all know about. It is though, todays way. Put up signs...get real. Warn people...tell, explain, and inform. Help the tourist. It is not a big thing, like some of the other negative things that happen in this country that are noted in post on this page. Violence, cheating, graft, murder, drugs, mayhem, ??????????? Boobs on the beach really are not a real big deal now are they? Sad, very sad. Let it be...

I love the way documented historical fact clashes with "thai culture" as it is prescribed these days.

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

Yes, and if she has daughters they are probably prostitutes on one level or another--perfectly acceptable, so long as Mum is getting some of the money. Strange place at times.

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I'm with the previous replyer, we need more photographic evidence,

What!!! Like there's not enough porn on the internet already. You want to turn a forum of intellectuals into a platform for shameless photos of naked and skimpily clad women, because of your own sexual anxiety? HHmmmmm...maybe your onto something. :jerk:

I think he's just stirring... but seriously maybe we need a police taskforce to deal with the naughty nipplators. It could be a new political cause.... the "no shirts".

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Not sure why it's totally acceptable for men to urinate in public, but a woman sunbathing topless is not. It's OK for a Thai to openly sell child porn, and even have the police look through them on a regular basis,(I saw it in one of Thailand Undercover's videos) but again, it's the foreigners that are second class to every Thai. Double standards mean no standard, and class division means no class. <_<

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I LOVE nipples.. all colors and sizes will do nicely..

That's pretty obvious from your avatar. I only hope that with all that nourishment you'll grow up to be one of the intellectual contributers to the TV forum. When you're full, could I maybe have a sip or two?

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A thread about tis - look at the amount of interest it has generated....and read some of the posts - by GOD! some guys really do need therapy! Just look at yourself and ash WHY? Why is that you are so utterly obsessed by breasts?

Breasts are undoubtedly a sexual organsIn Europe going topless is generally acceptable and has been since the sixtiesIn the anally retentive US it isn't.

In Thailand it isn't either and I think those who do go topless are showing a distinct lack of respect for another's culture.THai culture like all cultures, is not set in stone and in time topless in public may become acceptable - at present it isn't so if you feel strongly enough about it, either campaign to change it or simply accept it as it is and cover up on the beach.

THe fact that historically women were topless is really neither here nor there - it does show how Thai writers have tried to change history, by inferring that costumes attributed to the Queen are historically accurate - but if you go back far enough in most cultures, you'll find that we all started of stark-&lt;deleted&gt;-naked

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..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

What a broad-sweeping generality. If you broadened your horizons beyond sex you'd realize that only a small percentage of Thais are involved in sex-related commerce and most are indeed offended by public nudity. It is their country and culture you know.


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...A thread about tits...

Chillax! Most people think this is a NON-issue. If Thailand has laws to prohibit the exposure of breasts, then they should discreetly notify the ones that are unaware.

The first time I left my native country I went to the Algarve in Portugal. I have to admit I was shocked when I went to the beach and practically every woman was topless. Initially I was sexually aroused because I wasn't used to seeing women wandering around topless, but by the end of the day it became apparent that they were comfortable with that state. I stayed there for 2 weeks and by the time I left it seemed perfectly natural for a women to go topless, and it seemed perfectly natural.

Perhaps our society has unnecessarily forced women to cover their breasts as being sexually arousing when it's just as natural as a man showing his breasts.

Maybe covering anything makes it more desirable. I lived in Saudi for a couple of years and teen aged boys got sexually aroused by high-heeled shoes or the site of an ankle.

Maybe covering up is not the best way to control sexual anxiety.

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Sex trade introduced by the Americans ? ha ha ha That is a joke

The only thing the Americans can get credit for is probably introducing HIV to Thailand


I have been a member here for some time and still people fail to see that they are not in their own country.

it is a simple rule.

Respect the rules, customs and traditions of your host.

Very simple but people find it difficult to understand.

It may upset some here but the sex trade that was introduced during Vietnam by the Americans, is on the decline and there are many of us that activly shut down the brothels clubs and pubs.

The majority of comments above show about the same amount of ignorance, when it comes to Thai mores, as the "boobies.

This is NOT your country or a European country. Before you came here you should have done your homework and read up on what is expected of visitors. And using the small percentage of Thais who are in the sex trade is not good form when arguing a point.

As an expat of 6+ years, I find myself ashamed of the way farangs dress, both on the beach and on the streets. Someone should also say something to the hairy men who insist on wearing underwear shirts in public, such as at the mall and in theatres.

All of us should remember our manners while in this great (with exceptions) country.

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...Does anyone have any more creative ideas about how to deal with this? I was recently faced with 5 topless women whilst trying to have lunch with my husband.

ok, I'm here to help - next time, just post on TV where specifically this unacceptable behavior is occurring, and I'll go have a talk with the girls.

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Since 99.9% of thais dont like the sun or going to the beach then it shouldnt really be an issue if the topless tourists stick to beach. Walking around stalls and streets is another story.

Any western beach will have a few woman tanning their breasts. Thats part of the reason to go to the beach. Not many like white breasts with brown skin and the girls know it.

I think its not enforced because most keep it on the beaches where very few thais go.

A bit of common sense from female tourists should make them realise not to go topless outside the beaches. I very much doubt the police will ever patrol the actual sand beaches for topless woman. It would damage tourism. But if it gets out of hand on the streets near stalls the police may have to get involved due to complaints from the local... females

However i do object to sagging or wrinkled breasts anywhere in public view ;)

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...... So why dont you just go to Florida or California or do your time in France? Plenty of nude beaches there. Most of the ladies showing them should be jailed or brought to

a surgery clinic. Most of the more attractice girls dont show their tits anyway. btw. EVERY country has its Laws and we have to respect them or bugger off. .....

Another good reply, thank you.


They should probably not be allowed to vote either eh?

OK, lets put it this way. If you are allowed to vote in THAILAND, feel free to show your tits HERE

btw. if you are a man, one of these sort running without a T-Shirt around in Homepro, TESCO, Big C or another Supermarket, Shopping Center or somewhere else away from a beach, do your

homework BEFORE you come to Thailand. I just hate people half naked in Supermarkets, are they running around like that in their homecountry too? I doubt it, so why here???

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...In Europe going topless is generally acceptable and has been since the sixtiesIn the anally retentive US it isn't.

Watch the generalities, please... there are scores of openly, completely clothing optional beaches & rivers in California - less so in other states. In the Bible-thumping fly-over states, it's severely uptight, but the women there... well, lets just say we prefer them covered anyway laugh.gif

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...A thread about tits...

Maybe covering anything makes it more desirable. I lived in Saudi for a couple of years and teen aged boys got sexually aroused by high-heeled shoes or the site of an ankle.

LOL, i can just imagine that. Perhaps, if its hard for a man to get turned on anymore then they should reset his sexual threshold by living in Saudi for a while. After living in Pattaya/Phuket for a while i'm sure there is quite a few men there that need some resetting.

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Lessons can be learned from one love-struck Thai woman who whipped off all her clothes and ran down Soi Bangla after her fiancée proposed to her last year.

lesbians are allowed to marry in Thailand? :huh:

Well spotted. ;)

Yes, nice one...shows there are one or two genuine intellectuals on this thread who can spika de fronsay....or at least some cunning linguists.....

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Not sure why it's totally acceptable for men to urinate in public, but a woman sunbathing topless is not. It's OK for a Thai to openly sell child porn, and even have the police look through them on a regular basis,(I saw it in one of Thailand Undercover's videos) but again, it's the foreigners that are second class to every Thai. Double standards mean no standard, and class division means no class. <_<

...and then there's the restroom ladies - grandmas, usually - anywhere in Thailand, that will walk right up to a guy & mop around while he's standing at a urinal. Never figured that one out in light of "Conservative Thai Culture." It doesn't bug me, actually cracks me up, but it's just hard to square with the rest of Thai Culture.

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As expected most of the complaints are from women who don't like the competition of young nubile breasts.:lol:

What is funniest is you can go to most gogo bars and see the lot, no problems. Perhaps this is the problem, the professionals hate the amateurs offering the same for free.

Kind of reminds me of back in the early 70's, the hippie movement.. there were a lot of young sexy hippie girls hanging around Las Vegas, mostly getting stoned, putting out for a room and some food for the night. The pro's working Las Vegas took a rather dim view of this, as you would expect, and did their best to have the LV police dept. policing up these amateurs. :lol:

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...In Europe going topless is generally acceptable and has been since the sixtiesIn the anally retentive US it isn't.

Watch the generalities, please... there are scores of openly, completely clothing optional beaches & rivers in California - less so in other states. In the Bible-thumping fly-over states, it's severely uptight, but the women there... well, lets just say we prefer them covered anyway laugh.gif

Actually I would agree - but as your post clearly shows it isn't a "generalisation" - I assume that's what you mean.....it's a pretty good summation of US society in total.As you point out they actually have to have places set aside and they tend only to be in California.

It's not just with nudity, but with language, media, drugs even underwear! - and every aspect of US life is dominated by the heritage of religious anal relation.

After more than 200 years the US still hasn't come to terms with SEX - even the mammary gland sends them into paroxysms of either horror or Oedipal dribbling.May I draw your attention to Terry Thomas' short soliloquy on the brassier in "It's a MAD>MAD>MAD> MAD world"... or even the "big M". McDonald"s logo which is clearly a subliminal reference to a pair of breasts.....not to mention the nation's obsession with drinking milk. Humans are the only species to continue drinking milk after weening (with the exception of a few clever hedgehogs).

.........and what do you see on top of capitol hill????

Edited by Deeral
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on the selected beaches it should be legal, but what I can see, it's acceptable on many beaches.

never heard about ‘quasi-nudism’, sound like a neologism

Growing up and broadening frustrated minds take some years, for some cultures even centuries. I wouldn't try it in Iran or Saudi Arabia... :(

There was a time that it was also forbidden on European beaches and that was even not so long time ago... There is a difference between sex and nude... although the first doesn't go without the second!

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The majority of comments above show about the same amount of ignorance, when it comes to Thai mores, as the "boobies.

This is NOT your country or a European country. Before you came here you should have done your homework and read up on what is expected of visitors. And using the small percentage of Thais who are in the sex trade is not good form when arguing a point.

As an expat of 6+ years, I find myself ashamed of the way farangs dress, both on the beach and on the streets. Someone should also say something to the hairy men who insist on wearing underwear shirts in public, such as at the mall and in theatres.

All of us should remember our manners while in this great (with exceptions) country.

You are right:

"When in Rome do as the Romans do."

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