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So Who Finds Themselves Being Converted?


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I've been lying all along.

I'm really believe in the church of the Sith

That is not true Moonyboy.

I know for a fact that you never lie.

Oh, yes I do

Was that when you told me that you loved me? You just broke my heart with that lie. :whistling:

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Oh I was completely aware of what I was was doing when I did a Buddhamamaka at Wat Po in the year 2000, simple ceremony with for Monks, actually they said it is not often they perform this ceremony with a Farang to convert to Buddhism.:jap:

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I just go along with whatever makes me and my family happy.

Catch a buzz, sit on the floor, listen to the chants. Makes people feel good.

Convert, nothing to convert from, and I am way to lazy to suddenly become passionate about something.

Ditto, nicely put,


me me me me me me...........

buddhist are we ?

Where do you get this from?

You need to get your medication right.

Your so busy googling what everyone is talking about, that you can't comprehend.

Read again, slowly, out loud if need be.

Nothing to convert from...

Now I understand your still tender from when I told you to <deleted> in another thread.

You'll be OK, it happens.

I understand your alone, out in the sticks, with your self-immposed removal from the society you chose to live in.

I understand that your society and interactions with humans now consists of you creeping around TV, and arguing with people.

What I can't understand is your open hatred.

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I believe in universal values.

hehehe "believe" is probably not the right word....

and it is difficult to be sure what those values are, even in our own culture - and very difficult in different cultures.

but there are universal values that i try to uphold, where ever i am.

i am not saying that i am good at upholding those values.

but i try.

i try in thailand, just like i try in europe.

i do not accept the "it is their culture" nonsense.

In the sixties we changed the european culture.

we stopped a war.

we stopped sexism.

we stopped bullying by european hiso and church..

ok, not for 100%,.....

but we achieved much.

that is why the thai elite does not want us here.

End of rant.....

No way... No way...

So crazy i no Way'd it twice!

I am assuming that you have had a few Changs by now.

i do not accept the "it is their culture" nonsense.

But it IS their culture, and any other culture just because it is different, is not a justification for being 'nonsense',

In the sixties we changed the european culture.

Who changed the European culture?.. You?? or was it the migrants from all over the world coming to take the menial jobs and mix in with the Europeans while maintaining and spreading their own mixed bag of cultures? So who exactly are 'we' in this amazing feat?

we stopped a war.

Who stopped a war?.. you? and who else?... What war did you stop?... Britain has been involved in several wars since the sixties, as a matter of fact we were still entrenched in the Suez Crisis till the late sixties, then there was the Falklands, The gulf War, desert fox, Kosovo, Croatia and Bosnia then Afghanistan and Iraq... As a matter of fact... Britain has probably been in conflict with more nations than any other country in the world 'Since the Sixties'.

we stopped sexism.

How nice of you... Since women's lib kicked into full force in the late 60s the divorce rate in Britain went from 23,000 a year in 1968 to 160,000 a year in 1998. All those broken homes and upset kids. Just goes to show the opposite sexes do not get on as much as they did before that little movement. Also, we have not stopped sexism at all... That is a right crock of s**t...We have just hidden it. Employers will still employ who they think is best for the job no matter what the gender, guys still talk about women in the pub in a sexist way, they just don't do it in front of women now, because the women protest.

we stopped bullying by european hiso and church..

This is very confusing to me... I can't answer that one, i don't have a clue what it means.... If you mean Eurocrat bullies, then i think you need to do a bit of reading on that subject, because britain and the rest of Europe bend over every day to be shafted by Brussels... every day, someone gets one up them from European parliament. In the last 50 years I have never seen so much damage done to a continent. The heart is being ripped out of the people in the name of so called equality and human rights. The laws are being rewritten daily and enforced in such a way that people are being put in prison for saying something about Islam or whatever, and being robbed o0f freedom of speech a constitutional right of everyone... not in Europe it isn't... Say the wrong thing about a minority or Islam, and 'kerchink'.. locked up as a warning to everyone not to upset the very people who rant hatred about us and our culture with the full protection of Brussels and the British government.

but we achieved much.

Yep... There is that 'WE' word again.. who is this we?... in Europe we have achieved nothing of the sort. The continent has opened up to a particularly brutal influence. One where hatred for our culture is spouted in the streets and in the mosques daily. Sharia law has been passed in Britain and there are now around 150 sharia courts dealing with civil matters, but its a start. A law set by a code of hate of everything non-Islamic... which in itself is a stoneage religion, and a poison to everything good and fair and equal... a law that put man on top and women below dog status, a law that wants all gays dead, and any woman stoned to death for having a private life.... Oh I know its only civil cases, but it is a start and it is spreading, and all this because we don't want to harm their 'human rights', and that we have to understand and agree with their culture... Human rights??? Sexism??? .. just like Condell said.. its like giving the fox the keys to the henhouse...

The only thing that everyone in Europe is wondering, is which European country is going to be the first Islamic state???... Britain?.. Denmark?.. Netherlands?..Sweden?

Whichever one it is, it will be the first to slip back into the stone age with the death penalty being dished out to kids, women who have an affair, and are third class citizens and considered dirty by law. Where you will be executed for speaking against Alla...

If you think we are moving forwards in progress, you think again!!... we are slipping backwards to where we were 1000 years ago...

that is why the thai elite does not want us here.

The only thing i agree with you on.... Because they are comfortable with their non - violent religion, and they are in fact developing and at the same time watching the place where you lot come from and thinking to themselves... "we don't want that farang culture here".. No way!!!.... No way!!!!

By the way you mentioned European hiso... did you know hiso is a term that originated in Bangkok to mean High Society, so there you go, you are absorbing a bit of Thai culture and applying it to Europe... So I will remind you of the title of the thread... naaa, I won't actually

End of rant!


What he is rambling about is, he believes that college kids in Belgium somehow influenced the Vietnam war.

Didn't have the fortitude to end ethnic cleansing in Bosnia 30 yrs later. But hey...

Stopped sexism? Thanks for that.

Now he is suggesting that we all meet up on campus later and together we can correct them and there silly religion.

Why not? If Belgium kids in the 60's can end the Vietnam war, why can't Belgium adults living in a Buddhist country stamp out part of it's identity?

Thai elite not wanting us here? Thai elite could care less.

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I just go along with whatever makes me and my family happy.

Catch a buzz, sit on the floor, listen to the chants. Makes people feel good.

Convert, nothing to convert from, and I am way to lazy to suddenly become passionate about something.

Ditto, nicely put,


me me me me me me...........

buddhist are we ?

Where do you get this from?

You need to get your medication right.

Your so busy googling what everyone is talking about, that you can't comprehend.

Read again, slowly, out loud if need be.

Nothing to convert from...

Now I understand your still tender from when I told you to <deleted> in another thread.

You'll be OK, it happens.

I understand your alone, out in the sticks, with your self-immposed removal from the society you chose to live in.

I understand that your society and interactions with humans now consists of you creeping around TV, and arguing with people.

What I can't understand is your open hatred.

ssssssssshhhht.... the mods might take offence and ban you.

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after reading all this i am leaning further and further towards a previous post i made

anyone have a gun i can rent?

Posted 2011-02-13 11:31:00

anyway it got me thinking, maybe this is the place to be:

The Church of Euthanasia

their motto is :

"Save the Planet, Kill Yourself"

seems like a worthy cause.

i am not ready for it yet myself but i do encourage some members on TV to go for it and bring salvation to the rest of us.

there may be a dwindling congregation in Pattaya you could join..............

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.... But religion is good too for leaders control the unthinking masses. It has always been that way and always will be used that way.

Tell that to for example the current Chinese, Vietnamese, Burmese governments,

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.... But religion is good too for leaders control the unthinking masses. It has always been that way and always will be used that way.

Tell that to for example the current Chinese, Vietnamese, Burmese governments,

Tell it to many people in the middle east. Also im pretty sure if many budists did not think thy could have a better life next life they would revolt against the government they live under. So who says its not used to control people or at least keep them docile.

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How can one be converted to something that is not a religion? How can this ridiculous oversight continue?

Old budda must be turning in his grave.

Please do not say " well, some people see it as one" The fact is the man who gave us this beautiful gift did not see it that way and nobody has the right to turn it into something it is not, then ' sell" ( and this is the correct word i think) it because it suits.

Look at the words of Krishnamurti.

What was he referring to when he said ' it is all lie's'?

Thailand wants to be taken seriously and shrug its 3rd world status.Perhaps a good start would be to stop accepting agenda driven claptrap which only goal is to keep people from thinking for themselves and keep the ruling elite ruling. Religion is so passe. Has not the fact that it has simply not withstood the tests of time tell us anything?Things are even worse when something which is not a religion becomes one and nobody seems to notice or care.

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If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and sounds like a duck. It is a duck.

Of course Buddhism is a religion, being pedantic will achieve nothing.

You are right there, Rakers. All religions today have been altered for the express purpose of subjugating the masses into doing as they are told, and for the financial benefit of a few at the top. Any similarity between the original doctrines and what we have today is purely coincidental.

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How can one be converted to something that is not a religion? How can this ridiculous oversight continue?

Old budda must be turning in his grave.

Please do not say " well, some people see it as one" The fact is the man who gave us this beautiful gift did not see it that way and nobody has the right to turn it into something it is not, then ' sell" ( and this is the correct word i think) it because it suits.

Look at the words of Krishnamurti.

What was he referring to when he said ' it is all lie's'?

Thailand wants to be taken seriously and shrug its 3rd world status.Perhaps a good start would be to stop accepting agenda driven claptrap which only goal is to keep people from thinking for themselves and keep the ruling elite ruling. Religion is so passe. Has not the fact that it has simply not withstood the tests of time tell us anything?Things are even worse when something which is not a religion becomes one and nobody seems to notice or care.

What it originally was counts for nothing. You have to look at what it is now. I am pretty sure its a religion in Thailand. If you practice it different then for you it might not be a religion.

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