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Spicy Sauce Served With The Barbecued Fish?

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Hello all,

I spent 2 months in Thailand last year and have just returned home. I fell in love with the barbecued fish (usually snapper) and especially the hot spicy sauce that came in a little dish to pour on it. I think it had lemon juice, chillies, garlic and some other stuff in it. Can anyone tell me what it was called or what it's made of so I can have it with fish here in the UK?

Also, if anyone has any good recipes for Tom Yum Soup please let me know?


Thank you


Not sure if your referring to the sweet chillie sauce or not..you can get That in bottles. The hotter stuff the Mrs makes is just chillies, oil, vinegar and nit noi sugar I think...make to taste...experiment you'll come up with something..

Have you tried chillie garlic pepper sauce on fried or bbq fish( its a cooked sauce sort of like making gravy...using ingredients stated only the chillies are beaten to death in a mortar and pestle.

Thom Yum requires that certain ginger variety and some paste or other ( you can tell I am a gourmet chef.. yes?)...don't ask me for the recipe..seems the wife does it different every time..probably varies with my alcohol content..

Now isn't THIS a helpful post? Sorry that's all I know... :jap:


The sauce (if it's green) is nam jim taleh (น้ำจิ้มทะเล) (often just nam jim for short).

10 cloves garlic, chopped

10 green scuds (small, green chillies, phrik kii nuu), chopped

a bunch of coriander, chopped

60 ml fish sauce (Squid brand is best)

60 ml lime juice

1 T palm sugar

Mix everything together and stir until the sugar is dissolved.


"Nam Jim" is just the generic word for any Thai dipping sauce, the one usually served with fish is the green "Nam Jim Talay" already mentioned - however I would definitely leave out the Palm sugar!



nam jim means simly sauce, you describe what in thai is called [nam jim thalaeh น้ำจิ้มทะเล] sea food sauce....


to prepare, in a pestle and mortar crush about 6 thai chilies, 1 coriander root and 1 garlic clove add pinch of sugar. mix and add 1 tbs fish sauce and 1 tbs of lime juice. (lime juice to fish sauce ratios are ALMOST equal with 10% more lime juice), add chopped coriander and enjoy

tom yam recipes, try this site:

Tom Yam Recipes




Greetings OP,

Yes, its my favourite as well. The way ive learned to make it is a bit like Ngieens, but with a few different touches in the preperation:

2 cloves Garlic

2 heaped tsp Palm sugar

6 small Coriander stems chopped finely

4 Green chillies chopped finely (less if desired)

2 level tbsp Fish sauce (or as desired)

Juice of 3 limes

1 tbsp sweet white vinegar

Firstly pound the garlic and sugar together wirth mortar and pestle. This takes away the overbearing strongness of the garlic. Add and pound all the other ingredients sequentially and end with fish sauce, lime juice and vinegar. A taste test will tell if you need any more of certain ingredients.

I think it will always be a challenge trying to do it like the Thais however, i suspect a great many of them use certain types of MSG like substances, which seems to make a subtle difference in the finished product.

Happy dipping ;)


Yikes, i have learned something today, even though ive had it many times i had no idea this dipping sauce was called "Nam Jim"

Strangely enough, and unbeknowns, i have used that exact term before in certain unrelated situations , but errrr, better not go there :cheesy:


The sauce (if it's green) is nam jim taleh (น้ำจิ้มทะเล) (often just nam jim for short).

10 cloves garlic, chopped

10 green scuds (small, green chillies, phrik kii nuu), chopped

a bunch of coriander, chopped

60 ml fish sauce (Squid brand is best)

60 ml lime juice

1 T palm sugar

Mix everything together and stir until the sugar is dissolved.

Nice recipe! Is that the same as Naam prik saum rhot? Or 3 flavors sauce?

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