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800K For Retirement Extension

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Up to now I have my 800,000 Baht for my retirement extension parked on a single account.

But what happens, if - let's say - 500K is on one account and 300K is on another account? Possibly a mix of saving account and fixed term account.

Would that make any difference as long the seasoned sum in those accounts is 800K and up?

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Yes, you can mix accounts as long they are in your name only and are a normal saving/current or fixed account.

No investment account etc are allowed.

Also you require the 800 K to have 60 days in your account for first application and 90 days for the extensions.

Be aware that HSBC accounts are not accepted any more as HSBC is not recognized as a Thai bank.

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Yes, you can mix accounts as long they are in your name only and are a normal saving/current or fixed account.

No investment account etc are allowed.

Also you require the 800 K to have 60 days in your account for first application and 90 days for the extensions.

Be aware that HSBC accounts are not accepted any more as HSBC is not recognized as a Thai bank.

Could you please provide a source for the final sentence on HSBC; and if a documented refusal the location, as I do not recall any such report and it would be in violation of Police Order 777/2551 which says "a bank in Thailand" not "a Thai bank".

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THB 800k in my Thai HSBC Premier account was accepted at BKK Immigration headquarters on Dec 20th 2010 for my first 1 year extension on retirement.

It took some haggling as this kind of account doesn't have a savings book and the immigration officer didn't understand the HSBC statements, but she forwarded me to her superior who grudgingly accepted it at 4.55 pm and I got my stamp

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Yes, you can mix accounts as long they are in your name only and are a normal saving/current or fixed account.

No investment account etc are allowed.

Also you require the 800 K to have 60 days in your account for first application and 90 days for the extensions.

Be aware that HSBC accounts are not accepted any more as HSBC is not recognized as a Thai bank.

Could you please provide a source for the final sentence on HSBC; and if a documented refusal the location, as I do not recall any such report and it would be in violation of Police Order 777/2551 which says "a bank in Thailand" not "a Thai bank".

THB 800k in my Thai HSBC Premier account was accepted at BKK Immigration headquarters on Dec 20th 2010 for my first 1 year extension on retirement.

It took some haggling as this kind of account doesn't have a savings book and the immigration officer didn't understand the HSBC statements, but she forwarded me to her superior who grudgingly accepted it at 4.55 pm and I got my stamp

Phuket Immigration ( and others also so far I know ) stopped accepting HSBC accounts about +/- 3 months ago.

The information which was presented to me was that HSBC is not a Thai bank but has only a branch in Bangkok.

( maybe immigration in Bangkok is still accepting HSBC as the branch in Bangkok, this I don't know )

I know first hand of about 3 persons which had their application rejected because of this.

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THB 800k in my Thai HSBC Premier account was accepted at BKK Immigration headquarters on Dec 20th 2010 for my first 1 year extension on retirement.

It took some haggling as this kind of account doesn't have a savings book and the immigration officer didn't understand the HSBC statements, but she forwarded me to her superior who grudgingly accepted it at 4.55 pm and I got my stamp

Same here, they puzzled over the statements forever.

Interestingly I understand HSBC started the Banking system here. It's intriguing to see the 50kg ledgers on display.

There are bloodstains on one of the open pages at this time.

I noted that umpteen years ago many had more money than I do.

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