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Iran slams military intervention in Libya


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My fellow countryman? <deleted>!

I'm American. I want Obama to HELP the rebels, not arm the government.

Anyway, Yediot Ahronot is an Israeli daily, not a person. If it is true that the Israeli government has approved this (it isn't entirely clear from that broadcast, but it suggests it by saying "Tel Aviv") then that should be strongly condemned.


Well that kind of excuse has served Israel so well in sooooo many cases ! :bah:

OK Steely Dan... does " Veterans Today " meet your standards or are you even going to disparage Gordon Duff as well :unsure:


" Despite his outward image as an Arab nationalist leader, Gaddafi has maintained close ties with Israel since his takeover of Libya in a military coup in 1969. That friendship, “strange bedfellows,” has finally come to light, one of the many “closeted partnerships” between Israel and Middle Eastern dictators that were exposed by Wikileaks.

Gaddafi, a Marxist, was himself the subject of a coup planned by British SAS founder David Sterling early on. Sterling was shocked when ordered to stand down, being told that Gaddafi was, though a communist, under the protection of both the United States and Israel.

Though, for decades, the western press has depicted Gadaffi as a staunch enemy of Israel and Zionism, the two nations have shared covert projects that can be traced as far back as the early 1970s. A consortium of “rogue” states, Iran under the Shah, apartheid South Africa, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Gaddafi’s Libya and Israel sold arms, developed weapons technologies and operated a network of spies, particularly inside the United States, keeping the Soviet Union abreast of NATO military and intelligence secrets and defense plans.

Of the original “Axis of Evil,” only Libya and Israel remain."


Edited by midas
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My fellow countryman? <deleted>!

I'm American. I want Obama to HELP the rebels, not arm the government.

Anyway, Yediot Ahronot is an Israeli daily, not a person. If it is true that the Israeli government has approved this (it isn't entirely clear from that broadcast, but it suggests it by saying "Tel Aviv") then that should be strongly condemned.


Well that kind of excuse has served Israel so well in sooooo many cases ! :bah:

OK Steely Dan... does " Veterans Today " meet your standards or are you even going to disparage Gordon Duff as well :unsure:


Yes of course Gaddafi is Jewish, just like Hitler. :whistling:

U.S antisemites, Islamofascists and middle eastern despots all drink from the same poisoned vessel. Whenever they face internal unrest they concoct some bizarre conspiracy theory centering on Israel. The current diversionary shit storm is no doubt due to Iran disposing of Rafsanjani who was about the last moderate standing. As for Gordon Duff - Up to your usual standard, naturally.


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My fellow countryman? <deleted>!

I'm American. I want Obama to HELP the rebels, not arm the government.

Anyway, Yediot Ahronot is an Israeli daily, not a person. If it is true that the Israeli government has approved this (it isn't entirely clear from that broadcast, but it suggests it by saying "Tel Aviv") then that should be strongly condemned.


Well that kind of excuse has served Israel so well in sooooo many cases ! :bah:

OK Steely Dan... does " Veterans Today " meet your standards or are you even going to disparage Gordon Duff as well :unsure:


Yes of course Gaddafi is Jewish, just like Hitler. :whistling:

U.S antisemites, Islamofascists and middle eastern despots all drink from the same poisoned vessel. Whenever they face internal unrest they concoct some "Conspiracy theories" do not exist - there are only data which are right or wrong The current diversionary shit storm is no doubt due to Iran disposing of Rafsanjani who was about the last moderate standing. As for Gordon Duff - Up to your usual standard, naturally.


"Conspiracy theories" do not exist as far as I am concerned - there are only facts and data which are right or wrong :unsure:

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Sounds like your veteran is seriously biased against Israel, and also uses that suspect Iranian source. So, no, not an objective source that AT ALL.


Looking for a serious journalism source like the LA Times, UK Guardian, etc.

Edited by Jingthing
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Ok, an Israeli is alleged yo have made a claim about mercenaries. There are also people that claim that man did not land on the moon and that there were no Saudis flying the planes that brought down the twin towers on 9-11. This is what happens in countries where freedom of expression is allowed. The allegations hat Libya has had close ties with Libya are nonsense. Libya has been the leaders and backers of the destroy Israel movement at the UN for decades.. here may indeed be an Israeli implicated in the mercenaries for hire issue, just as there were U.S. and UK nationals that attempted to sell arms illegally to Libya at some time. These people certainly do not represent their nations, but are criminals subject to sate sanction. Is a Thai national that mugs a tourist in Phuket acting on behalf of Thailand when he commits that crime? It is quite a leap to attempt the claim that Israel funds the groups that want to destroy it.

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Sounds like your veteran is seriously bigoted against Israel, and also uses that suspect Iranian source. So, no, not really an objective source that.


Looking for a serious journalism source like the LA Times, UK Guardian, etc.

Tripoli Tribune??

Just joking. :D

i will keep looking but in the meantime ......how about a Hebrew report about Israeli recruiting of mercenaries from the Israeli press :o


Here's a translation of above Hebrew article:

" The article states that the weapons were provided by an Israeli company that’s made up of former generals in the Israeli army.

The article states that in the past, the company was under investigation for illegal sales to another African country, but this time, according to Egyptian sources, the company received explicit approval when the company’s CEO whose name was specifically mentioned in the document (there’s no link to that document within the body of the article) had met with the head of Aman (Hebrew acronym for Intelligence Directorate) Aviv Kokhavi and later with the Minister of Defense Barak and PM Netanyahu. That CEO, the article explains, had received the approval of the aforementioned officials to go ahead and recruit mercenaries as Israel fears the establishment of a Muslim Caliphate in Qaddafi’s place. :vampire:

It adds that the Libyan ruler seeks to establish an army of 50,000 mercenaries who will arrive from different areas in order to break apart the anti-government rebellion.

It is further reported that representatives of the Israeli company that deals in arms sales and serves as a broker for fighters had met with Libya’s intelligence chief, Abdallah Sannusi. The meeting took place in Chad, another African state. The final details of the deal were agreed upon in that meeting. Chad, Libya’s and Sudan’s neighbor to the south has had intimate relations with Israel for several decades now."

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I translated the story also. Comments are pointing out that historically Egyptian sources are not to be trusted due to their anti-Israel bias. Yes it is a Hebrew story based on EGYPTIAN sources. Getting there, but no cigar.

Next ...

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I translated the story also. Comments are pointing out that historically Egyptian sources are not to be trusted due to their anti-Israel bias. Yes it is a Hebrew story based on EGYPTIAN sources. Getting there, but no cigar.

Next ...

I am waiting for an email reply from the Los Angeles Times staff writer in Benghazi .....

But because his name is Raja Abdulrahim .....maybe you won't believe him either B)

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Sounds like your veteran is seriously biased against Israel, and also uses that suspect Iranian source. So, no, not an objective source that AT ALL.


Looking for a serious journalism source like the LA Times, UK Guardian, etc.

I am a bit surprised you nominated The UK Guardian as being a reliable source

in view of these comments :-

" The British newspaper, the Guardian, has been described as waging a high-priority campaign against Israel in its pages and on its popular website. "

Since 2000, the paper has attracted increasing criticism of its anti-Israeli bias with Lord Greville Janner QC, former chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews (from 1979 to 1985) describing it as “viciously and notoriously anti-Israel,”[2] and journalist Julie Burchill, who left the Guardian for the Times in 2003, citing a “striking bias against the State of Israel”[3] as one of her reasons for doing so. The Economist named the Guardian, together with the Independent, as one of the main examples as to why “[m]any British Jews are of the opinion that press reporting on Israeli policy is [so] spiced with a tone of animosity 'as to smell of anti-semitism'.”[4]"


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i will keep looking but in the meantime ......how about a Hebrew report about Israeli recruiting of mercenaries from the Israeli press

There are plenty of radical loons in Israel, the US and Europe. It is one of the negative side effects of a free press. They can always be counted on to quote some absurd nonsense on the Internet as a fact. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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i will keep looking but in the meantime ......how about a Hebrew report about Israeli recruiting of mercenaries from the Israeli press

There are plenty of radical loons in Israel, the US and Europe. It is one of the negative side effects of a free press. They can always be counted on to quote some absurd nonsense on the Internet as a fact. :rolleyes:

but i wonder if there even the slighest possibility the " radical loons " as you describe them

are in fact not the bad guys ? :ermm:

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After all the (ahem) interesting links from white supremacists, fringe loons and the oh so reputable Iranian Press TV it might be as well to remember the OT was about Iran accusing the US and UK of conspiring to get rid of Gadaffi to further their own strategic interests, before it was hijacked by some posters intent on blaming Israel for supposedly wanting to do the opposite by propping up the Kadafi regime. Well you can't have it both ways chaps and as for the fruitcake who alleges the U.S tried to keep Kadafi in power how do you explain the U.S bombing his residence and killing his daughter - Perhaps Washington warned him in advance they were planning to bomb his house for appearances sake and could he arrange to have a token relative there to make the deception more convincing. :lol:

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I am a bit surprised you nominated The UK Guardian as being a reliable source

in view of these comments :-

" The British newspaper, the Guardian, has been described as waging a high-priority campaign against Israel in its pages and on its popular website. "

Since 2000, the paper has attracted increasing criticism of its anti-Israeli bias with Lord Greville Janner QC, former chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews (from 1979 to 1985) describing it as “viciously and notoriously anti-Israel,”[2] and journalist Julie Burchill, who left the Guardian for the Times in 2003, citing a “striking bias against the State of Israel”[3] as one of her reasons for doing so. The Economist named the Guardian, together with the Independent, as one of the main examples as to why “[m]any British Jews are of the opinion that press reporting on Israeli policy is [so] spiced with a tone of animosity 'as to smell of anti-semitism'.”[4]"


By the law of averages you were bound to get one right eventually the Guardian is well known for it's rabid anti-Israel stance, but still apparently manages to be part of a conspiracy with Jews to frame Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. :blink:


As it always was and always will be, when in serious bother blame it all on Israel, there are enough people out there who will bend over backwards to believe it however far fetched the story may be.

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Some are naive, some are deluded, some are insane, some are just plain bad guys.

The problem with your " theory " as to who is a " radical loon" is that

it is very embarassing when it is a former Israeli government

Minister that appears to be a " radical loon" ? :giggle:


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Shulamit Aloni is a well known left-wing activist and is exactly the kind of person that I am talking about and they are in every country with free speech.

In America Nancy Polosi, Michael Moore and Van Jones are in the same league. :wacko:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Some are naive, some are deluded, some are insane, some are just plain bad guys.

The problem with your " theory " as to who is a " radical loon" is that

it is very embarassing when it is a former Israeli government

Minister that appears to be a " radical loon" ? :giggle:


I see that you continue to post exclusively about Israel which is off topic for this thread, but I'll humour you once more.

Well what do you expect when Israel's neighbours have consistently used it as a scapegoat, different sides of the same coin.


God’s Curses Upon Israel

By: Midhat Kalada

God’s Curses upon Israel, the source of our mistakes and for our radicalism. God’s Curses upon Israel, the Devil’s messenger and servant. God’s Curses upon Israel that think it has the right to do whatever it wants. Israel that kills and murders and slaughters in the name of faith. God’s Curses upon Israel that chooses the Egyptian conservatives that are inspired by Taliban Ideology.

God’s Curses upon Israel, the planner and executor of murders and massacres in the name of faith. God’s Curses upon Israel for its Wahabi influence over the minds of the Egyptians. God’s Curses upon Israel, the head of the venomous snake and the one responsible for all the destruction that surrounds us politically, economically, and environmentally.

God’s Curses upon Israel, the stage and space for the channels of hatred and extremism. God’s Curses upon Israel, the father and the mother to worldwide terror organizations. God’s Curses upon Israel for it is the cause for the lack of security for the minorities in Egypt and in the Middle East. God’s Curses upon Israel that presents itself as a modern civilized state, but it is really a racist, religious, gangster state. God’s Curses upon Israel that made us act like parrots each time a bloody attack or event takes place, we condemn and threaten, but we do nothing about it.

God’s Curses upon Israel, they are the reason that the Copts in Egypt are oppressed, discriminated against and deprived of equal rights. God’s Curses upon Israel, they are the reason that 700 years of Copt History in their native country Egypt, has been dumped in the garbage.

God’s Curses upon Israel for it is the major reason for the global terror attacks in NY and London and Paris and Madrid. God’s Curses upon Israel, he sponsor of all the global terror organizations. God’s Curses upon Israel, it is they that are responsible for the dehumanization of the Copts in Egypt that are deprived of the right to build a church….

God bless Israel the scapegoat that allows us to kill and to slaughter and to butcher all those who think differently than us.

“God will help the sheep if their judge is the wolf” – A Danish Phrase

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Shulamit Aloni is a well known left-wing activist and is exactly the kind of person that I am talking about and they are in every country with free speech.

In America Nancy Polosi, Michael Moore and Van Jones are in the same league. :wacko:

Ok let me try another approach. Exactly who in the world are you prepared to believe

if they verified that the story about the Israeli company is correct ? :huh:

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I see that you continue to post exclusively about Israel which is off topic for this thread, but I'll humour you once more.

I see :ermm:

YOU are the only one allowed to talk about unrelated matters such as Julian Assange

and Afghanistan :rolleyes:

The topic is " Iran slams military intervention in Libya " ( i.e. under the auspices of Israel )

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