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Internet Connection In Banjobokgareang-Nr Prakonchai

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I am soon moving to the house that is being built for me in a village called Banjobokgareang, Khoktoom, Nr Prachonchai. There is no fixed line phone/internet service anywhere near this village.

Anyone have suggestions of who supplies the satelite type dishes to pick up an internet signal and if so how good are they. I use Skype a lot to keep in touch with family and friends in the UK and would like sufficient speed to use the video aspect of Skype.


Do you mean Kok Tum, Prakhon Chai? Why are you posting on the Pattaya Forum? Since Prakhon Chai is in the southern part of Buriram Province, shouldn't you be posting on the Isaan Forum?

I doubt you'll get much help here other than the fact that Satellite service, IP Star, is very expensive and unreliable.

You really need to ask the locals what is available. You might check with the local CAT office and see if CDMA is available. If not, you will be stuck with Edge/GPRS service from one of the mobile phone providers. So forget the idea of using Skype with video.

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