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UN expert condemns continuing Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes


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UN expert condemns continuing Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes

2011-03-12 02:08:13 GMT+7 (ICT)

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- A United Nations rights expert on Friday condemned the continuing Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories Richard Falk referred to the planned demolition of two apartment buildings in East Jerusalem where 150 people will be evicted.

"This pattern of eviction, demolition, expansion of settlements, and settlers' violent expropriation of Palestinian homes in the occupied East Jerusalem violates fundamental human rights, as well as provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention governing belligerent occupation," added Falk

Falk called on Israel for an immediate stop of illegal demolitions. This year, Israel has demolished 96 Palestinian structures throughout the West Bank and East Jerusalem, consisting of 32 homes and other residential structures.

As consequence, at least 175 people, half of them children, have lost their homes. This amount represents an increase to the 56 demolitions and 129 people displaced in the same period in 2010.

"Beyond the immediate dire consequences to individuals and families facing the loss of their homes, such acts form part of the broader picture of annexation, not as an Israeli legal claim but enacted increasingly as evidence of an Israeli political project," Falk said.

Last Tuesday, Israel distributed orders to demolish eight structures in the West Bank area. The Israeli government cited the lack of proper permits as the reason of the demolition of four homes and four farmhouses.

On Monday, Israel ordered to demolish all illegal West Bank outposts on private Palestinian land by the end of 2011. Israeli Cabinet Secretary Zvi Hauser said that the decision was made in response to a petition submitted by the non-governmental organization Peace Now.

According to the Israeli government, more demolitions of illegal structures were carried out against Israelis than among Palestinians in the West Bank. However, Palestinians villagers said that Israeli troops invade their homes on daily basis in an attempt to force them to leave.

Only a small portion of land in the West Bank is formally registered as the Ottomans did not invest in land registration and when the British came in, they established a registration process that was lengthy and costly, and which was kept in place by the Jordanians.

On February 18, the UN Security Council held a vote on a resolution to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem area. Fourteen Security Council members voted in favor of the resolution but the U.S. voted against it and thus vetoed the resolution due to being one of the five permanent council members.

Palestine demanded a stop to settlement construction in the disputed East Jerusalem and West Bank area as a key element for continuing peace talks with Israel. However, the Jewish country continued construction despite the condemnation from the international community.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-12

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It is time for the U.N to step in and take action against Israel even if it means by force. What they are doing here is truely barbaric.

Richard Falk is another politically motivated wack job who has somehow managed to avoid getting kicked out of the U.N, he still went to far for Ban Ki-Moon for his despicable comments alledging 9/11 was organized by president Bush.


I trust as ever that you also support the compensation for loss of property suffered by the 800,000 to 1,000,000 Jews in Arab Countries who were forced to leave after the 1967 and 1973 wars.

Finally on any given day dozens or Arabs are killed or tortured by their own government but never a word is mentioned at the U.N but when a Palestinian home is demolished theres an enormous stink kicked up in spite of the fact the Israelis have actually demolished more Jewish settlers homes this year than those of Palestinians.

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It is time for the U.N to step in and take action against Israel even if it means by force. What they are doing here is truely barbaric.

Agreed...if it was the other way round it would happened a long time ago...the "chosen" appear to be a law unto themselves, this is a form of terrorism which is conveniently ignored....no one cares....shameful hypocrisy.

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Finally on any given day dozens or Arabs are killed or tortured by their own government but never a word is mentioned at the U.N...

They have lots of oil money so it is OK. :rolleyes:

Unlike the Coptic Christians in Egypt. 13 Killed the other day and 21 late last year.


Incidentally I note that Pavlov's dog got up early today. Woof Woof.

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One wonders if there had been an ethnic "bible" discovered in Africa, or the Americas talking about homelands and persecuted individuals...would the world give back and resettle those "natives" to the detriment of those persons who had been living there for centuries?

Are Jews really a race or religious sect? Why have they been the subject of resentment for thousands of years....??

What really is behind the obvious hate and resentment behind everything from Herod, the Spanish Inquisition to Kristallnacht.

It occurs to me that some "greater power" must have a really warped sense of humour .......

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Falk said about Ayatollah Khomeini, “Having created a new model of popular revolution based, for the most part, on nonviolent tactics, Iran may yet provide us with a desperately-needed model of humane governance for a third-world country.”

In January 2011 Susan Rice, the Obama Administration's ambassador to the United Nations, suggested that Falk should be removed from his U.N. posts after he claimed on his blog that that there had been an "apparent cover-up" by U.S. authorities over the September 11, 2001, attacks. Falk had written that there were "well-evidenced doubts about the official version of the events: an al Qaeda operation with no foreknowledge by government officials." United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon likewise condemned Falk's blog posting, calling it "inflammatory rhetoric" which was "preposterous" and "an affront to the memory of the more than 3,000 people who died in that tragic terrorist attack", and also suggested he should not continue in his United Nations role.

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Falk said about Ayatollah Khomeini, “Having created a new model of popular revolution based, for the most part, on nonviolent tactics, Iran may yet provide us with a desperately-needed model of humane governance for a third-world country.”

In January 2011 Susan Rice, the Obama Administration's ambassador to the United Nations, suggested that Falk should be removed from his U.N. posts after he claimed on his blog that that there had been an "apparent cover-up" by U.S. authorities over the September 11, 2001, attacks. Falk had written that there were "well-evidenced doubts about the official version of the events: an al Qaeda operation with no foreknowledge by government officials." United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon likewise condemned Falk's blog posting, calling it "inflammatory rhetoric" which was "preposterous" and "an affront to the memory of the more than 3,000 people who died in that tragic terrorist attack", and also suggested he should not continue in his United Nations role.

Having lived through the Iranian Revolution of 1978, I can assure you it was far from being "nonviolent".

Tell the execution victims and their families of Iran's humane governance.

This guy (Falk) is as full of sh*t as a Christmas turkey.

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It is time for the U.N to step in and take action against Israel even if it means by force. What they are doing here is truely barbaric.

Richard Falk is another politically motivated wack job who has somehow managed to avoid getting kicked out of the U.N, he still went to far for Ban Ki-Moon for his despicable comments alledging 9/11 was organized by president Bush.


I trust as ever that you also support the compensation for loss of property suffered by the 800,000 to 1,000,000 Jews in Arab Countries who were forced to leave after the 1967 and 1973 wars.

Finally on any given day dozens or Arabs are killed or tortured by their own government but never a word is mentioned at the U.N but when a Palestinian home is demolished theres an enormous stink kicked up in spite of the fact the Israelis have actually demolished more Jewish settlers homes this year than those of Palestinians.

For f*-kcs sake is there anyone out there at all that according you doesnt have some impediment

that prevents them from reporting the truth :bah:

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Stopping Hamas from firing rockets into civilian areas takes precedence over military action for tearing down illegal buildings. :whistling:

Once again you show how narrow minded you are. How is evicting people from their homes and destroying their lives going to stop rockets being fired into Israel? These exact actions are what breeds the reactions of the Palestinian people.

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Stopping Hamas from firing rockets into civilian areas takes precedence over military action for tearing down illegal buildings. :whistling:

Once again you show how narrow minded you are. How is evicting people from their homes and destroying their lives going to stop rockets being fired into Israel? These exact actions are what breeds the reactions of the Palestinian people.

Hamas runs Gaza, not the west bank. What connection? Hmmm, let's check. Has the UN condemned the Hamas rocket attacks on Israel as well? Breeding reactions, huh? Are you joking. Arabs all over the Arab world are exposed to both antisemitic and anti-Israel propaganda from their baby stages. Knocking down houses or not knocking down houses (not saying it's right); seriously, do you think suddenly most Palestinians are going to unlearn their ingrained hate responses to Jews either way? This problem is MUCH more deep.


The Arab world is saturated by Jew-hatred.

Some of this hatred was planted by Husseini and some of it long existed, but whatever the case, it remains a remarkable, if unremarked, feature of Arab nationalism.

Israel's critics have a case. Yet they make no case when it comes to Arab anti-Semitism. The prominence of Qaradawi cannot be reassuring to Israelis. They know that words can be weapons and hate is a killer. Nonetheless, since the days of Husseini, a true Hitlerian figure, Arab nations have shamefully been granted an exception to the standards expected of the rest of the world, as if they were children. If I were an Israeli, I'd be worried. If I were an Arab, I'd be insulted. If I were a critic only of Israel, I'd be ashamed.

Edited by Jingthing
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Stopping Hamas from firing rockets into civilian areas takes precedence over military action for tearing down illegal buildings. :whistling:

Once again you show how narrow minded you are. How is evicting people from their homes and destroying their lives going to stop rockets being fired into Israel? These exact actions are what breeds the reactions of the Palestinian people.

Hamas runs Gaza, not the west bank. What connection? Hmmm, let's check. Has the UN condemned the Hamas rocket attacks on Israel as well? Breeding reactions, huh? Are you joking. Arabs all over the Arab world are exposed to both antisemitic and anti-Israel propaganda from their baby stages. Knocking down houses or not knocking down houses (not saying it's right); seriously, do you think suddenly most Palestinians are going to unlearn their ingrained hate responses to Jews either way? This problem is MUCH more deep.

I wonder why the Arab world hates Israel when they conduct activiies such as these. Gaza and the West Bank. What connection you ask ? If you need me to tell you that then you are an Idiot with a capital I.

Lately it seems it is more than just the Arab world that finds Israel and its policies distasteful. Maybe they need to start coming around to popular world opinion before it is them that gets pushed into the sea.

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My point is that even if the Israelis suddenly got all Kumbaya, the majority of the Palestinian public would STILL want to drive the Jews of Israel into the sea. But the Jews of Israel don't wish to jump into the sea. This isn't one sided mate, you have to see both sides, or you are lost. As long as Israelis feel this, and the way they feel is demonstrably the truth based on polling of Palestinians, there is only so far left the Israeli public is going to go. I certainly hope they turn away from being run by their far right wing, but again they don't exist in a vacuum, they are surrounded and they know it.


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My point is that even if the Israelis suddenly got all Kumbaya, the majority of the Palestinian public would STILL want to drive the Jews of Israel into the sea. But the Jews of Israel don't wish to jump into the sea. This isn't one sided mate, you have to see both sides, or you are lost. As long as Israelis feel this, and the way they feel is demonstrably the truth based on polling of Palestinians, there is only so far left the Israeli public is going to go. I certainly hope they turn away from being run by their far right wing, but again they don't exist in a vacuum, they are surrounded and they know it.


You are putting the cart before the horse my friend. How can anybody possibley predict the future by stating that if Israel meet with the Palestinians demands then the Arab world would still want to destroy them [rhetorical question]. And if that were the case I would be the first person to speak out and condemn them. I would also fully support ANY action deemed necessary to defend Israel and its citizens.This news thread is about kicking people out of their own homes. Homes that they have lived in forever. It wouldn't matter where this occured. It is still a disgraceful act. I really can't see how any human being cannot sympathize with people in this situation.

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One wonders if there had been an ethnic "bible" discovered in Africa, or the Americas talking about homelands and persecuted individuals...would the world give back and resettle those "natives" to the detriment of those persons who had been living there for centuries?

Are Jews really a race or religious sect? Why have they been the subject of resentment for thousands of years....??

What really is behind the obvious hate and resentment behind everything from Herod, the Spanish Inquisition to Kristallnacht.

It occurs to me that some "greater power" must have a really warped sense of humour .......

Jews are not a race. Races don't actually exist biologically according to modern anthropologists. However, Jews have been subject to racism as they are often considered a race. What are Jews? That's a very complex question. Of course there is a Jewish religion but not only religious Jews are Jews. Of course there is Jewish nationalism represented by Zionism and Israel, but not all Jews are Zionists. Ask 100 Jews, get 100 answers. (Maybe that explains everything!). Of course there is more ethnic diversity among Jews than many people realize, Ashkenazi, Sephardim, Ethiopian, Chinese, converts from many backgrounds.

Here is some info about genetic evidence linking many modern Jews to the ancient tribe which, yes, was located in modern Israel.


No, I am not saying this is rationalization for the creation of Israel. Hitler provided that ...

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It is still a disgraceful act. I really can't see how any human being cannot sympathize with people in this situation.

I think I was clear enough already that I agree with you that it was wrong. Reread my posts, the inference was there already. I am saying you can't look at one symptom and see the entire picture. Edited by Jingthing
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One wonders if there had been an ethnic "bible" discovered in Africa, or the Americas talking about homelands and persecuted individuals...would the world give back and resettle those "natives" to the detriment of those persons who had been living there for centuries?

Are Jews really a race or religious sect? Why have they been the subject of resentment for thousands of years....??

What really is behind the obvious hate and resentment behind everything from Herod, the Spanish Inquisition to Kristallnacht.

It occurs to me that some "greater power" must have a really warped sense of humour .......

Jews are not a race. Races don't actually exist biologically according to modern anthropologists. However, Jews have been subject to racism as they are often considered a race. What are Jews? That's a very complex question. Of course there is a Jewish religion but not only religious Jews are Jews. Of course there is Jewish nationalism represented by Zionism and Israel, but not all Jews are Zionists. Ask 100 Jews, get 100 answers. (Maybe that explains everything!). Of course there is more ethnic diversity among Jews than many people realize, Ashkenazi, Sephardim, Ethiopian, Chinese, converts from many backgrounds.

Here is some info about genetic evidence linking many modern Jews to the ancient tribe which, yes, was located in modern Israel.


No, I am not saying this is rationalization for the creation of Israel. Hitler provided that ...

I was always of the view that it was to do with religion. The Jewish religion so Jews. Islam as Muslim etc etc...

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Well, you're wrong because it isn't that simple at all!

Thais are Buddhists but so are Han Chinese. Are they the same people?

Did Hitler not kill secular non-religious Jews? Do most non-religious Jews (most Jews actually) not still consider themselves to be Jews?

Zionism wasn't specifically a religious movement and many of the most whacked out super religious Jews are radically anti-Zionist.

Please, complexity is part of life. Cope.

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Well, you're wrong because it isn't that simple at all!

Thais are Buddhists but so are Han Chinese. Are they the same people?

So are Cambodians, Vietnamese and alot od Burmese. You don't know what I am on about. Are you so sort of professor?

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It is time for the U.N to step in and take action against Israel even if it means by force. What they are doing here is truely barbaric.

Sound like you are smoking crack buddy.

I sure hope the lack of action will keep you up each & every night/. LOL.

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Well, you're wrong because it isn't that simple at all!

Thais are Buddhists but so are Han Chinese. Are they the same people?

Did Hitler not kill secular non-religious Jews? Do most non-religious Jews (most Jews actually) not still consider themselves to be Jews?

Zionism wasn't specifically a religious movement and many of the most whacked out super religious Jews are radically anti-Zionist.

Please, complexity is part of life. Cope.

It is only complex when people like yourself make it that way. Get your head out of the clouds and you might see that your on existance isn't as complex as you make it out to be.

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It is only complex when people like yourself make it that way. Get your head out of the clouds and you might see that your on existance isn't as complex as you make it out to be.

OK, if you say so. End of discussion. I don't play well with blatant proponents of irrational anti-intellectualism.

(Curious though, is that a symptom of "Thai-ier than though" you tink too much-ism?)

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It is time for the U.N to step in and take action against Israel even if it means by force. What they are doing here is truely barbaric.

Sound like you are smoking crack buddy.

I sure hope the lack of action will keep you up each & every night/. LOL.

UN forces vs. the IDF. How many minutes would that fight go on?

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