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Medication Refill Questions?

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Sawadee Krup,

Back home I get Zolpidem (Ambien) from the VA as a Gulf War 1 Vet....I have insomnia and my prescription runs out in a month and the VA does not send my meds outside of USA.

I know the risks of ambien so this isn't my question. It's the only medication I take and the last couple of years I have had the best sleep I have had since 1991.


Anyone here take Ambien? Where can I get a prescription? I have my last prescription with my name, VA Doc name and Seattle VA on label only...can I just take this to a local pharmacy and get a refill or do I need to see a doc here in CM?

I guess the only other option I would consider is maybe xanax on evening I can't fall asleep, I just refuse to try anything that makes me feel drozzy or like a hang over the next day. I don't take the ambien every evening but I am a bit concerned with having less than 20 left as I am here on a 1 year type o visa

Any suggestions, very much appriciated...kop koon krup

Have a nice day! If you ever wonder what living in Seattle is like 9 months a year look outside today:(


Sawasdee Khrup, Khun JRA,

Yes, you can be prescribed Zolpidem (Ambien) at the Suang Prung Hospital on Changlor Road. That's the only place we know of in Chiang Mai, but would assume that Maharaj hospital would also have it.

Suan Prung Psychiatric Hospital

131, Changlor Road, Hai Ya, Mueang Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, 50100

Google Map to Suan Prung

They are professional, speak English pretty well, and the intake process takes only about half-an-hour. You need to bring your passport. They helped this body kick a minor Xanax habit developed after radiation and chemo a few years ago led to chronic insomnia: Zolpidem is excellent as a sleep aid. And, for many people, Xanax does have depressive side-effects, and is addictive at relatively low levels of consumption, and can have surprisingly extreme withdrawal symptoms even from regular use of small dosages (on the order of 1 mg. per day).

to your health, ~o:37;


I have been taking Ambien for 6-7 yrs now. Been making a yearly trip back toUSA and get my refills. I did go to RAM Hospital to see a couple specialists. I know they have it there at RAM but you will have to see a doctor first and they will order it and you pick up at the pharmacy after you pay your bill. Seeing a doctor will cost between 200-500 baht plus the cost of the medicine. If I remember correctly, the Ambien costs 42 baht for one pill. If you go to RAM, go to the ENT desk or the internal medicine desk and ask if the doctor there can prescribe Ambien.


I've used Ambien off and on (lawfully) for years and am surprised but not surprised to hear it can be obtained at RAM, though I did not succeed in acquiring it there recently (notwithstanding copies of prescriptions from the States). . I called them for an appointment at the 4th floor Special Services section a couple of weeks ago. They made the appt, then called back to say the pharmacy was out of stock and there was some sort of government issue. It struck me as odd. I've been a client there for several years for routine purposes and have never inquired into that type of product. I would guess it's just the luck of the draw with the physician... maybe just showing up is the best approach. The only sleep agent I've found to actually work as a substitute is Lorazepam (also prescribed) and the grog factor and clear potential for dependence knocked it off my list very quickly.


Thank you for the help guys and or gals...this gives me alot of info so kop koon krup I really appriciate it!

I'm not sure who's idea it was at the va not to send my meds out of country or changing the rules...being sent out of country is the reason I need the ambien but hey that's a different topic for another day

I was looking online and they were dam_n near $3/pill if I got 180....I'm not rich and kinda on a limped budget but I am so scared to have bad/no sleep

I have taken 10mg pills for a couple years and I have felt no side effects...knock on wood...and with something like Xanax, makes me a bit nervous because my father has been popping those things like tic tacs for years if needs them or not

Have a good night folks


Just for your information. I've read somewhere a couple years ago that an individual got arrested for having Ambien pills in his posession without having a legal prescription for it. So be cautious, don't be carrying around any large quantities of it. I've asked at several pharmacies here in CM and none carry it. You must get it from a hospital with a prescription from one of their doctors. I would imagine if any hospital in CM carries it, it would be RAM or Lanna. When I inquired about it about 4 months ago at RAM, I just wanted to see how much it cost and if they have it. The doc looked it up on the computer (as I was sitting in front of him) and that's when he told me they cost 42 baht each. He didn't say if they had them in stock or not. It was the psychiatrist doctor if you want to try and get some.


This is not intended to touch off a firestorm of judgement, but I have routinely received prescription medications (including Ambien) for years from the States... clearly labeled as to their contents and for personal use, declared and in their original pharmacy wrappers and bottles... and have had neither a delay nor a problem. I use a major carrier. I did read recently an opinion on one of these forums that this is apparently illegal on one end or another, which came as an absolute shock and was the reason I went off to RAM as described before to replenish locally. My packages are routinely opened and examined for customs purposes and aside from having to pay 100 baht in customs charges a single time there has never been a hint of an issue.

  • 2 weeks later...

Script filled at CM RAM...saw doc and in and out in less than a hr...90 ambien 4500 bhat ouch....beats tossing and turning for a couple hours a night

thanks for the help folks

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