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Would You "Out" A Person With Hiv?


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especially in a high rate of HIV country like Thailand, should assume every new sex partner is HIV positive, no matter what they say.

Slightly Off-Topic but this is an oft repeated allegation which is simply not true.


I have friends working, indeed running, NGO's directly involved with monitoring the spread of STD's in Thailand - including, obviously, HIV - and all confirm that the prevalence of the disease in Thailand is nowhere near so bad as the rumour mill makes out – and, incidentally, most credit Khun Meechai Viravaidya for a large part in that success.

That is not to claim HIV it is not a danger here, but to say Thailand is a "high rate ............ HIV Country" is certainly an overstatement.


Perhaps true and also perhaps the OP has jumbled up the story a bit.

But never mind; because the OP has done everyone a good turn by bringing this subject to our attention.

It is totally irrelevant what the NGO says. In fact these stats published by the NGO can do more harm than good. They may encourage people to relax their guard. It`s like betting on a horse that may come in at odds of 200 to 1 and who will be the lucky winner or in this case the loser.

The facts are that these viruses and diseases are out there and I’m not a gambling man however high or low the figures are. Are you?

Be safe and protect yourselves at all times, there is no such thing as risk free sex any more. It could kill you.

Jingthing is absolutely right. Don`t knock him. He quotes: especially in a high rate of HIV country like Thailand, should assume every new sex partner is HIV positive, no matter what they say.

Good advice from ouir Jingthing, could save your life.Even recently I have met a couple of girls in massage parlours that were willing to let me have a pop at them with no condom.

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Jingthing is absolutely right. Don`t knock him. He quotes: especially in a high rate of HIV country like Thailand, should assume every new sex partner is HIV positive, no matter what they say.

Good advice from ouir Jingthing, could save your life.Even recently I have met a couple of girls in massage parlours that were willing to let me have a pop at them with no condom.

I would not dispute anyones’ advice to take precautions – it’s only sensible; what I AM disputing, totally, is the claim that Thailand is a “a high rate of HIV country”, that is just not the case as anyone will see if they check on worldwide Statistics.


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Jingthing is absolutely right. Don`t knock him. He quotes: especially in a high rate of HIV country like Thailand, should assume every new sex partner is HIV positive, no matter what they say.

Good advice from ouir Jingthing, could save your life.Even recently I have met a couple of girls in massage parlours that were willing to let me have a pop at them with no condom.

I would not dispute anyones' advice to take precautions – it's only sensible; what I AM disputing, totally, is the claim that Thailand is a "a high rate of HIV country", that is just not the case as anyone will see if they check on worldwide Statistics.


As we know the HIV virus can lie stagnant in the body for 10, 15 or more years before it develops into full blown AIDs. Do these figures in the graph quote everyone in Thailand as been tested for carrying the HIV virus, or are these statistics those who have either shown symptoms or died from AIDs?

If the later, this means that as yet an unknown number of people maybe carrying the virus without being listed in the figures, so therefore, are worthless and cannot be seriously taken as anywhere near an accurate estimation?

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As we know the HIV virus can lie stagnant in the body for 10, 15 or more years before it develops into full blown AIDs. Do these figures in the graph quote everyone in Thailand as been tested for carrying the HIV virus, or are these statistics those who have either shown symptoms or died from AIDs?

If the later, this means that as yet an unknown number of people maybe carrying the virus without being listed in the figures, so therefore, are worthless and cannot be seriously taken as anywhere near an accurate estimation?

I do not know how you arrive at your assertion that HIV / AIDS can lay “stagnant in the body for 10, 15 or more years" – perhaps you could provide a Source?

However the obvious flaw in your argument is that the figures in all Studies show current infections as a percentage of current population in the Countries where the studies were conducted; simply a Snapshot at that one point in time, ergo the Statistics for Thailand are as valid as those for, as an example, South Africa - at that moment in time.


Edited by p_brownstone
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This is not an attack on the original poster --------

I do not know of ANY hospital or other testing facility that informs patients of HIV results via mail.

I actually don't find the story in the OP at all credible. But it raises an interesting question anyway.

For this hypothetical question, having sex with bar workers doesn't mean a person is necessarily having unprotected sex.

are we to conclude op has hiv :angry::angry::angry:

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According to wikipedia (which of course is no guarantee for anything).. However according to this it's not 1 in 200 chance, but 1 in 2000 chance for a man getting it from having sex with a girl having HIV (per act), or 0.3% chance in low income countries. OFC if u prefer anal it's anyones guess..

And I quote "The majority of HIV infections are acquired through unprotected sexual relations. Complacency about HIV plays a key role in HIV risk"

http://www.thelancet...0021-0/fulltext :

"Among all low-income country estimates, only sex, condom use, and year of publication (negative association) were significantly associated with infectivity"

"Alternatively, higher HIV prevalence may increase the likelihood of contamination resulting from exposure to additional sources of infection other than sex with the main index partner and thus bias estimates upward."

"studies in low-income countries ... condom use may have been over-reported by study participants"

"condom use ... reduces the risk of sexual transmission of HIV by about 85%"

So unless you are sure the other person isn't infected use a condom... Should get u down to being infected in one of 13 000 acts with somebody who has HIV.. And unless u are changing bar girl several times every night should be ok for most people I guess..

Edited by remiss
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