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German Foreign Minister Westerwelle says it will not participate in military action against Libya


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German Foreign Minister Westerwelle says it will not participate in military action against Libya

2011-03-19 00:04:55 GMT+7 (ICT)

BERLIN (BNO NEWS) -- German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle on Friday said the European nation will not participate in any military operations in Libya despite the approval of a United Nations Security Council Resolution.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 was approved on Thursday evening and called for the establishment of a no-fly zone in Libya and for military forces to take "all necessary measures" to protect Libyan civilians from government-led attacks.

The UN Security Council Resolution was backed by 10 countries, enough to pass, while 5 other countries - including Russia, China and Germany - chose to abstain. None voted against the resolution, however.

"The resolution contains on one hand a significant tightening of international sanctions against the Gaddafi regime," Westerwelle said. "We welcome and support this and have been promoting that."

"But we remain extremely skeptical of the option in this resolution which allows military intervention in Libya," the Foreign Minister added. "We see significant dangers and risks. Therefore, we cannot accept that part of the resolution. German soldiers will not participate in a military operation in Libya."

Westerwelle said its position against the Gaddafi regime remains unchanged however, calling him a dictator. "He must go and be held accountable for his crimes."


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-19

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Not a surprise that Germany which obtains 10%+ of its oil from Libya is hestitating for fear of what happens if Gadaffi survives.

Or maybe they have memories of the whupping at Tobruk they received at the hands of the plucky British on Nov. 11, 1942 :whistling:

The French, UK and Arab forces are going to remember the German decision. :D

And me? I don't care. Let the EU freeze in the dark. The Germans and Italians are going to have to face reality soon enough.

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Not a surprise that Germany which obtains 10%+ of its oil from Libya is hestitating for fear of what happens if Gadaffi survives.

Or maybe they have memories of the whupping at Tobruk they received at the hands of the plucky British on Nov. 11, 1942 :whistling:

The French, UK and Arab forces are going to remember the German decision. :D

And me? I don't care. Let the EU freeze in the dark. The Germans and Italians are going to have to face reality soon enough.

I'm coming round to your way of thinking. Perhaps the U.S should follow the Germans lead and let someone else do the U.N's dirty work for them.

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The French, UK and Arab forces are going to remember the German decision. :D

the Germans care a shit what the French and the Britishers or the Arabs will remember. our constitution does not allow military engagement outside german borders if the nation is not under any threat.

did Ghadafi ever threaten or made an attempt to invade Germany? did the French and the Britishers protect the people in Rwanda or Darfur when in excess of 1.5 million civilians were slaughtered? the answer is NO. reason: there's no oil in Darfur and there is no oil in Rwanda.

based on Germany's shitty history it is appropriate that we do not participate in the war mongering that is going on to secure the flow of libyan oil to Europe. that german soldiers are based in Afghanistan and german fighter jets patrolling over there is unconstitutional!

Sarkozy and Cameron are using Ghadafi/Libya to divert from the problems they have back home.

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Smart move. Look what happens when countries follow the US into rediclous conflicts. You end up getting bogged down and defeat in long drawn out wars. Vietnam 1962-1975, Afghanistan 2001-present, Iraq 2003-2010.

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our constitution does not allow military engagement outside german borders if the nation is not under any threat.

Nice Common Sense Constitution

A certain other country would do well to adopt this same policy.

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And me? I don't care. Let the EU freeze in the dark. The Germans and Italians are going to have to face reality soon enough.

Perhaps you did not notice that since this civil war started that in the USA the price per barrel went from $85 to close today over $107?

Folks are funny who think oil is earmarked for certain countries so price changes will not not affect X country.

Edited by flying
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A certain other country would do well to adopt this same policy.

Actually just upholding a certain countries constitution would be a good start. ;)

Also for the military to understand the oath they take when they enlist & also for the National guardsmen of the States to not be used by the Federal Government

for their so called.....policing actions around the world.

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Not a surprise that Germany which obtains 10%+ of its oil from Libya is hestitating for fear of what happens if Gadaffi survives.

Or maybe they have memories of the whupping at Tobruk they received at the hands of the plucky British on Nov. 11, 1942 :whistling:

The French, UK and Arab forces are going to remember the German decision. :D

And me? I don't care. Let the EU freeze in the dark. The Germans and Italians are going to have to face reality soon enough.

Oil, that is what the the pro-intervention western countries are up too. Thats why they act on behalf of the Arab countries. They have the oil. The Gulf monarchs and their Sunni clerics are opposed Gadaffi because they don't see him as a proper Muslim leader.

Now the US is suddenly eager to fight. King Abdullah is still angry that Obama abandoned Mubarak, so Obama tries his best to become good friend again, with that sharia country.

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What is not surprising is that disciples of Gomer Pyle make up the 37% of US citizens that approve of such ignorant use of the Military Industrial Complex in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan & at this rate probably Libya too.

What is even more surprising is that a once great nation in which 63% disproves of such actions does not have the power to stop it.

So much for a government of the people, by the people, for the people

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