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Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts


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Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts

2011-03-19 01:28:33 GMT+7 (ICT)

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL (BNO NEWS) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday slammed Palestine's unity efforts between Hamas and Fatah, the Jeruslamen Post reported.

Netanyahu questioned the Palestinian Authority (PA) for wanting to be in peace with both Hamas and Israel as the West Bank-based group has repeatedly called for the destruction of the Jewish country.

The PM said that the Palestinian reconciliation was not approved by his government as Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by Israel. Netanyahu compared a peace agreement with Hamas with one with Al-Qaeda.

The Israeli PM also announced that he will travel to Moscow next Thursday to hold meetings with Russian leaders. He is expected to protest Russian missile sales to Syria and other bilateral and regional issues.

On Wednesday, PA President Mahmoud Abbas said that he was ready to visit Gaza for the firs time in four years to hold talks with Hamas leaders in order to achieve unity between the two Palestinian factions.

On Tuesday, thousands of Palestinians protested in the streets of Gaza calling for unity and an end to the division between the two main political factions, Fatah and Hamas. The demonstration was staged by young people who called the rallies the "March 15 Youth Movement."

Most of the pro-unity protesters gathered at the Gaza's Unknown Soldier Square. The objective of the demonstrations was demanding the end of Palestinian political division through elections that include all Palestinians.

In February, PA President Abbas announced the dissolution of the cabinet in an attempt to ensure domestic stability. He also announced that next September the long overdue elections will be held if both factions participate.

Abbas has been criticized for the poor functioning of his government as well as the stalled talks with Israel in order to achieve peace ion the region and establish a Palestinian state.

The PA has a limited mandate in the occupied West Bank as it lost control of the Gaza Strip to Hamas in 2007, the Islamist group which rejects permanent co-existence with Israel.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-19

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The Israeli PM also announced that he will travel to Moscow next Thursday to hold meetings with Russian leaders.

Moscow concerned over new Israeli construction plans


Russia has expressed its "deep concern" over Israel's new plans for settlement construction in the occupied West Bank, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

The Israeli government approved on Sunday the construction of more than 400 new houses for Israelis in large Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

"We expect Israel to review the mentioned construction plans, and both sides to show restraint and responsibility," the ministry said in a statement.



Palestinian leader to visit Moscow

Published: March. 18, 2011 at 11:19 AM

MOSCOW, March 18 (UPI) -- Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas will visit Moscow to discuss prospects for the resumption of talks with Israel, Russian officials said.

Abbas is to be in Moscow Tuesday for a meeting with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Tass reported Friday.

"Mahmoud Abbas is expected to hold talks with the Russian leadership to discuss the situation in the region, as well as prospects for resuming the Palestine-Israel talks," an official said.


Russia welcomes Abbas's decision of talks with Hamas

09:12, March 18, 2011

Russia welcomes the decision by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to accept an invitation from the Islamic Hamas movement to go to the Gaza Strip for talks, the Foreign Ministry said Thursday.

"Moscow has perceived with satisfaction these planned steps to reach inter-Palestinian accord and consider its fast implementation important," the ministry said in a statement.

"Reconciliation, what Russia called for, will strengthen Palestinian ranks, create necessary basis for substantive Palestine-Israel talks and especially for implementation of future agreements in the context of an independent, viable, integrated, sovereign Palestinian state," the ministry said.



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My understanding is that these "new" homes are actually apartments in existing Israeli places of abode on the West Bank specifically, Gush Etzion, Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel, and Kiryat Sefer. Although some are against these dwellings, there is a big difference between new location construction of single family dwellings and high density apartment blocks in an existing center of population. The intent is to send a message to the PLA that one can kill Israelis, but they will not go away. It is a political statement of resolve.

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Russia has no room to talk about other countries. ;)

Add in the US, NATO and most of the EU if you want to take that tact. In fact the people of every country should have the right to determine their own future, so add in a few more too, and hey what has it got to do with Israel too unless they have suddenly gone for a one state solution based on OMOV, which is something most Palestinians and Arabs would agree with considering the coming demographics

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Russia has no room to talk about other countries. ;)

Add in the US, NATO and most of the EU if you want to take that tact. In fact the people of every country should have the right to determine their own future, so add in a few more too, and hey what has it got to do with Israel too unless they have suddenly gone for a one state solution based on OMOV, which is something most Palestinians and Arabs would agree with considering the coming demographics

So then you are sayng that Israels have a right to determine their own future? Well then, we agree on something.

In respect to a one state solution, I certainly hope you are not suggesting that the Israelis should follow the example of Arab countries and give their undesirable demographic segment 24-72 hours to leave the State of Israel, forfeiting their assets in the exodus. On that I cannot agree. Just because the Arabs did it, doesn't mean the Israelis should.

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My understanding is that these "new" homes are actually apartments in existing Israeli places of abode on the West Bank specifically, Gush Etzion, Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel, and Kiryat Sefer. Although some are against these dwellings, there is a big difference between new location construction of single family dwellings and high density apartment blocks in an existing center of population. The intent is to send a message to the PLA that one can kill Israelis, but they will not go away. It is a political statement of resolve.

Although some are against these dwellings ...

William Hague warns over Israel settlements

PA Friday, 18 March 2011

Israeli settlement building "runs contrary to peace", William Hague said after calling for an end to new construction in talks with the country's defence minister.

The Foreign Secretary said he raised the UK's "serious concern" over the announcement of 400 new units in the West Bank during a "constructive" meeting with Ehud Barak yesterday.



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My understanding is that these "new" homes are actually apartments in existing Israeli places of abode on the West Bank specifically, Gush Etzion, Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel, and Kiryat Sefer. Although some are against these dwellings, there is a big difference between new location construction of single family dwellings and high density apartment blocks in an existing center of population. The intent is to send a message to the PLA that one can kill Israelis, but they will not go away. It is a political statement of resolve.

Although some are against these dwellings ...

William Hague warns over Israel settlements

PA Friday, 18 March 2011

Israeli settlement building "runs contrary to peace", William Hague said after calling for an end to new construction in talks with the country's defence minister.

The Foreign Secretary said he raised the UK's "serious concern" over the announcement of 400 new units in the West Bank during a "constructive" meeting with Ehud Barak yesterday.



The cheque is in the post William.

Everything is now illuminated

Monday, 16th November 2009

After watching Peter Oborne’s ‘Dispatches’ programme on the power of the Israel lobby in Britain, the scales have fallen from my eyes.

I now see things in an entirely different light. I now realise that the power of this unique cabal is so vast and unprecedented in its truly demonic power – a power given to no other lobby – that both the Labour government and Tory opposition slavishly and unquestioningly support Israel’s military actions and that the Guardian and the BBC have found themselves totally unable to publish or transmit anything other than wholehearted support for Israel.


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Russia has no room to talk about other countries. ;)

Add in the US, NATO and most of the EU if you want to take that tact. In fact the people of every country should have the right to determine their own future, so add in a few more too, and hey what has it got to do with Israel too unless they have suddenly gone for a one state solution based on OMOV, which is something most Palestinians and Arabs would agree with considering the coming demographics

So then you are sayng that Israels have a right to determine their own future? Well then, we agree on something.

In respect to a one state solution, I certainly hope you are not suggesting that the Israelis should follow the example of Arab countries and give their undesirable demographic segment 24-72 hours to leave the State of Israel, forfeiting their assets in the exodus. On that I cannot agree. Just because the Arabs did it, doesn't mean the Israelis should.

How about the Arabs follow the example of the UN 1948 come up with a partition plan for the British colonies and take New Jersey and Long Island and declare it to a Jewish state and give the rest of the land to the pilgrims. Or somewhere in Europe, take East Germany and Silesia declare that territory to the Jewish state.

The Arabs didn't agree 1948 because they rejected the colonial map making in their front yard. For the Arabs is it much more a territory issue and own nationalist movement than that they were anti-semitic. A Jewish state somewhere else no problem, that would be a solution even the Arabs would finally agree with.

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Russia has no room to talk about other countries. ;)

Why not?


I guess that argument will not impress Russia that much and they will continue to talk about other countries with other countries.

And as lot of the topics here about international relations and one country or the other country talking about other countries or interfere in other countries issues with activities that go much further than just 'talk' you could just jump every topic and drop words like Poland, Kurdistan, Waco, Vietnam, Nanking, Hiroshima, Afghanistan, Contras, Prague Spring, Congo, Tibet, terrorists and so on. That will impress us all.

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How about the Arabs follow the example of the UN 1948 come up with a partition plan for the British colonies and take New Jersey and Long Island and declare it to a Jewish state and give the rest of the land to the pilgrims. Or somewhere in Europe, take East Germany and Silesia declare that territory to the Jewish state.

The Arabs didn't agree 1948 because they rejected the colonial map making in their front yard. For the Arabs is it much more a territory issue and own nationalist movement than that they were anti-semitic. A Jewish state somewhere else no problem, that would be a solution even the Arabs would finally agree with.

Try telling that to the Mufti of Jerusalem.

Edit: Just to add at the end that Hamas follow the same anti-semitic protocols as the Nazis and Mufti did, little wonder Netanyahu made the comment he made.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Russia has no room to talk about other countries. ;)

Add in the US, NATO and most of the EU if you want to take that tact. In fact the people of every country should have the right to determine their own future, so add in a few more too, and hey what has it got to do with Israel too unless they have suddenly gone for a one state solution based on OMOV, which is something most Palestinians and Arabs would agree with considering the coming demographics

So then you are sayng that Israels have a right to determine their own future? Well then, we agree on something.

In respect to a one state solution, I certainly hope you are not suggesting that the Israelis should follow the example of Arab countries and give their undesirable demographic segment 24-72 hours to leave the State of Israel, forfeiting their assets in the exodus. On that I cannot agree. Just because the Arabs did it, doesn't mean the Israelis should.

Israelis of course have the right to determine their own future. Personally I think their choice of government isnt one that is best for their people but it is a reality and has to be dealt with and is of the people. You cant be hypocritical and say some can chose their own government and others cant just because you dont like the government. So I totally support the Isrsael;is and Palestinians and Bahrainis and Libyans and Syrians and anyone else for that matter in chosing any government/parliament they want without any caveat.

The one state solution is referring to a joint a Israel/Palestine with everyone chosing the government. It is one reason why Sharon did what he did. I think if you go back in history you will find Israel has managed to remove people from their land and property over the years, by the way;)

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Who is the Israeli PM to say that " Palestinian reconciliation was not approved by his government ". That is a disgraceful thing to say and only goes futher to show the oppression of the Palestinian people by the hand of Israeli policy towards them. Laughable.

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In 1948, Israel actually asked the local Arabs to stay after they had been defeated and offered them citizenship. Most of the the "Palestinians" chose decades of violence and misery instead. :ermm:

Ever wondered why ?????????

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My understanding is that these "new" homes are actually apartments in existing Israeli places of abode on the West Bank specifically, Gush Etzion, Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel, and Kiryat Sefer. Although some are against these dwellings, there is a big difference between new location construction of single family dwellings and high density apartment blocks in an existing center of population. The intent is to send a message to the PLA that one can kill Israelis, but they will not go away. It is a political statement of resolve.

And what is your position the Palestinian families being evicted from their houses on thier own land whilst these new Israeli dwellings are being erected. Is that fair?

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Who is the Israeli PM to say that " Palestinian reconciliation was not approved by his government ". That is a disgraceful thing to say and only goes futher to show the oppression of the Palestinian people by the hand of Israeli policy towards them. Laughable.

Yes let's not oppress any Palestinian leadership into not adopting racist nazi ideology. :sick:

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In 1948, Israel actually asked the local Arabs to stay after they had been defeated and offered them citizenship. Most of the the "Palestinians" chose decades of violence and misery instead. :ermm:

Ever wondered why ?????????

Are you a patriot of your homeland? If so, would you have accepted citizenship from the Germans or the Japanese after world war 2 had the been successful?

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Who is the Israeli PM to say that " Palestinian reconciliation was not approved by his government ". That is a disgraceful thing to say and only goes futher to show the oppression of the Palestinian people by the hand of Israeli policy towards them. Laughable.

Yes let's not oppress any Palestinian leadership into not adopting racist nazi ideology. :sick:

" Palestinian reconciliation was not approved by his government ". Read this sentence and if you don't think that is a pathetic thing to say then i feel sorry for you.

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My understanding is that these "new" homes are actually apartments in existing Israeli places of abode on the West Bank specifically, Gush Etzion, Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel, and Kiryat Sefer. Although some are against these dwellings, there is a big difference between new location construction of single family dwellings and high density apartment blocks in an existing center of population. The intent is to send a message to the PLA that one can kill Israelis, but they will not go away. It is a political statement of resolve.

And what is your position the Palestinian families being evicted from their houses on thier own land whilst these new Israeli dwellings are being erected. Is that fair?

More illegal Israeli buildings than Palestinian ones were demolished last year, was that fair?

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My understanding is that these "new" homes are actually apartments in existing Israeli places of abode on the West Bank specifically, Gush Etzion, Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel, and Kiryat Sefer. Although some are against these dwellings, there is a big difference between new location construction of single family dwellings and high density apartment blocks in an existing center of population. The intent is to send a message to the PLA that one can kill Israelis, but they will not go away. It is a political statement of resolve.

And what is your position the Palestinian families being evicted from their houses on thier own land whilst these new Israeli dwellings are being erected. Is that fair?

More illegal Israeli buildings than Palestinian ones were demolished last year, was that fair?

I don't know. Israel is running the show. Not Palestine. Take it up with the Israeli government dude.

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Just in case it has skipped anyone's memory here is Hamas's charter. On reading it do you think there is any prospect whatsoever of Israel negotiating with a Palestinian leadership adopting this stance (Hint, even the Arabite liberal lefty nations of Europe consider Hamas a terrorist organization).


The principles of the Hamas are stated in their Covenant or Charter, given in full below. Following are highlights.

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "

"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."

"After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying."

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Just in case it has skipped anyone's memory here is Hamas's charter. On reading it do you think there is any prospect whatsoever of Israel negotiating with a Palestinian leadership adopting this stance (Hint, even the Arabite liberal lefty nations of Europe consider Hamas a terrorist organization).


The principles of the Hamas are stated in their Covenant or Charter, given in full below. Following are highlights.

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "

"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."

"After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying."

The last paragragh is the key. Stop stealing Arab land. Withdraw to the pre 1967 war borders and then we can see from there. If Hamas then continues hostilities then I and I am sure many more will start to agree with Israeli policy. And before you say it. We will never know if we never do just that. There has to be give and take on both sides. The thing is that Israel is the one that stands to have to give/lose the most by this so they want nothing to do with it. And nobody can deny it because they have been the ones gaining the most since the beginning of those hostilities in 1967.

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Just in case it has skipped anyone's memory here is Hamas's charter. On reading it do you think there is any prospect whatsoever of Israel negotiating with a Palestinian leadership adopting this stance (Hint, even the Arabite liberal lefty nations of Europe consider Hamas a terrorist organization).


The principles of the Hamas are stated in their Covenant or Charter, given in full below. Following are highlights.

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "

"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."

"After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying."

Reality is they will have to negotiate with each other as both represent a lot of people. Remember the shock when Hamas easily won what was seen as one of the fairest middle east elections? When groups get responsibility or a stake in power they can change. Look at the early history of Israel itself to see how "terrorists" can become statespeople. It is about accepting realities and dealing with them. There are no military solutions in this day and age and their are absolutely no solutions by finding those to deal with in a country who dont represent its people.

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