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Why do you choose your life partner


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i dont have  any  life  partner yet ..but if i had a  chance...these are my criteria

1 love me  just the  way i am.

2 younger than  my dad

3 smart..should be  smarter than  me.

4 dont care my looked, body or boobs's size ...lol

5 stable  job

6 educated

7 no cheat nor butterfly

8 nice , kind

9 no BDSM

10 love the  beach

11  looked ...emmm .... not too exotic nor too ugly .... just normal looked is ok 4 me

12 no racist nor homophobia

13 open mind

14 widow or not ..who cares ..

15 love my family and  my friends

Bambi  :o

I agree with Bambi, except I need one more

myhubbie makes me laugh...VERY important!!

by the way, what is BDSM??

We had our 2nd anniversary yesterday, he took me to a very romantic restaurant, so nice...he is not usually romantic man!!


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I have had 5 "Life Partners" of course when you marry you expect it to be for life, but as we ALL know this is simply not the case.

Each one has had different qualities to the other so there is absolutley NO CRITERIA.

As already stated if you LOVE somebody enouh and they love you then away you go and see how it goes, if it lasts (My Mum and Dad have been married 55 years) thats great, if not you lick your woulds and move on.



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Well , 5 out of 15 is not bad , really , when you think about it  :D


I agree with Bambi, except I need one more

myhubbie makes me laugh...VERY important!!

by the way, what is BDSM??

We had our 2nd anniversary yesterday, he took me to a very romantic restaurant, so nice...he is not usually romantic man!!


ohh yes.... should add it, he'd make me laugh and smile even i have a bad time..and romantic is nice also

BTW ... congrats for 2nd anniversary ,Siamone .. :D

and BDSM is


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BDSM is a term which describes a number of related patterns of human sexual behaviour. The major subgroupings are described in the abbreviation "BDSM" itself:

Bondage (BD)

Bondage & Discipline (B&D)

Domination & Submission (D&S, DS, D/S)

Sadism & Masochism (or Sadomasochism) (S&M, SM)

From wikipedia


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I'm just powering up the printer mate :o see you in a few weeks.

I recon my wife chose me, once she decided I had little choice :D

Big age difference, not really that compatible, the only things in comman are we are both stubborn and willful......a very turbulent first few years, but we are happy ...... ...funny old world aint it :D

Looks like the beers are on me then :D

.........turn that printer off ! :D

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I'm just powering up the printer mate :o see you in a few weeks.

I recon my wife chose me, once she decided I had little choice :D

Big age difference, not really that compatible, the only things in comman are we are both stubborn and willful......a very turbulent first few years, but we are happy ...... ...funny old world aint it :D

Looks like the beers are on me then :D

.........turn that printer off ! :D

Your allright...looks like a mouse has been at the cables :D .....the beers are still on you though :D Edited by RamdomChances
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Oh! BDSM hasn't anything to do with Buddhism then?

Oh dear, I just ordered some BDSM related materials online for my ma-in-law. :D

Looks like I'll be having to try and explain away the peek-a-boo robes and extra drippy hot wax candles then. :o

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- I missed out on number 10 :o

I disagree with OP's age limit. Most of my recent relationships, with me in my upper forties, were with women in their mid-thirties. I think guys and girls age differently. Now I have finally found the right girl, and she is mid-twenties.

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Didn't really have set criteria to begin with... although I'm glad I ended up with someone with similar personal interests/hobbies (both love to scuba, shoot, and eat), schooling (both inter Thai, one degree here, one abroad each), business interests (both like real estate and finance), with both having fairly cohesive extended families.


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i dont have  any  life  partner yet ..but if i had a  chance...these are my criteria

1 love me  just the  way i am.

2 younger than  my dad

3 smart..should be  smarter than  me.

4 dont care my looked, body or boobs's size ...lol

5 stable  job

6 educated

7 no cheat nor butterfly

8 nice , kind

9 no BDSM

10 love the  beach

11  looked ...emmm .... not too exotic nor too ugly .... just normal looked is ok 4 me

12 no racist nor homophobia

13 open mind

14 widow or not ..who cares ..

15 love my family and  my friends

Bambi  :o

Sounds like me. :D Unfortunatley your are too late. :D

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I always wondered, why do peoiple choose their "life" partner , what criteria does aply?

To start it of, heres mine....

1. The potential partner should have the look of a atleast a 7 on a scale of 10...

Why..well if not, its to tempting to go "butterfly"

2. The age difference should be no more than 5 years...

Why...To have a fairly simular basis of expirience and matureness...

3. The potential partner should be able to match your wits and intellectuality...

Why...Othervise it would be very boring.....

4. Simular life goals...

Why...to be able to work toward futrure goals as a team, as opposed to trying to cahnge eachothers goals and views....

5. If you have to choose between a night out with friends or with your partner..youir partner wins.....

Why..It should be evident....

As an alternative ..to be able to go out with friends and bring your partner..without it having to dampen the mood....

So come on....whats your criteria?????????

Most of the time, what I can see is that farang do not choose their thai partner.... but the thai partner choose him, and then stupid farang falls in love...

Some guys coming here seems so desperated that they marry the first whore who give them some attention...

Sometimes I wonder if they could also fall in love with a goat...

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I always wondered, why do peoiple choose their "life" partner , what criteria does aply?

To start it of, heres mine....

1. The potential partner should have the look of a atleast a 7 on a scale of 10...

Why..well if not, its to tempting to go "butterfly"

2. The age difference should be no more than 5 years...

Why...To have a fairly simular basis of expirience and matureness...

3. The potential partner should be able to match your wits and intellectuality...

Why...Othervise it would be very boring.....

4. Simular life goals...

Why...to be able to work toward futrure goals as a team, as opposed to trying to cahnge eachothers goals and views....

5. If you have to choose between a night out with friends or with your partner..youir partner wins.....

Why..It should be evident....

As an alternative ..to be able to go out with friends and bring your partner..without it having to dampen the mood....

So come on....whats your criteria?????????

Most of the time, what I can see is that farang do not choose their thai partner.... but the thai partner choose him, and then stupid farang falls in love...

Some guys coming here seems so desperated that they marry the first whore who give them some attention...

Sometimes I wonder if they could also fall in love with a goat...

what an uplifting post :o

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i dont have  any  life  partner yet ..but if i had a  chance...these are my criteria

1 love me  just the  way i am.

2 younger than  my dad

3 smart..should be  smarter than  me.

4 dont care my looked, body or boobs's size ...lol

5 stable  job

6 educated

7 no cheat nor butterfly

8 nice , kind

9 no BDSM

10 love the  beach

11  looked ...emmm .... not too exotic nor too ugly .... just normal looked is ok 4 me

12 no racist nor homophobia

13 open mind

14 widow or not ..who cares ..

15 love my family and  my friends

Bambi  :o

How old's your dad? :D

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