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19 Palestinians wounded in Israeli air strikes on Gaza


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Off topic. The topic is "19 Palestinians wounded...". :offtopic:

This is not the place to discuss your usual conspiracy theories. Why don't you try one of the loony websites that you are always posting links to.:wacko:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Is not a case that the good Zionists would never do something similar :whistling:

Palestinians arrest al-Qaeda 'poseurs'

Palestinian security forces have arrested a group of Palestinians for collaborating with Israel and posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network, a senior official said yesterday.

The arrests come two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged al-Qaeda militants were operating in Gaza and in Lebanon.

"The Palestinian Authority arrested a group of collaborators who confessed they were working for Israel, posing as al-Qaeda operatives in the Palestinian territories," said the official, on condition of anonymity.

He said the alleged collaborators sought to "discredit the Palestinian people, justify every Israeli crime and provide reasons to carry out a new (military) aggression in the Gaza Strip."



In case of evidence, substantiated allegation vs. blood libel type innuendo and hate speech. the threads here are filled with the latter and i never saw you to say something against. And a lot of this stuff must be for sure against the Thai law.

The date on the report is 8-December-2002. In the 8 1/2 years since then, what became of that report? It is a hefty allegation. In the 8 1/2 years, what evidence is there to support the allegation made by some arabs? All that you have done is illustrate an Arab attempt at deception. The fact remains that the false allegations and claims are not substantiated. I strongly suggest you and your cohorts cease and desist.

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Off topic. The topic is "19 Palestinians wounded...". :offtopic:

This is not the place to discuss your usual conspiracy theories. Why don't you try one of the loony websites that you are always posting links to.:wacko:

These threads would be of little interest if we all read the same version of the news.

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The date on the report is 8-December-2002. In the 8 1/2 years since then, what became of that report? It is a hefty allegation. In the 8 1/2 years, what evidence is there to support the allegation made by some arabs? All that you have done is illustrate an Arab attempt at deception. The fact remains that the false allegations and claims are not substantiated. I strongly suggest you and your cohorts cease and desist.

Okay, false flag operation don't exist or are evil Arabs attempt at deception. I am convinced now.

Psalm 116:6

Yahweh preserves the simple. I was brought low, and he saved me.

Allahu Akbar

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At least 19 Palestinians, including children, were injured Tuesday after Israeli military aircrafts struck different areas of the Gaza Strip

Yes and too bad that they were goaded into attacks by Hamas.:(

However, and this is a big however, it seems to me that generally speaking, Israel's offensive actions as of late have been in direct retaliation for attacks against Jewish Israeli families. Killing Jewish families has no place in trying to formulate peace. And dancing in the streets in celebration of such murders is really beyond the pale.

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Who killed Jewish families? Where and when? evidence? or just blood libel type innuendo and hate speech as geriatrickid (god bless him) said it?

Do you mean in the past or just recently?

If you referring to the recent killings, it was the ASIAN, did not you read it?

He killed the family, then fled into the Westbank and simply vanished. One of the Fatah-El brigades claimed the responsibility, but apparently it was just fog and it was the ASIAN.

HOWEVER, if you referring to all the past killings, here is some evidence for you, let me know if you need more.

Israel's history of bomb blastsThere have been more than 70 Palestinian bomb attacks aimed at Israelis since the current conflict erupted in September 2000. Below are some of the most deadly.

http://news.bbc.co.u...ast/1197051.stm do not forget to CLICK HERE

Suicide bombers have struck in west Jerusalem and outside Tel Aviv, leaving at least 14 victims dead and scores injured.

Hamas claim

A Hamas statement has welcomed both attacks, saying it was "payback time" after Israel narrowly missed killing its founder and spiritual leader, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin at the weekend. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3095304.stm

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Fatah killed the Jewish family.

Evidence or allegations and blood libel type innuendo and hate speech?

In the words of geriatrickid (god bless him): I strongly suggest you and your cohorts cease and desist.

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I just provided evidence - a volutary confession by the perpetrators. What you are doing is purposely ignoring it .

'This heroic operation is part of the natural response to the massacres of the fascist occupation against our people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,'

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I just provided evidence - a volutary confession by the perpetrators. What you are doing is purposely ignoring it .

'This heroic operation is part of the natural response to the massacres of the fascist occupation against our people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,'

The family moved to Itamar after Jewish communities were forcibly evicted from the Gaza Strip in 2007 as part of the Sharon government’s disengagement plan.

The terrorists had broken through the fence guarding the sleeping settlement and entered the Vogel home through an open window without raising an alarm.

Military and police units fanned out to hunt the perpetrators and set up checkpoints.

Hamas websites hailed the murder as a “heroic operation,”

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I just provided evidence - a volutary confession by the perpetrators. What you are doing is purposely ignoring it .

'This heroic operation is part of the natural response to the massacres of the fascist occupation against our people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,'

ALLEGATION that someone claimed something are NOT EVIDENCE.

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I just provided evidence - a volutary confession by the perpetrators. What you are doing is purposely ignoring it .

'This heroic operation is part of the natural response to the massacres of the fascist occupation against our people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,'

ALLEGATION that someone claimed something are NOT EVIDENCE.

If confession is not evidence, then what is evidence!!!!

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Not sure why the credibility of one case is really that important as long as you have the Hamas Gaza government on public record to destroy Jewish Israel.

There is plenty evidence of war crimes. On public record, yes. Read some UN documents like the ones from the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict.

This news here could be just another example:

"Israeli tanks fired artillery at dawn at eastern areas of the Gaza Strip, injuring 19 Palestinians including 7 children and 2 women. According to eyewitnesses, Israeli military F16 aircrafts also raided Al-Tawam neighborhood in northwest Gaza and targeted Palestinian businesses in neighborhoods east of Gaza.

The air strikes caused extensive damage to property and homes."

Or just count the dead, the killed children and killed woman, that could give you an impression who is destroying who.

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Or just count the dead, the killed children and killed woman, that could give you an impression who is destroying who.

That has already been established:

A member of the al-Aqsa Brigades attacked a house in the Itamar settlement, south of Nablus, the group claimed in a statement sent to reporters.

'The mujahid killed all who were in the house at around 1:15 am local time (2315 GMT) at predawn on Saturday', the leaflet said adding that the attack was carried out successfully thanks to Allah.

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Or just count the dead, the killed children and killed woman, that could give you an impression who is destroying who.

That has already been established:

A member of the al-Aqsa Brigades attacked a house in the Itamar settlement, south of Nablus, the group claimed in a statement sent to reporters.

'The mujahid killed all who were in the house at around 1:15 am local time (2315 GMT) at predawn on Saturday', the leaflet said adding that the attack was carried out successfully thanks to Allah.

That is some claim, made by whoever. an allegation, NOT evidence.

If you still dont understand ask geriatrickid (god bless him), he knows that and has maybe some time to explain it to you.

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Or just count the dead, the killed children and killed woman, that could give you an impression who is destroying who.

That has already been established:

A member of the al-Aqsa Brigades attacked a house in the Itamar settlement, south of Nablus, the group claimed in a statement sent to reporters.

'The mujahid killed all who were in the house at around 1:15 am local time (2315 GMT) at predawn on Saturday', the leaflet said adding that the attack was carried out successfully thanks to Allah.

How sad that you try to weigh 1 Arab child's life against another Arab child's life .Have you ever lost a child ? dear me

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The date on the report is 8-December-2002. In the 8 1/2 years since then, what became of that report? It is a hefty allegation. In the 8 1/2 years, what evidence is there to support the allegation made by some arabs? All that you have done is illustrate an Arab attempt at deception. The fact remains that the false allegations and claims are not substantiated. I strongly suggest you and your cohorts cease and desist.

Okay, false flag operation don't exist or are evil Arabs attempt at deception. I am convinced now.

Psalm 116:6

Yahweh preserves the simple. I was brought low, and he saved me.

Allahu Akbar

What is you point? You have been caught making a false allegation. Instead of being smug, why don't you try and act in a mature and responsible manner. If you have issues of concern against the state of Israel make your point, but do it without the misrepresentations and unsubstantiated blood libel.

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These Israel/Palestine threads are always the same. Both sides of the argument trying to justify the deaths of innocent men, women and children. If the Palestian side attacks Israelis and commits murder of defenseless people it doesn't justify an Israeli response with the same result. Almost reeks of what we used to call "tit for tat killings" in my home country.

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What is you point? You have been caught making a false allegation. Instead of being smug, why don't you try and act in a mature and responsible manner. If you have issues of concern against the state of Israel make your point, but do it without the misrepresentations and unsubstantiated blood libel.

Yes. you are right. Did i say something else?

But i haven't been caught making a false allegation. I just posted some older news from the Sydney Morning Herald.

And you started a rant about Arabs, added some hate speech. Please stop making false allegation.

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These Israel/Palestine threads are always the same. Both sides of the argument trying to justify the deaths of innocent men, women and children. If the Palestian side attacks Israelis and commits murder of defenseless people it doesn't justify an Israeli response with the same result. Almost reeks of what we used to call "tit for tat killings" in my home country.

You are correct, the only difference is Israel does not target the civilians and does everything possible by avoiding civilian casualties, things such as leaflets, phone calls and tv broadcasts.

While the other side TARGETS ONLY civilians and uses its own civilians for human shields.

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Considering the chaos that reigns throughout North Africa right now, I am convinced

Israel actually wants to start WW3 :bah:

After barrage of rocket and mortar fire, Vice Premier Shalom says Israel may have to consider a wider operation in Gaza; Minister Limor Livnat: Operation Cast Lead 2 may be in order.

" "We may have to consider a return to that operation," Shalom told Israel Radio. "I say this despite the fact that I know such a thing would, of course, bring the region to a far more combustible situation."

He is not wrong about that :rolleyes:

And there's another 15 boat "activist" flotilla on it's way from Turkey to Gaza right now. :ph34r:


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These Israel/Palestine threads are always the same. Both sides of the argument trying to justify the deaths of innocent men, women and children. If the Palestian side attacks Israelis and commits murder of defenseless people it doesn't justify an Israeli response with the same result. Almost reeks of what we used to call "tit for tat killings" in my home country.

You are correct, the only difference is Israel does not target the civilians and does everything possible by avoiding civilian casualties, things such as leaflets, phone calls and tv broadcasts.

While the other side TARGETS ONLY civilians and uses its own civilians for human shields.

I would generally agree with you kuffki. Perhaps my expectations of the ability of the Israeli army need to be downgraded somewhat. I have no figures to hand but I would expect less "collateral damage" ( such an inhumane term )from a highly trained and equipped military. We, who have our national armies fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan expect and demand the highest levels of control in targeting insurgents and can be quite vocal in our criticism when things go wrong. That criticism seems to be missing when the Israeli military accidentally kills civilians, at least on this forum. As you said, the Palestinian factions quite often deliberately target civilians which of course is despicable in the eyes of the vast majority of us.

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Considering the chaos that reigns throughout North Africa right now, I am convinced

Israel actually wants to start WW3 :bah:

Yes a Country with a land mass 1/700th of the entire middle east de-stabilized the whole region, how convenient. :rolleyes:

Tell me was it the Mossad shark or spy vulture which finally did the trick?

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These Israel/Palestine threads are always the same. Both sides of the argument trying to justify the deaths of innocent men, women and children. If the Palestian side attacks Israelis and commits murder of defenseless people it doesn't justify an Israeli response with the same result. Almost reeks of what we used to call "tit for tat killings" in my home country.

You are correct, the only difference is Israel does not target the civilians and does everything possible by avoiding civilian casualties, things such as leaflets, phone calls and tv broadcasts.

While the other side TARGETS ONLY civilians and uses its own civilians for human shields.

I would generally agree with you kuffki. Perhaps my expectations of the ability of the Israeli army need to be downgraded somewhat. I have no figures to hand but I would expect less "collateral damage" ( such an inhumane term )from a highly trained and equipped military. We, who have our national armies fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan expect and demand the highest levels of control in targeting insurgents and can be quite vocal in our criticism when things go wrong. That criticism seems to be missing when the Israeli military accidentally kills civilians, at least on this forum. As you said, the Palestinian factions quite often deliberately target civilians which of course is despicable in the eyes of the vast majority of us.

Agree with you, but army is just people using machines not that its an acceptable excuse.

You find the that most if not all pro-Israel posters do express their concerns, but lately the anti-israel posters have been too busy denying any fault or responsibility and blaming ONLY israel and sadly enough despite all the links and evidence provided continue to do so, justifying rocket attacks targeting ONLY civilians, cold blooded murders, bomb planning etc.

Even more sad is that they defend it, because apparently those rockets fired into israeli civilans did not do much damage.

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