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Moral Dilema

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A bit of background first.

When I first moved into the new house about 18 months ago there were around 7 soi dogs left over from the builders I presume. Mainly mangy and flea bitten but I fed them non the less and treated them as best I could. I contacted the dog rescue about removing them but was told they would only come and take them for treatment and sterilisation and then return them. They didn't ever come to do this part.

Nature and the Thais down the bottom of the mountain reduced this to 3 and then 2. Both bitches. One of them seems to be the most prolific breeder I have come across. Any time she can get pregnant she does. The last time she had 8 puppies and I managed to find homes for 6 and decided to keep 2 dogs this time after one of the Bitches died.

That was about 3 months ago. The 2 dogs have proved to be devil dogs which I cannot control. They eat and chew everything and I mean everything they can physically reach. They get well fed and I have even bought the big chews for them to gnaw on and left the shoes they have destroyed as well. They have eaten the mud guards on my motorbike and all the exposed wiring and chewed the wife's Yamaha seat. They have also again for the third time eaten the wiring under the car which costs me 3000 baht a time to repair.

To add to all this the bitch has just had another 8 puppies of which 6 are left. The dogs need to go. I have tried everything I can think of to get them to stop but to no avail. I have now stopped feeding them in the hope they will wander off down the mountain but they don't. I chase them every time I go out but every time I return they are back.

I am soon going to be left with no other options but to do things the " Thai way " which I would like to avoid if at all possible but my patience is getting stretched and this cannot continue.

Any ideas people ?


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If I was in your position I would take them to the Dog Rescue (if you can catch them) and have them sterilised. They do not charge but it's nice to leave a donation. We were in a similar situation

and the DR were very good.

Alternatively a Vet charges around 2500 Baht to carry out the Op and even at that price from the havoc your mutts are causing it would seem pretty cost effective.

I have a large cage you can borrow if you wish.

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Only solution is to get them sterilized which you should have done before

Really helpful reply but if you had actually read the post you would see that the dogs in question are about 3 months old which I think is a little young to have their b@lls chopped off.

If I could catch them they would already be at the dog rescue centre. The fact they are not may be a clue as to why I am posting here ? :huh:

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Only solution is to get them sterilized which you should have done before

Really helpful reply but if you had actually read the post you would see that the dogs in question are about 3 months old which I think is a little young to have their b@lls chopped off.

If I could catch them they would already be at the dog rescue centre. The fact they are not may be a clue as to why I am posting here ? :huh:

Actually Dunc I misread your post as well.It didn't come across that they are still puppies.

It's nice to know that you are trying to do the right thing.

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This obviously not solve H2o's long term problems, but with regard to solving puppy chewing of specific items you wish to protect, try rubbing a sliced chili (assuming the item in question is not the type of thing that would be damaged by this!)on the item every couple of days for a short while. We found this educated our puppy to leave it alone.

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i had the same type of problem a good few years back and ended up taking the dog along to a temple on the main ring road in Chaweng where they take care of stray and abandoned dogs. It was either the one at the end of the lake road where it joins the main ring road, or the one opposite the police station a bit farther up the road. Sorry its a bit vague, but it was maybe 7 or 8 years ago.

May be worth getting your wife to nip in and ask??

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As said before if I could catch the little B@#tards I wouldn't have a problem. I did try spraying everything with the stuff that kills termites etc but they just don't seem to care. It is looking more like the only option I have left is the option I was trying to avoid. :(

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Spray chili oil on everything, get a huge bundle of those little prik kii noo blend them up with some water and oil and then spray spray spray (do not touch yourself anywhere or wear gloves when doing it).

and get the female spayed NOW before she goes into heat again. Get them sterilized before 9 months.

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its a teething problem that pups do have, not much will stop them, maybe buy the pork soup bones from makro, boil them up they should prefer to chew on these than other things. dog chews dont seem to work. the dog rescue usually send out a guy on a motor bike and side car to collect them. darting with a sedative is another option.

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And yet only recently i have seen 2 separate posts where you have offered to rehome dogs from other people...from one extreme to the other eh?:angry: Don't worry though, the termite spray will kill them soon enough!

Another great utterly useless reply. :angry:

Pray tell just what would you do ? Just let them eat the whole car ? The whole house ?

The termite spray hasn't effected them in the least but maybe the rat poisin will do the trick :o

If you actually read the post you would realise I am trying to sort this out in a way that will be kind to the dogs. Maybe reading isn't your strong point ?

If I could Catch them as said already they would be at the dog rescue centre.

I have been feeding the dogs which were not mine in the first place and their puppies for over 18 months. Would you ?

maybe you can come and take them as you don't seem to mind them eating my things so no doubt you will not mind them destroying your place ?

I was hoping for some constructive replies but it seems to have just attracted the holier than thou posters who criticise but offer no solution.

Roo you might as well close the post. Cheers Dunc

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Shoot bottle rockets at them. It takes some practice but you can get pretty accurate in no time. It's certainly wet enough that you don't need to worry about starting fires. It may not chase them away for good but it is great fun.

If you manage to catch them you could do what that guy from KPG who tried in vain to abandon his dogs on the other side of the island but instead put them on the ferry and now they are someone elses problem on Samui. He came out like a hero to (almost) everyone.

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