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Local Anchovies In Vegetable Oil

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I was wondering if anyone knows where to buy the fairly large plastic jars of local anchovies in vegetable oil. The label on the jar I bought in Pattaya at the Friendship Supermarket a few months ago said "Siam Fisheries" on the label.

Despite the enjoyment of a trip to Patters, I would prefer buying the anchovies here in Bangkok. Does anyone know where? I tried Foodland, Tesco, Carrefour, Villa, Tops. Pretty much every place I could think of. Naturally, the price is cheaper for local anchovies.

I really like anchovies. With pasta, smashed on bread with butter and garlic, salads, it seems odd but there must be an anchovy fan out there who knows.

Thank You. I would very much appreciate your assistance.


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290 Baht for a mayonaise size jar. Keep your eyes peeled for the Siam Fishery Brand.

When the anchovy mood is upon me, these are my favorites...

  • Right out of the jar onto wheat crackers
  • When making Aoili (heads and heads of garlic fried until golden in olive oil, add a giant fistful of anchovies) serve over good pasta, mop up with chewy bread bought at half price at Merriots on Sukhumvit.
  • Antipasta - with the usual greens, cheeses, pickled peppers, olives, salamis, a whole side platter of anchovies to eat plain with good bread. Lots of good olive oil.

My wife calls anchovies "Falang Pra Ra." I have tried eating the Esarn anchovy equivalent and it is not the same as the anchovies in oil. I'm down to the last bit in the jar. Writing about anchovies might make me break down and buy the imported.

Darrel, let me know how the search goes. I'll keep my end up as well.


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  • 1 month later...

I went to Pattaya this weekend. Friendship Market has Siam Fisheries Brand Anchovies in vegetable oil. 290 Baht for a 500 gram jar. There was a smaller jar available.

I was contemplating the savings - Usual 550B VS. 290B = Savings of 260B (compared to 110 Baht per 100 grams from the tray at the supermarket in the Emporium). However, the bus trip, the hotel, the "entertainment," not much savings but what a great excuse to get out of town.


Fried boneless chicken breasts, a long baguette loaf of chewy fresh bread.

For the dip. A variation on the Bagna Caude recipe - Butter + Garlic + LOTS of Anchovies fried until the anchovies melt and the garlic is very slightly browned. A loaf of chewy fresh bread. Dip the chicken breast in the garlicky anchovy sauce, dip the bread in the garlicky anchovy sauce. MMMmmmmmmm.


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